Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 305: Stocking up on food

It rained for three days in a row, and the water vapor filled the air outside the house. The old house was built for several years, and the ground inside the house was always damp.

On the morning of the third day, the rain finally stopped, but the sky was still gloomy and looked like it would continue at any time.

Ye Chutang boiled the medicine and gave it to Xiao Wu to drink.

She no longer has a fever, but she still has a cough.

When Xiao Wu finished drinking the bowl of brown, bitter soup, Ye Chutang would always hand over another candied fruit.

Xiao Wu was very coaxable. He smiled brightly at her with a sweet candied fruit in his mouth, but he didn't look sick at all.

Tuk Tuk——

Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Chutang looked up, feeling a little strange in his heart.

They had been back for a few days. Everyone knew that they came back to move the graves to worship their ancestors, so no one came to disturb them.

In addition, Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng were still young when they left here in the early years and did not have very good friends of the same age, so it became even more pure.

I don’t know who is coming to the door right now?
After a while, the boy came to report.

"Second Miss, Mr. Pan is here."

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Mr. Pan, could it be... the Pan Ying I met at the city gate that day?

"Invite him in, and then tell Ayan and Afeng that a visitor is coming."


Ye Jingyan was in the room reading the calligraphy that Ye Yunfeng had just practiced. When she heard the boy coming to report, she was stunned for a moment.

"Pan Ying?"

Ye Yunfeng asked strangely: "Third brother, he came to see you?"

Ye Jingyan couldn't figure it out for a moment, so she put down the things in her hands: "I'll go take a look."

Ye Yunfeng was not willing to let go of this rare free time. He quickly got up and followed him: "I'm with you!"

Ye Jingyan didn't care about him. I don't know what Sister A and Ah Feng said that day. Ah Feng started to work hard after he came back, and he was much more attentive than before.

He simply stopped restraining him.

When she came to the front hall and saw that the person who came was indeed Pan Ying, Ye Jingyan smiled and said, "What kind of wind brings Brother Pan here?"

Although Pan Ying had a deep friendship with his brother, she was not really familiar with him. She didn't know why she came here now.

Pan Ying looked a little restrained and said, "Actually, I've thought about it before, but... I'm afraid it will delay your business, so I put it off until today."

Ye Jingyan was stunned.

They had never interacted with Pan Ying, but Pan Ying meant that he had something important to ask them.

Ye Jingyan made him a cup of tea and said, "Brother Pan, just speak up if you have something to say."

Pan Ying opened her mouth, then scratched her head and asked in a low voice: "Lao San, does your sister have the final say in your family now?"

I heard that on that day, the Ye family moved the graves to worship their ancestors, but Ye Chutang was the one kneeling at the front!

Qingzhou is hundreds of miles away from the capital, and it is a small place. It is not well-informed, so it does not know the situation of the Ye family brothers and sisters in the capital. But as far as ancestor worship is concerned, it can already be seen that Ye Chutang is definitely the talker in the Ye family!

Ye Jingyan did not hesitate when she heard the words, and nodded gently: "My Ye family is indeed headed by my sister."

Pan Ying thought it was true, wiped his hands on his legs, and said, "Then, can you invite her to come over?"

Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng looked at each other, both seeing the surprise in the other's eyes.

However, Ye Jingyan reacted quickly and nodded immediately: "Ah Feng, go and invite sister."

Soon, Ye Chutang came.

Pan Ying was startled when he saw her, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Ye Chutang was in the carriage that day, and no one could get a glimpse of his face, but they didn't expect that he would turn out to be so gentle and beautiful.

Ye Chutang smiled slightly: "Master Pan, why are you looking for me?"

Pan Ying came back to her senses, scratched her head, seemed a little embarrassed, struggled for a while, and then asked hesitantly:

"Actually, it's not for any other reason. I came here just to ask, Master Ye has not sent anyone to harvest this autumn's grain, but what happened?"

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Yunfeng couldn't hold back and said: "What did you say?"

The Ye family does have a field in Qingzhou, but it has been abandoned for many years.

Ye Zheng lived up to his expectations and his official career went smoothly. Although Ye Heng was not as good as him, he also made a name for himself.

Naturally, no one is farming that field.

How could Pan Ying mention this at this time? What else are you saying about harvesting grain...

Pan Ying had actually been worried for quite some time, so although she felt it was inappropriate to come to the door to urge her like this, she still came.

"It's the food that Second Master Ye ordered from us before!"

Looking at their expressions, Pan Ying knew in her heart that they probably didn't know about this either, so she explained:

"A few years ago, Mr. Ye came back once and bought a lot of grain. Since then, he has come every year. But this year, more than half a month has passed since the autumn harvest. The grain is piled up in the granary, but no one has come to collect it. .”

Pan Ying rubbed his hands.

"The weather has been bad recently. It has been raining. If the rice gets damp, it will be bad. Everyone is worried, so I asked me to ask."

In fact, when Ye Chutang and the others came back, many people secretly speculated whether they had a conflict with Ye Heng.

After all, Ye Heng is also an elder of the Ye family. He didn't show up for this important matter of moving graves to worship ancestors. No matter how you think about it, it's wrong.

Pan Ying was sent here because he had dealt with them.

Ye Yunfeng was confused when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Ye Chutang.

Ye Jingyan's lips moved slightly, but in the end she cautiously did not speak.

The room was quiet for a moment before the woman's soft voice sounded again.

"How much grain will be harvested this year?" (End of this chapter)

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