Ye Yunfeng's mouth twitched.

"Sister, although my academic performance is not as good as that of my third brother, I can't even recognize the words!"

It hurts, it hurts so much!
Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh, really?"

She pondered for a moment, then said after a moment: "Brother, I once had a military book that I liked very much. If you want to read it, I can give it to you when I return to Beijing."

Ye Yunfeng's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really?!"

Ye Chutang nodded: "Keep your word."

I just don’t know how much this kid will be able to understand by then.

Ye Yunfeng was so happy and excited after getting her promise that he wished he could return to Beijing immediately to see what kind of military book his sister could treasure like this!

"Until then, just stay here."

Ye Yunfeng nodded simply: "Okay!"

Ye Chutang glanced at him: "I'll look at your homework later."

Ye Yunfeng: "..."

Third brother, help!

After sending this kid away, Ye Chutang looked at the letter sent by Su Peier again.

Although there are only a few words, it can be seen that Su Peier adapts well there.

It’s a good start.

Suddenly, there was movement behind him. Ye Chutang looked back and saw that Xiao Wu had opened his eyes and looked around, with a bit of confusion on his soft white face.

"woke up?"

Ye Chutang made a sound, and Xiao Wu looked towards her, as if he had found his backbone, he lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

"There's no need to get up in a hurry." Ye Chutang put away the letter, walked over, and put the back of his hand on the forehead of the small breast. After making sure that she didn't have a fever again, he felt a little at ease.

"We are in Qingzhou now, this is our home."

Ye Chutang explained in a low voice while combing Xiao Wu's somewhat messy hair.

Xiao Wu hugged her, listened to her voice, and smelled the familiar scent of her body, and then he gradually came back to his senses.

Oh yes, they returned to Qingzhou.

Ye Chutang tucked her back into the quilt and tucked her in carefully.

Xiaowu is only four years old. Once he starts to have a persistent high fever, it will be very dangerous. So she kept guarding and was 12 points more patient than others.

Xiao Wu nodded obediently and looked at Ye Chutang eagerly, his big black grape-like eyes full of attachment.

Ye Chutang smiled and tapped the tip of her nose.

"Don't worry, I won't leave. I'll stay here with you."

Xiao Wu rubbed his palm against hers and then gradually fell asleep again.

When the sound of her even breathing came, the smile on Ye Chutang's lips faded slightly, thoughtfully.

Xiao Wu fell ill suddenly and seemed to become particularly clingy.

She has always been very sensible and never made people worry too much, but this time...

Ye Chutang felt that something was different, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

After a moment, she shook her head slightly.

After all, he is still a child. He is very uncomfortable when he is sick. There is no need for someone to take careful care of him.

Perhaps it was because he was tired from all the traveling and was not accustomed to the local environment that he suddenly fell ill.

The sound of rain outside suddenly became more urgent.

Ye Chutang glanced outside and hugged the little man tightly in his arms.


"Master, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and I'm afraid it won't stop for a while."

Lian Zhou turned his head and asked,

"Why don't we stay here first and find an inn to take shelter from the rain?"

The day after leaving the capital, they changed their route and shook off the dirty tails behind them.

I just didn't expect that it would rain so heavily when we were still two days away from Changzhou.

The road was muddy and difficult to navigate, and a thin layer of mist had already appeared on the ground. The scene in the distance was obscured by rain curtains, making it difficult to see clearly.

Shen Yanchuan looked forward and could vaguely make out the words above the city gate.

——Shiluan City. (End of chapter)

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