Chapter 313: Strangely Dangerous (Second Update)
Su Pei'er quickly said: "Yes, Miss Ye Er should have a good rest after running all the way."

As she said this, she was about to get up and make the bed for Ye Chutang, but was stopped by Ye Chutang.

"No need to bother, I can just sleep on the couch next to you."

Su Pei'er felt something was wrong: "How can this be done?"

Ye Chutang had saved her life, but now that she is here, she can't even let people have a good sleep. That's really——

Ye Chutang waved his hands casually and lay down on the small couch.

"It's nice here."

Xi Tianmuti had a lot of days in the past, but she didn't think anything of it.

Su Pei'er wanted to say more, but Ye Chutang raised his finger and hissed softly.

"It would be bad to wake up your little maid. She is still young and it is the time when she sleeps to grow."

Su Pei'er: "..."

Seeing Ye Chutang's insistence, a faint look of tiredness could be seen in the flickering candlelight, Su Pei'er couldn't bear to disturb her anymore, and finally agreed, and then hugged a brand new quilt.

"This is the quilt I just made the day before yesterday. Miss Ye Er, don't dislike it."

Ye Chutang smiled and said thank you.

In the dead of night, Su Pei'er took one last look at Ye Chutang lying on the couch. She had closed her eyes and was breathing quietly, as if she had fallen into sleep.

Su Pei'er sighed in her heart, feeling quite distressed, and tiptoed to blow out the lamp.


Early the next morning, the little maid knocked on the door.

"Girl, it's time to get up."

Su Pei'er woke up after hearing the sound, immediately sat up and looked at the couch, but was startled.

There was no one there.

If it weren't for the neatly folded quilt, she would have almost thought everything was a dream last night.

"Girl?" The little maid knocked twice more.

Su Peier responded: "Here we come."

As she got up and changed her clothes, she silently thought about where Ye Chutang had gone.

Have you already gone to the mine?
Thinking of this, she felt even more worried.

Although Miss Ye Er is very capable, she is not familiar with this place in Shiluan City. If something unexpected happens...

"Girl, why are you so distracted today?" The little maid saw the difference in her expression and couldn't help but ask crisply.

Su Peier came to her senses and put away all the confusing thoughts in her heart.

"Nothing. It doesn't look like it's raining today. I'll go out for a walk later."

The little maid did not doubt that he was there, she smiled and nodded: "Okay!"


After Ye Chutang woke up, he did not go directly to the mine outside the city. Instead, he wandered around the city.

Sun Li'an said at the beginning that this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has beautiful scenery, which was indeed true.

A Fuhe River passes through the city. Standing by the river and looking at the mountains in the distance, all the scenery is enveloped in white mountains. The air is moist with a slight coolness of autumn, which is really refreshing.

Ye Chutang's fatigue in the past few days was gone, and his mood was much better.

As the sun rises, the streets become more lively, with people coming and going.

No one noticed this young man wearing a gray-green brocade suit and a weft hat.

At the same moment, a group of people was leaving from the city gate.

Currently, there is a person wearing a fancy outfit and sitting high on a horse with a sword at his waist. It is Lian Zhou.

He pulled the reins, came to the side of the carriage, and whispered something.

A slender hand opened the curtain, and only the lower half of the face was faintly visible, but it was still not difficult for people to guess how Qingjun the owner was.

He tapped his chin lightly and lowered the curtain again.

Lian Zhou drove his horse forward and said, "Master has an order. We were delayed for some time on the road. We need to move faster and arrive as soon as possible!"

The rest of the people responded in unison: "Yes!" Lian Zhou pinched the horse's belly with his legs and said, "Drive!"

The horses galloped quickly, and the group of people gradually disappeared into the distance.


Ye Chutang spent a day walking around half of Shiluan City.

When night fell, she went to a busy tavern by the river, sat down in a remote corner, and ordered food and wine.

After taking off the weft hat, he revealed a handsome young face.

Occasionally, someone glanced at her and looked away when they saw that she was just eating and drinking.

Half an hour later, Ye Chutang paid and left.

She walked along the river, and the evening breeze blew a faint smell of alcohol.

After a few turns, her figure completely disappeared into the crowd and the night.


The mine was pitch black at night, with only a few sparks visible at certain times. It must have been a furnace for making iron.

There were two men guarding the gate.

One of them yawned and was scolded by the other in a low voice: "Be more energetic! If the superiors see it, you will inevitably be whipped!"

"I just yawned, but I didn't really fall asleep." The man who was told a few words was dissatisfied, "This lasts for six hours, who can't be sleepy?"

"That's why you have to be careful! Don't forget what happened to Lao Zhang last time because he got into trouble because of drinking!"

After hearing this, the man finally felt a little scared.

He glanced back and muttered in a low voice: "This mine is so big, why are you so defensive? No one has the guts to come here to look for trouble."

After he finished speaking, he felt strange when the other party didn't respond. He turned around and looked: "Hey, I said -"

The next moment, a pain hit him in the back of his neck.

not good!

Before he could speak, his vision went dark and he fainted completely.

Everything happened quietly, and the light here was dim, so it didn't attract the attention of others.

Shen Yanchuan moved his feet and moved forward.


Alarm bells rang in his heart, he turned around suddenly and swung out a palm!
However, the next moment, he suddenly saw those dark and calm eyes, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and he stopped his movements abruptly!

The moon was hidden behind dark clouds, only letting out a ray of dim light.

Under the gloomy night, the two people who should have been thousands of miles apart looked at each other.

In the delicate silence, Ye Chutang hesitated for the first time.

——Recognize it?
No, when did her disguise skills become so bad?

It was rare for Shen Yanchuan to have a sense of absurdity in his heart, but within the absurdity, there was also a hint of subtle joy that could not be detected.

Hmm... they can meet here too. I have to say that they are destined to meet each other?
Ye Chutang looked down at the two unconscious people on the ground and felt relieved.

It doesn't matter, someone's methods are more crude than her disguise.

He wasn't worried about being discovered at all.

Seemingly sensing her thoughts and hint of doubt, Shen Yanchuan whispered: "They change shifts every two hours. No one will come during this time."

Checked everything.

Ye Chutang nodded and asked, "You want to go in too?"

Her voice was extremely low and very different from her usual timbre. She really looked like a young boy.

Shen Yanchuan suppressed the weirdness in his heart and nodded.

However, before the word "together" was uttered, Ye Chutang from the opposite side said again:
"Since you are going, then I won't go, right?"

She said honestly,

"It's so dangerous."

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