But he didn't have the guts to ask, so he had to obey his master's orders.


Although Miss Ye Er's actions were very low-key, she couldn't bear the fact that there were too many people in Beijing who liked to join in the fun.

With so many things happening one after another, I'm afraid there are still many eyes watching her secretly.

It is also necessary to take more protection.

Lian Zhou raised his eyes to look at his master again. Seeing his pale face, he couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Master, do you want to go to Yunlai Winery to have a look?"

Shen Yanchuan didn't say anything, but glanced at him very lightly.

"No need."

A sudden chill ran down Lian Zhou's spine. He secretly thought that he had made a mistake and retracted his neck in despair.

He regretfully gave himself a small mouth - this mouth! It’s really hard to pick up any pot!
Previously, I had only thought about my master for so long, not to mention drinking in the snow, even the cheapest chrysanthemum drink, I didn’t know what it tasted like, but I forgot that Miss Ye Er is no longer in Beijing, even if the master went to Yunlai in person What’s the point of drinking the best wine in a wine shop?
——After all, he asked for it himself, not someone else gave it to him!

Shen Yanchuan sat in the carriage with his eyes closed and calmly thinking -

That's it.

A few bottles of wine are nothing, he also drank the medicine she brewed herself.

Well, these people are far behind compared to him.


Leaving Jiuhua Mountain, the group continued to move forward along the official road.

The carriage drove leisurely, and Xiao Wu fell asleep in Ye Yunfeng's arms.

She got up early today and went up and down the mountain. Her small body was really exhausted.

But she slept well.

Ye Chutang held a black sandalwood box, which contained a handful of blood and soil taken from the tombs of his father and mother.

It was getting dark outside.

Ye Jingyan glanced outside.

"At this rate, we can arrive in Qingzhou in seven or eight days."

The weather is clear and crisp in September, the road is easy to travel, and it will indeed be a lot faster.

Ye Chutang nodded and said:
"I've been waiting for three years, don't rush for this moment, just take your time."

Xiao Wu seemed to have a nightmare and moved uneasily in Ye Yunfeng's arms.

Ye Yunfeng patted her gently and hugged her tighter.

Xiao Wu gradually calmed down and buried her fleshy little face in his arms.

After she fell asleep peacefully again, Ye Yunfeng raised his head and asked, "Sister, when we go back this time, are we going to stay there for a while longer?"

Ye Chutang specifically asked them to take a month's leave.

At normal speed, it wouldn't take them that long to travel to and from Qingzhou.

After thinking about it, he guessed that Sister A had not been back to Qingzhou for a long time and planned to take this opportunity to stay a few more days.

He said with some nostalgia: "We haven't been back for several years, and I don't know if anything has changed at home."

Ye Chutang looked at his expression and was distracted for a moment.

When she was reborn in this world, she was already in the capital. As for Qingzhou, it was just a distant hometown in the memory of the original owner.

For a frail girl of thirteen or fourteen who had never traveled far, the journey from Qingzhou to the capital was already the farthest distance she could think of.

It is her long journey from life to death.

For Ye Chutang now, it is "going" to Qingzhou, not "returning".

But for A Yan and A Feng, it was a real return to the place where they grew up.

Compared to the capital, they are obviously more familiar with Qingzhou and have deeper feelings for it.

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "Yes. The opportunity is rare, so naturally you have to stay for a while."

Ye Yunfeng thought of something, and the smile on his face became much lighter. "...Actually, there aren't many people there anymore, so whether there are changes or not, it doesn't mean much."

The elders in the family have all passed away many years ago. The two brothers of the Ye family came from a poor family and earned their place by relying on their talent in reading.

Especially Ye Zheng, if nothing happened, he should have a bright future now.

But there is no what if in this world.

"Going back to worship our ancestors and gods is also an explanation to our parents and brother." Ye Chutang said warmly.

Ye Jingyan said: "Don't worry, sister, I have sent people back in advance to clean and tidy up according to your instructions. When we return to Qingzhou, we can move directly into the old house."

He was always thorough in his work, and Ye Chutang was very relieved.

"it is good."


Prince Qi's Mansion.

Xiao Chengxuan lived in peace for a long time, studying and practicing archery every day, and no longer cared about anything outside.

Put in a posture of introspection.

However, only he knew that he was going crazy with anxiety.

The third child came back with military exploits and his reputation has reached a new level. His father obviously also intends to support him. I heard that he was openly praising him in the court recently.

But he could only be trapped in this mansion, unable to do anything!
If it hadn't been for his grandfather's strict instructions to stay in the house honestly during this period, and he would have to help him deal with everything outside, Xiao Chengxuan would have been unable to sit still.

"Calculating the time, Ye Heng will arrive in Tongbei in two months, right?"

The attendant whispered: "If there are no special circumstances on the way, this is the time."

Xiao Chengxuan looked gloomy.

Before, he wanted to kill Ye Heng directly to save him from spitting out something he shouldn't.

But later he changed his mind and decided to save Ye Heng's life first. It would be better to wait for the storm to pass before taking his life quietly.

Because of Huo Yucheng's case, his father was furious. Everything he did at this time was wrong.

Once someone is caught making a fuss...it can't be solved by killing Ye Heng.

Anyway, the situation has become like this now, so it is better to wait and see the changes and see the consequences.

Xiao Chengxuan shook his head and threw these chaotic thoughts behind him.

"I heard that Shen Yanchuan went to Changzhou?"

"Your Majesty, yes. Prince Dingbeihou left Beijing yesterday."

Xiao Chengxuan sneered.

"There is nothing in Changzhou, so it will be in vain if he goes there!"

They all knew the purpose of Shen Yanchuan's trip.

But unfortunately, he was going to be disappointed.

Xiao Chengxuan turned his head and ordered: "Has the news been handed over to Xu Jie?"

The attendant bowed his head and responded respectfully: "Yes. Although Mr. Xu is not in the capital, he is well informed. Even if you don't tell him, he should know it early."

Of course Xiao Chengxuan knew this, and he did this just to let Xu Jie accept his favor and send a signal that they were still in the same boat.

"Let him go. If he can really find out something, he has the ability." Xiao Chengxuan narrowed his eyes and smiled sarcastically, "Let's wait until he solves all the troubles and comes back An Ran!"

Xu Jie is not a wimp and knows what to do, otherwise he wouldn't have approached him in the first place.

The attendants agree and agree.

"Your Highness is far-sighted and these things are nothing to worry about."

Xiao Chengxuan closed his eyes, reading made him really upset and angry.

He leaned back, raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, and then asked casually:
"What's going on over there lately?" (End of chapter)

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