Chapter 309 Exploration (first update)
Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "How do you say that?"

Lian Zhou paused and whispered: "My subordinates saw that those people walked with straight waists and brisk steps. They looked like... people from the military camp!"

Shen Yanchuan's eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Are you sure?"

"It's almost the same." Lian Zhou said firmly.

He is also a person who came out of the military. He is most familiar with these and will never make mistakes in judgment.

"Although those people were wearing short shirts and dressed in ordinary clothes, they looked like ordinary people at first glance, but the differences can still be seen in the details."

Those trained in the military camp have more or less the unique habits of soldiers. Even if they try their best to disguise themselves, there are still some fundamental things that cannot be easily changed.

Shen Yanchuan lowered his eyes and thought.

Shiluan City is a small place, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

If it hadn't been for the sudden heavy rain, they wouldn't even have chosen to rest here.

But I didn't expect that by accident, I would discover such a strange thing.

"Are those people in their prime of life?"

"No. Three of them are in their early twenties, and the little leader seems to be thirty."

Lian Zhou had a guess in his mind, but he still wasn't completely sure and said hesitantly:
"However, the work done in the iron mine is manual work. Maybe we specially recruited veterans."

Shen Yanchuan asked quietly: "Then look at those people who have disabilities?"

Lian Zhou recalled for a moment and shook his head: "No. All of them have sound limbs and look quite strong."

Shen Yanchuan raised his thin lips slightly, but there seemed to be frost in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

He said calmly: "Although there has been no war or chaos in recent years, we are surrounded by wolves and guarding the border is difficult. There are not many soldiers who can retire in good health, especially at this age."

Lian Zhou's expression tightened: "Master, what you mean is..."

Shen Yanchuan looked out the window, the night was dark, there were no stars or moon, only the stacking dark clouds were gloomily raining.

The branches and leaves on the trees swayed and fell with the wind and rain, and the horizontal branches seemed more and more lonely and cold. After a moment, he chuckled and spoke lazily with interest:
"This Shiluan City is quite interesting."

I just don’t know whose hand has reached here?


The rain didn't stop on the second day.

Shen Yanchuan continued to stay.

Xu Jie did not send any more people. He probably knew that the attack would be unfavorable, so he temporarily retreated.

Finally, in the afternoon, the rain finally subsided.

Shen Yanchuan brought a bamboo hat and quietly climbed out of the second-floor window.

When he appeared on the long street again, he had suddenly become another person.

An ordinary young man with an ordinary face, dressed in a wide black robe, with his head slightly lowered, and a bamboo hat covering half of his appearance. It was extremely inconspicuous in the crowd.

There was deep and shallow water on the road, and the raindrops made circles and ripples, disturbing his tall reflection in the water.

He headed all the way to the east of the city.

The news from Lian Zhou revealed that the iron mine was located southeast of Shiluan City.

They had come from the east before, but it was raining heavily and they didn't notice anything else.

There was no one on the street, only a few passers-by passing each other in a hurry.

"Miss, we have to go back quickly, otherwise it will be bad if it rains heavily again later!"

The little maid held up the umbrella and spoke in a crisp voice, her tone anxious.

The woman walking with her smiled and responded: "Okay."

Hearing this sound, Shen Yanchuan stopped and looked back.

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