Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 311 Secret Investigation

Chapter 311 Secret Investigation (st update)
Lian Zhou was stunned: "True or false?"

Is what the master said true or false?

He asked strangely: "Didn't you go check out the iron mine outside the city today? Why... is that iron mine fake!?"

"it is true."

After all, it is a serious mine, and everyone in Shiluan City knows it, so it is difficult to cheat.


"Although the iron mine is not big, it is heavily guarded. Special personnel are posted outside the site to look out."

If it were an ordinary iron mine, I wouldn't be so vigilant, especially——

Shen Yanchuan picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said casually:
"It seems that many of them are still practitioners."

Lian Zhou was secretly shocked.

When he saw those people in the city before, he felt something was wrong. Now combined with his master's words, his guess was almost certain.

"It seems like this iron mine is really a deliberate deception?"

Lian Zhou thought for a while and continued: "My subordinates went out today and found out some news. People in the city said that the treatment at the iron mine was good. Many people wanted to find a job, but the review there was extremely strict. It's really hard for ordinary people to get in. Occasionally, there are a few strong people who come back not long after they go in. They say that although the money is a lot, the work inside is tiring, and the supervisors are cruel and can do anything. Use the whip to teach others. Those who can survive are those who can bear hardships and survive."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows.

"I know how to choose someone."

In this way, a lot of capable people were recruited.

Lian Zhou couldn't figure it out: "But...who could it be? There's nothing special about Shiluan City. How could someone be chosen in a place like this?"

Shen Yanchuan moved for a moment, and suddenly the Su Pei'er he had seen before appeared in front of his eyes, thoughtfully.


There are so many places to go, why did you choose here?
"That Su Pei'er, where is she originally from?"

Lian Zhou was stunned when he heard the name. He realized after a moment: "You mean... the Su Pei'er from the Han family before?" Shen Yanchuan nodded.

Lian Zhou thought about it for a while and said: "It seems that he came from the south. He was sold to a brothel since he was a child. Because of his outstanding appearance and good playing pipa, he became the top star of Chunfeng Tower."

He didn't know why: "Why did the master suddenly think of asking about her?"

Shen Yanchuan twirled the cup and said, "She's here too."

Lian Zhou opened his eyes wide and was quite shocked: "Seriously!?"

He quickly understood, and his mind was full of thoughts, and he frowned: "Then why did she come here? It can't be that she already knew that there is something strange in Shiluan City, right?"

When they investigated the Han family's case before, Su Pei'er's background was also thoroughly investigated.

There is no reason for her to be here!
Lian Zhou asked: "Then...do you want me to go to her place to check again?"

Shiluan City is not big, so it is not difficult for him to find Su Peier's residence.

Shen Yanchuan thought for a moment, but shook his head: "No need."

Lian Zhou asked again: "When does the master plan to set off?"

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching them secretly. If they stay here for too long and don't arrive in Changzhou for a long time, they will definitely arouse suspicion.

Shen Yanchuan said: "Tomorrow should be sunny, a good day to set off."


Lian Zhou was surprised,

"Are you not going to continue investigating here?"

The situation in that iron mine is unusual. If we leave like this, then——

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Did I say I was leaving?"

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