The attendant whispered: "I have followed your instructions and stopped all actions temporarily to avoid attracting attention and causing trouble."

Xiao Chengxuan looked relaxed.

"That's good."

Although he didn't want to do this, at this time, the slightest disturbance might put him in danger.

Let's stay put for now and wait and see. When the situation becomes clearer, it won't be too late to move again.


Time flew by quickly, and several days passed in the blink of an eye. Ye Chutang and others finally arrived in Qingzhou.

Arriving outside the city gate, Ye Chutang looked from a distance.

Qingzhou is a small place, which cannot be compared with the majestic and vast capital city, but looking at the standing city gate, it feels inexplicably more friendly.

"finally reached!"

Ye Yunfeng's eyes were filled with excitement and eagerness that could not be concealed.

At this moment, my mood was completely different from when I returned to Beijing.

In the past few years, they had been thinking of returning to the capital in order to find the truth and redress the injustice. However, now that they have returned to Qingzhou, all they can think of is nostalgia and peace of mind.

Xiao Wu poked his head out of Ye Chutang's arms and looked forward curiously, his big black grape-like eyes full of curiosity.

She was too young back then and had little memory, so coming back this time was also very new for her.

Every plant and tree is an unfamiliar sight.

When they arrived at the city gate, the soldiers responsible for guarding the city saw their group and immediately stepped forward to question them.

"Who is coming?"

In a small place like Qingzhou, it is really rare to see such a battle.

Ye Jingyan stepped forward and saluted with clasped fists.

However, before he could speak, one of the leading soldiers looked at his face and exclaimed: "Ye family boy!?"

Ye Jingyan was startled and looked towards that person.

"You recognize me?"

The soldier slapped his thigh and said, "It's really you! I haven't seen you for a few years, and you've actually grown into an adult!"

Seeing that Ye Jingyan was still a little confused, he hurriedly said: "I am Pan Ying! Back then, I played Cuju with your brother! Have you forgotten?"

Ye Jingyan finally overlapped the person in front of her with the vague face in her memory.

"Brother Pan?"

In fact, it is not surprising that Ye Jingyan did not recognize him immediately. When Ye Xiting dominated the young men in Qingzhou, Ye Jingyan was still young and had no memory of these things.

The reason why Pan Ying could tell who he was at a glance was simply because——

"You look very much like your brother."

Pan Ying kept talking while looking at the young man in front of her again and again.

"This body shape and appearance are simply carved from the same mold!"

However, their temperaments are very different. Ye Xiting is famous for being a free-spirited person. He has been the king of children since he was a child. He fights wherever he goes. Even those who are several years older than him do not dare to provoke him at will and are very afraid of him.

Pan Ying was also one of Ye Xiting's "little brothers" at that time.

But the Ye Jingyan in front of her was elegant, quiet and restrained, but she was a little more bookish.

Although at first glance, he looks very much like his brother, upon closer inspection, one can easily tell that they are two completely different people.

The other people listened for a while and finally understood the identity of this group of people.

"...Is he the young master of Mr. Ye's family?"

There are not many powerful people in Qingzhou, and Ye Zheng is one of them.

So when they heard Pan Ying mention it, they quickly met each other, and for a while everyone looked at him with complicated and subtle looks.

——Ye Zheng was demoted a few years ago and had an accident on the road. They all heard about it.

No one expected that the blood of the Ye family was still alive and returned to Qingzhou! Especially, they seem to be...

Pan Ying looked behind her, a guess came to her mind, and she said with some uncertainty: "What are you..."

Ye Jingyan gently nodded and said politely: "Thank you for your concern, Brother Pan. This time I came back with my sister and a few others. I plan to let my parents and brother return to their roots."

It is so!
Several people looked at each other, and Pan Ying's chest felt tight, not knowing what to say.

People were coming and going at the city gate, and their arrival had already attracted the attention of many people. Now after hearing a few words and knowing the reason, it attracted everyone's attention.

"That's Master Ye Zheng's family!?"

"Didn't you say that they died in an accident a few years ago? Why now..."

"If nothing else, the Ye family's Saburo is indeed unmistakable! The look on his face and eyes are very similar to those of his father and brother!"

"Oh, it's pitiful to say the least... Think about how glorious it was when the Ye family had two high-ranking officials? It's unimaginable that they would end up like this..."

Pan Ying felt as if a stone was pressing on her chest, and in the end she just patted Ye Jingyan on the shoulder.

Ye Jingyan's heart warmed slightly and she solemnly saluted again.


The news of Ye Jiaerlang's return soon spread.

Qingzhou is a small place and it has never been possible to hide any secrets, not to mention that Ye Chutang had no intention of hiding it this time.

All the way forward, Ye Chutang opened the curtain and looked at the scene outside.

This place is not as lively as the capital city. The bluestone road is long, thin and winding, which has a special meaning.

Ye Yunfeng leaned on the carriage, still thinking about what happened just now, and whispered in a dazed voice:
"I can't believe that there are still people who remember my brother."

After Ye Zheng became an official in the court, he spent most of his time away from home and rarely returned to Qingzhou.

There was only one time when Ding You returned to his hometown for a long time. At that time, not to mention Xiao Wu, even Ye Yunfeng was just at a sensible age.

Later, Ye Zheng came to Beijing and after establishing a firm foothold, he picked them up again.

A rough calculation shows that it was many years ago.

Ye Jingyan was silent for a moment and said, "Brother, if he knew, he would be very happy."

The more this happens, the more it proves that they made the right decision to bring their parents and brother back.

The carriage stopped in front of a mansion. A boy was waiting at the door. When he saw them, he immediately stepped forward.

"I've met the second young lady, the third young master, the fourth young master, and the fifth young lady. It's been a long journey, and it's really hard. The house has been packed, please come in and rest."

Ye Chutang got out of the carriage holding the black sandalwood box, stood still and raised his eyes.

This is the ancestral home of the Ye family. It is said to be a home, but it is actually not big.

It was after Ye Zheng became an official that he hired someone to repair it, making it look spacious and clean today.

Ye Yunfeng stood behind with Xiao Wu in his arms and looked at Ye Jingyan.

Ye Jingyan asked: "Sister, what are our arrangements next?"

Ye Chutang withdrew his gaze and said: "Everyone is very tired from traveling all the way. Let's go to the mansion to recuperate our spirits. Tomorrow is auspicious, and we will break the ground and move the grave."


That night.

Ye Chutang stood in front of the table, took out a roll of maps, spread them out flat.

There are two places marked by red circles on it.

One is the capital, and the other is Qingzhou.

Her eyes quietly swept over the map, and finally settled on a certain place.

She raised her hand and drew a red circle on it.

——Shiluan City.

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