Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 299 His relationship with her

Shen Yanchuan wanted to agree to the first half of the sentence, but the second half was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say "yes" no matter what.

Well, not only did he not send him any wine, he was not even notified in advance of the opening of the wine shop.

Chen Songshi couldn't help but be stunned when he saw that he didn't speak.

"...Not sent?"

Although it is only two words, the tone that is unbelievable and a little bit incredible is enough to express a lot.

Chen Songshi hesitated and lowered his request.

"If you don't have a drink in the snow, then... there's always peach blossom brew, right? This one's not bad either!"

Shen Yanchuan still didn't speak.

Chen Songshi was a little anxious.

"Well, if that doesn't work, just drink from chrysanthemums!"

Shen Yanchuan was silent and said quietly: "It seems that this Yunlai Winery has quite a wide variety of wines."

Chen Songshi also fell silent.

He looked at Shen Yanchuan with difficulty and was very disappointed: "Fortunately, you came to invite me specially before, but you didn't go yourself?"

Without waiting for Shen Yanchuan to reply, he waved his hand: "Forget it, it's a good idea if you don't go. There are too many people going now, and we can't even make a reservation. One less person will be better!"

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

Chen Songshi smoothed his beard, glanced at him, and quietly pulled the painting toward him.

Shen Yanchuan asked coolly: "Aren't you going to give this painting to me?"

"Oh! Actually, if I take a closer look, the one you are hanging now is quite good! No need to change it!" Chen Songshi secretly regretted it, he should have asked clearly first!

Now isn't this a waste of time?

It's also Yanchuan's fault, who would have thought that after all this coming and going, he actually didn't show off at all in front of Miss Ye Er!
How could he not even give him a jug of good wine when he was being offered some snacks?
Chen Songshi was collecting the paintings and planning to leave.

If he had known this, he should have been sent directly to Ye Mansion!
It was rare for Shen Yanchuan to be so disliked, and he was speechless for a moment and even laughed.

Seeing that Chen Songshi was about to roll up the painting and leave, he said: "You go now, I'm afraid it's too late."

Only then did Chen Songshi stop and look back: "What should I say?"

Shen Yanchuan said: "Tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival."


In the dead of night, a crescent moon hangs over the night sky, and a few stars twinkle.

Tomorrow should be cloudy.

Ye Chutang finished copying the last volume of Buddhist scriptures, put everything away, and took Xiao Wu to sleep early together.

At dawn the next day, Ye Chutang took Xiaowu to Jiuhua Mountain.

Also going together were Master Shi Yuan and nine monks.

When they arrived at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain, Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng had already arrived.

Behind them were the servants and maids of Ye Mansion.


Ye Jingyan took a step forward, saw the familiar face next to her, and nodded in salute.

"Master Shi Yuan."

There was no surprise on his face. He had obviously guessed that Ye Chutang went to Feiyun Temple just to invite them.

Xiao Wu ran a few steps and was picked up by Ye Yunfeng.

"We haven't seen each other for so long. Do you miss Fourth Brother?"

Xiao Wu nodded vigorously.

Ye Yunfeng blew her nose.

The weather is suitable today, and the forest is quiet and peaceful.

The group of people went up the mountain road and finally reached the middle of the mountain. Seeing the tombs next to each other, Ye Jingyan fell silent. Ye Yunfeng also put Xiao Wu down and pursed his thin lips.

Between the young man's youthful brows and eyes, there was hopeless longing that finally could not be concealed.

This is also the first time for both of them.

Ye Chutang ordered his men to set up the incense table, took three more incense sticks, and held them in front of his chest with both hands.

Ye Jingyan, Ye Yunfeng and Xiao Wu stood behind her.

The mountain wind passes through the forest, and the branches and leaves sway gently.

"Dad, mother, brother."

Ye Chutang's voice was soft and gentle, and his dark and warm eyes looked forward quietly.

"On the Double Ninth Festival, I will bring Ayan Afeng and Lingzhi to help you go home."

Kowtow three times and worship devoutly.

A Yan and others followed closely behind, and the servants and maids were all silent. They only occasionally glanced at Master Shi Yuan and others secretly, still hiding a bit of shock.

——The second young lady actually invited Master Shi Yuan to perform rituals!
You must know that it is extremely difficult to find the abbot of Feiyun Temple. Only the top aristocratic families in Beijing have such a reputation.

Unexpectedly, the second lady actually invited people from Feiyun Temple without saying a word!
Smoke curled up, seeming to obscure his vision.

Master Shiyuan put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

The sound of chanting is circling, and the golden sound is jade-like, which seems to make people's hearts calm down.

Ye Chutang took one last look at the tombstone and said:
"Let's raise the grave."


During the Double Ninth Festival, Beijing is very lively.

The servants of the Princess Royal Palace started working early in the morning.

"The prince and the princess are coming over today, so work carefully!"

Needless to say, Shen Yanchuan, Princess Qinyang wished she could come three times a day. Compared to her princess's mansion, the eldest princess's mansion was more like her home.

The eldest princess smiled and said: "The two of them coming today are no different from any other day. They just have to prepare more cakes and tea."

Although she said so, it was obvious that the eldest princess was also looking forward to them coming.

Zhu Xin covered her lips and smiled: "Don't worry, the food is all ready."

Princess Qinyang, who had just arrived outside the door, heard the sound and immediately quickened her pace and rushed in.

"I knew you loved me the most!"

The eldest princess looked at her with a smile and scolded: "I didn't prepare it for you. It's just that Xiao Wu didn't come today, which gave you an advantage."

Hearing this, Princess Qinyang also felt very sorry.

"By the way, they are in Jiuhua Mountain today..."

Ye Chutang kept a low profile and only asked Ye Jingyan and his two brothers to take leave and bring the servants from the mansion.

The eldest princess also sighed softly.

"It's also difficult for her..."

At this age, there are so many things to worry about.

Princess Qinyang ate a piece of red date cloud cake, smiled with satisfaction, and coaxed:

"It's okay, I'll give it to them later!"

Seeing this, Zhu Xin hurriedly said: "Princess, please eat slowly. There is also chrysanthemum drink specially sent by Yunlai Winery, which is also reserved for you."

Princess Qinyang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really? I thought they were only given to me! Also, our relationship with Chutang is unusual! If there are good things, she will naturally keep them for us!"

Shen Yanchuan, who had just arrived outside the door and seemed to have nothing to do with Miss Ye Er, said: "..." (End of Chapter)

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