Shen Yanchuan was silent for a moment: "Are you willing?"

Although Ye Chutang knew that he was asking why she was reluctant to go in and take a look in person after she had come all the way from Qingzhou, she still felt something was strange when she heard it.

After thinking for a moment, she said sincerely: "I don't want to give up."

Otherwise, her days of running around and preparing would have been wasted.

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's lips curved slightly, as if he was smiling.

Ye Chutang looked inside the gate, and could only vaguely see the pit dug in the middle of the mine, as well as several furnaces, and nothing else could be seen clearly.

In this situation, it would definitely be impossible not to go in and take a look.

She couldn't help but sigh: "If I had known this, I should have contacted you earlier."

Why bother making this extra trip?
Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows: "Do you trust me so much?"

Ye Chutang nodded: "Of course."

Although she had always felt that Shen Yanchuan was dangerous, she had to admit that he was indeed very capable.

not to mention--

"Aren't we already on the same boat?"

Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly and spoke sincerely.

Shen Yanchuan sighed lightly.

"Then I have to thank Miss Ye Er for taking a liking to her."

Ye Chutang: "..."

Why is this man so weird? Isn't it because you were so wary of him in the past, and you even took the blame a few times?
Why are you fussing so much?

Now in this mine, no one knows what is going on inside. Since they have the same goal, they are naturally one of their own.

Ye Chutang persuaded himself a few words in his mind, took out a bottle from his sleeve, leaned over the two people's noses and shook it.

Shen Yanchuan felt strange, but did not stop him. He just asked, "What is this?"

"Mongolian sweat medicine." Ye Chutang explained, "When they wake up later, they will forget what happened in the few days before they fell into coma."

Shen Yanchuan was silent: "You call this Mongolian sweat medicine?"

The effect is so precise. This kind of thing is obviously not an ordinary poison. Ye Chutang is clearly prepared.

"A function."

In her previous life, Ye Chutang worked hard and was the king of scrolls. Her fellow disciples developed a kind of poison. She insisted on subdividing it into dozens of types, each with different effects.

It's just that I'm too lazy to worry about this kind of thing anymore in my life, so I just let it go.

Shen Yanchuan glanced at the two people again and said, "I thought you wanted these two people to disappear completely."

Ye Chutang: "..."

She put away the bottle, looked at Shen Yanchuan, and said seriously: "Although there are indeed things in this world that can turn bones and eat flesh, I have a kind heart, so why would I use something like that?"

Shen Yanchuan stared into her eyes. The moonlight was dim, not as bright as the stars in her eyes.

He was the first to look away and nodded clearly.

I just said it was useless, but I didn’t say it didn’t exist.

Ye Chutang didn't know what he was thinking at this time, but he didn't care much. He packed up and planned to go in. As soon as he took a step, he turned around and said politely:
"How about we come together? But-"



Ye Chutang was choked for a rare time and was speechless for a long time.

She originally thought that Shen Yanchuan's appearance here must be something she wanted to investigate. It was too inconvenient for the two of them to move together. She only needed to be a little polite and separate to get rid of him.

Never imagined--

Shen Yanchuan looked at her silent expression, with a faint smile in the corner of his eyes.

"Didn't you say that we are in the same group?"


Ye Chutang had no expression on his face.
"Then please...take care of me." Shen Yanchuan tapped his chin lightly and said very naturally:
"It should."


He agreed so smoothly that Ye Chutang felt that something was not right again.

But she didn't think too much about it. There wasn't much time, so they had to move faster.

The two looked at each other, no more words needed.

He turned around and sneaked into the mine silently.


Due to the undulating terrain, the mine is not very spacious.

The two walked forward in the night, and the road was littered with rough stones.

Walking further, through the faint moonlight, you can vaguely see the center of the huge mine, which is an approximate ring shape with rock layers descending step by step.

At first glance, it looks somewhat similar to the terraced fields in southern villages.

As Ye Chutang walked, he took the topography and specifications of the mine into his mind.

This iron mine is indeed not big, but it still requires a lot of work from miners.

And the further in, the tighter the security becomes.

Suddenly, Shen Yanchuan stopped.

Ye Chutang looked at him.

Shen Yanchuan whispered: "Did you hear anything?"

Ye Chutang concentrated and heard a few vague sounds of heavy weapons being struck.

She frowned slightly: "Is the mine still mining at this hour?"

Iron ore mining is extremely hard, the environment is harsh, and you have to be prepared for all kinds of dangers.

It's late at night, the light is dim, why are you so sleepless?

Shen Yanchuan shook his head: "It doesn't sound like they are digging a well, let alone digging a tunnel."

Ye Chutang glanced at him in surprise.

First, I was surprised that Shen Yanchuan seemed to know quite a lot about things in the mine. Second,... he was so deep inside. Not only was he the first to hear the sound, but he was also the one who clearly identified the source of the sound.

Shen Yanchuan looked in the direction of the sound and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It sounds like..."

Before Shen Yanchuan finished speaking, footsteps suddenly came from the distance.

He reacted very quickly, grabbed Ye Chutang and hid behind a large ore.

The sound of wheels running over gravel was getting closer and closer, as if someone was pushing a mine cart passing by.

The body of the mine cart was fully loaded, glowing under the dim moonlight.

——It is actually a refined iron block!
Ye Chutang took a quick glance and was secretly shocked when he saw this scene.

It is normal for iron nuggets to appear in iron mines, but the key point is - this man actually pushed the cart towards the mine!
The man pushed the heavy cart forward, and soon he was exhausted and sweating all over.

But he didn't dare to show any slack in his movements, and he still gritted his teeth and moved forward.

Finally, another person walked out of the darkness, holding a whip in his hand.

The man raised his whip and yelled, "You haven't eaten yet! You're so slow! I can't afford to lose ten of your lives!"

The man who was beaten didn't even dare to hide, he took it hard, endured the excruciating pain, nodded and bowed and apologized.

After cursing for several times, the man stopped and pointed at the scrap iron and stones on the ground: "What are you doing standing still! Unload the things, load them up and send them out!"

The man started to move hurriedly, unloading the cast iron blocks in the truck body, putting a few stones into the truck body, and stacking a few pieces of scrap iron on top.

At first glance, it looks no different from the iron blocks that have just been unloaded and forged in the mining furnace.

After loading the truck, he turned around and headed toward the outskirts of the mine.

——A lot of "iron blocks" have been piled up there waiting to be transported out of the mine. (End of chapter)

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