Chapter 310 Departure (st update)
This voice sounded quite familiar.

The master and servant did not notice Shen Yanchuan's presence, and still walked forward quickly.

The little maid said: "Everything is good in Shiluan City, but the weather has been so unpredictable recently! You get wet every day when you go out these days!"

Even though I was holding an umbrella, the occasional wind and rain could easily get my skirt, shoes and socks wet.

She whispered: "You have finally recovered well. If you catch the cold again, it will be bad."

The woman smiled and shook her head: "The weather in autumn changes every day, not to mention it only rained a few times, it's nothing important."

The little maid couldn't help but said: "Even so, you can rest at home for a few days and it won't be too late to come out when the weather clears up! Anyway, since we are here, we will have plenty of time to look around!"

The woman did not answer her words. She just smiled and urged: "Let's go back quickly. It's not easy to walk at night."

The little maid's attention was immediately diverted: "Hey! Okay!"

The two figures gradually moved away, disappearing into the whitening rain and mist.

Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

That's... Su Peier and her personal maid?
After leaving the capital, the two of them actually came here?

Suddenly, a person rushed out from the corner of the street. He rode his horse at a high speed, and rain splashed everywhere he passed.

Even if he saw someone in front of him, he didn't seem to have any intention of slowing down.

Shen Yanchuan moved his feet and turned slightly.

The man passed by quickly, looking fierce and domineering.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes were fixed on the horse's hooves for a moment.

The man and the horse left quickly. Shen Yanchuan withdrew his gaze and continued walking outside the city.

This Shiluan City is indeed full of weirdness.

Not long after Han Tong's case was settled, Su Peier left the capital.

At that time, he didn't care, just thinking that Su Peier was leaving this sad place.

But she happened to be here.

Especially when I just listened to the conversation between her and the little maid, she has been going out every day for several days in a row.

She was new here and probably didn't have any human connections here, so why did she have to go out every day?
What did she do?

In addition, if I remember correctly, before Su Pei'er left the capital, Ye Yunfeng once went to deliver soup to her.

There will naturally be nothing between Ye Yunfeng and her, but...

A pair of dark, clear eyes with a faint smile flashed through his mind.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.



Ye Chutang touched Xiao Wu's forehead and told Ye Yunfeng to boil the medicine for another day.

Ye Yunfeng naturally didn't have any objections to this errand, but he couldn't help but tease him when he took the medicine bag to the small kitchen.

"It's only Xiaowu who is sick that can make Sister so interested."

If it were him, she might not even be able to give him a prescription!

Ye Chutang didn't even raise his head: "If you were ten years younger, I would take good care of you."

The word "care" was used lightly, but it sent a chill down Ye Yunfeng's spine.

He didn't even dare to think about what it would be like if his sister "took care" of him personally.

You can still save your arms and legs, right?

Ye Yunfeng coughed and said with a smile: "How can I trouble my sister? My body is made of iron, and I never need my sister to worry about it! Then I will go and boil the medicine for Xiao Wu first -"

Before he finished speaking, the person had already run away.

It happened that Ye Jingyan came back.

"Sister." He was wearing a brocade-white gown embroidered with bamboo leaves. His brows were clear and handsome, his figure was tall and slim, and he looked more and more like a humble gentleman.

Ye Chutang raised his head: "How?"

Ye Jingyan nodded lightly: "The horses have been prepared. It is said that one of the horses injured its leg when we came here, and we plan to buy it to replace it. But when does sister plan to leave?" "Tonight."

Ye Jingyan frowned slightly: "So fast?"

"It's already a little late." Ye Chutang straightened Xiao Wu's hair.

If it weren't for worrying about Xiao Wu's illness, she should have left the day before yesterday.

Xiao Wu raised his head and looked at her eagerly, his eyes flickering, as if with guilt.

——Did she delay sister’s business?
Ye Chutang chuckled and tapped her little nose.

"Your illness has given your sister an excuse to stay behind closed doors."

In this way, no one would suspect her even if she didn't go out for several days.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu felt relieved and smiled sweetly at her.

However, then she thought about her sister leaving tonight, and she felt reluctant to let go. She threw herself into Ye Chutang's arms and refused to let go.

Ye Jingyan knew that she had already made plans for this trip, and also knew that her decision would not be changed easily. Although she was worried, she still nodded.

“Sister, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything here.”

Ye Chutang naturally had nothing to worry about him. Now that Ayan was fourteen, there were many things in the Ye family that he could justifiably handle.

Seeing his serious expression, Ye Chutang couldn't help but laugh.

"I see you're the one who's worried. This isn't the first time I've been out, so relax."

This is true.

When I was in Gangneung, my sister would go out alone every once in a while.

The time varies, sometimes it's just one night, sometimes it's three or five days.

Neither he nor Ah Feng knew what Sister Ah was doing out there, but they never asked.

Anyway, my sister has her own reasons for whatever she does.

It's's impossible to say that I'm not worried.

Ye Jingyan hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Sister, how many days will it take for you to return home this time?"

Ye Chutang thought for a while: "If everything goes well, it will take seven to eight days. If we are delayed on the road, it may take longer. But it will not delay our return to Beijing."

Ye Jingyan actually had a rough guess in her mind.

He already knew that Sister A had other plans from the time she asked them to take a month's leave.

He nodded: "Then... sister, be careful all the way."


That night.

Ye Chutang changed into light clothes and quietly left Qingzhou.

It wasn't raining at this time, but the night wind was chilly. Ye Chutang held the reins tightly with one hand, clamped the horse's belly between his legs, and the horse started to run quickly.

She only brought silver and dry food, and no other extra things. The speed was much faster than a carriage.

After two days of driving without sleep, Ye Chutang finally saw the city standing in the distance.

——Shiluan City.


It's quiet at night.

Lian Zhou waited in the room for a long time and finally heard the sound of the window being pushed open.

He stood up immediately: "Master! You are back!"

Shen Yanchuan took off his bamboo hat, dripped a few drops of rainwater, gently twisted his chin with his slender fingers, and then a thin human skin mask was peeled off, revealing his overly deserted face.

Lian Zhou couldn't help but said, "I'll leave this matter to my subordinates. Why do you have to go there yourself?"

Ever since he mentioned the iron mine outside the city, his master had started to investigate and even asked him to pretend to be him here while he went there himself.

Shen Yanchuan raised the corners of his lips slightly as he thought of what he saw today.

“Only when you see it with your own eyes can you know the truth.”

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