Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 300 She doesn’t need anyone else to worry about

"Your Majesty, are you here?"

Lan Yi's sharp eyes saw the snow-colored brocade clothes outside the moon gate, and she immediately cried out with joy.

The eldest princess raised her eyes and smiled too

"It's okay that Yanchuan came late, why haven't you come in yet?"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows, raised his legs and walked in, his eyes lingering on the pot of wine next to Princess Qinyang for a moment.

Princess Qinyang looked at him and asked strangely: "Brother, why don't you seem unhappy? Who messed with you?"

Lian Zhou, who was following behind, glanced at her and lowered his eyes silently.

It has to be this one. His eyesight is better than hers and he is not from a higher family background than she is. He who is from a higher family background is not as courageous as her. When it comes to offending people, after all, it is the princess who is the best in the capital.

Shen Yanchuan said lightly: "No, it's just that I've been busy with everything lately. Seeing you eating and drinking leisurely here, so carefree, I feel a little envious."

Princess Qinyang laughed loudly: "Brother, are you kidding me! If you are busy, you are not busy for a day or two. Besides, if you don't want to, just refuse and let others do it! As for eating and drinking, , let alone, I just secretly tasted a cup of chrysanthemum drink, how can I be worthy of your envy?"

she said, leaning forward, her eyes shining.

"The wine sent to you must be good wine. Do you still have the wine in the snow? Can you give me a bottle of it?"

Shen Yanchuan looked at her with a very pale look.

Princess Qinyang didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a little cold in the yard.

She crossed her arms, thinking that Shen Yanchuan was reluctant, and tried her best to persuade: "Oh, how about half a pot? The eldest princess can't drink, so we can always have a drink, right?"

Lian Zhou took a deep breath and closed his eyes in despair.

The master is already in a bad mood today, and Princess Qinyang is adding fuel to the fire. Is this because she is afraid that she will not die quickly enough?
Shen Yanchuan sat down aside, raised his chin slightly, and said calmly: "I won't drink alcohol today."

Princess Qinyang was stunned.

Don’t drink on Double Ninth Festival? What's the point?
The eldest princess glanced at him.

She knew her grandson's temper best, and looking at him like this, he was clearly angry.

But in this capital, who else has such ability to allow him to endure it all his life?

The answer is ready to come out, but...that person has been outside the city recently, right? The two of them probably haven't even met each other, so what kind of anger is this?

The eldest princess felt as if a cat was scratching her head and coughed lightly.

"But what else happens next?"

Shen Yanchuan lowered his jaw gently.

"I'm going to Changzhou early tomorrow morning."

"Changzhou? Where are you going and what are you doing?" Princess Qinyang asked curiously.

The eldest princess didn't know what she thought of, and frowned slightly.

"Changzhou... isn't that Huo Yucheng's hometown?"

Upon hearing this name, Princess Qinyang took a moment to react and quickly understood.

"Brother, are you going there to investigate General Huo's case?"

Some time ago, Han Tong's death involved Huo Yucheng's old case. His Majesty suspected that there was something hidden about what happened back then, and ordered a re-investigation.

For this reason, he also became very angry with the second prince Xiao Chengxuan who was in charge of the case.

Now that Shen Yanchuan is suddenly going to Changzhou, people have to think about it.

Sure enough, Shen Yanchuan nodded.

The eldest princess frowned even more tightly.

"But... three years ago, the entire Huo family was executed. If we go to Changzhou again, what can we find out?"

There is probably nothing else there except the ancestral graves of the Huo family.

Shen Yanchuan reminded: "You have forgotten that Xu Jie and General Huo are from the same hometown."

It was Xu Jie who reported Huo Yucheng for embezzling military pay, which led to a series of subsequent events. Because the two were from the same hometown, they had a little more friendship than others, but no one could have imagined that so many things would happen later.

Shortly after Huo Yucheng's death, Xu Jie was transferred from the capital and posted as governor of Suinan.

When I go to Changzhou this time, what I really want to investigate is Xu Jie.

The eldest princess suddenly realized: "I see. No wonder you have been busy during this period. Cheng Qi returned to the capital and was unable to meet you."

The third prince, Xiao Chengqi, was titled Lie Wang and had just returned to Beijing a few days ago.

Shen Yanchuan smiled: "Prince Lie has not returned for a long time, and Concubine Rong is missing her so much that it is appropriate for him to come to the palace to accompany her more often."

Princess Qinyang also nodded: "Isn't it true? I heard that His Highness the Third Highness made a triumphant return. Concubine Rong was very happy and her spirits were much better than before."

Thinking of Concubine Rong's body getting worse day by day, the eldest princess let out a long sigh.

"Cheng Qi has been sensible and obedient since he was a child. When he got a little older, he took the initiative to join the army and made many military exploits. He is very proud of himself."

It is indeed a blessing to have such a son.

But in this way, she will inevitably become a thorn in the flesh of the imperial concubine and the second prince.

Princess Qinyang suddenly smiled.

"His Third Highness should already know the news about his return, right? I guess he would like to meet this extremely outstanding younger brother, but it's a pity that he can't leave the house yet."

Since Xiao Chengxuan was reprimanded by His Majesty that day, he has closed his door in his mansion to think about his mistakes and never came out again.

King Lie returned with great honors and received many rewards. I don't know how angry he was in the palace at this moment.

However, Shen Yanchuan actually didn't care about this matter.

The two princes have been fighting for a long time, but in fact, the second prince has always had the upper hand.

After all, when two people are equally capable, the one with a stronger family background has a better chance of winning.

However, it seemed that His Majesty was tired of this situation. He took this opportunity to give the Second Prince a head-on blow and promoted the Third Prince to compete with them.

The art of an emperor lies in checks and balances. Although Your Majesty has passed your destiny, you are not confused.

He was too lazy to get involved, so he simply asked for permission to leave Beijing and stay away from these disputes for the time being.

Seeing his lazy and careless look, the eldest princess knew that he was not interested in any of this, so she stopped talking and changed the topic.

"Changzhou and Qingzhou are one in the west and one in the south. It's a pity. If they were close, you could still take care of Chu Tang."

Their journey back to Qingzhou was not a long one, but it was not easy either.

Whenever something happens on the way, I'm afraid it will be delayed.

Shen Yanchuan's eyelids drooped slightly, and for a moment, his thin lips slightly lifted.

"She has always been capable and can do anything well."


After accompanying the eldest princess to finish the meal, Shen Yanchuan stood up and left without staying too long.

After leaving the eldest princess's mansion, the carriage drove slowly towards Dingbeihou's mansion.

Shen Yanchuan raised his hand to lift the curtain and glanced outside.

Lian Zhou immediately stepped forward: "Master?"

Shen Yanchuan asked: "What time is it?"

Needless to say, Lian Zhou understood what his master was asking, and said quickly: "Back to master, it's a quarter of an hour. Miss Ye Er and others should be ready to set off by now."

Shen Yanchuan pondered for a moment and said, "Send another team to follow."

Lian Zhou choked and his expression almost collapsed.

Earlier in the eldest princess's residence, who said that Miss Ye Er was so capable that she didn't need anyone else to worry about her? (End of chapter)

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