Chapter 315 Peace (Second update)
It would be strange if we could no longer see the fishiness in it.


Ordinary mines transport smelted iron blocks, why is it the other way around here?

And in order to hide it from others, ore and scrap iron were specially used to cover it up, and they were pulled out every day.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would doubt that there was something wrong with the iron blocks coming out of this mine!
Ye Chutang's eyes moved towards the supervisor who was beating people just now, and he vaguely saw that there seemed to be a door behind him, but what was inside was unknown.

But what is certain is that all the smelted iron blocks were sent there.

"This iron ore is produced and sold by itself, which is quite interesting." Ye Chutang thought thoughtfully.

Shen Yanchuan said nothing.

Not hearing his response, Ye Chutang turned his head:
"You feel--"

Suddenly there seemed to be a warm and cool touch on my forehead.

Ye Chutang made a move.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze. Ye Chutang blinked, but all he could see was the man's smooth jawline.

Shen Yanchuan was standing beside her, and his eyesight was farther away, so he naturally saw everything just now clearly.

Thinking back to the seemingly regular sound of knocking iron that he just heard, the guess in his heart was ready to come out.

It was this moment of concentration that prevented him from hearing Ye Chutang's words immediately.

When he realized what happened, his eyelashes trembled slightly and he subconsciously looked at the woman in front of him.

At this time, he finally realized - they seemed to be too close.

The originally small space seemed even more cramped, and even each other's breathing could be heard clearly.

However, what Ye Chutang was thinking about at this moment was - this man's face was covered, but there seemed to be no other parts.

Hmm... This man is really good-looking, with straight shoulders and neck, and even his Adam's apple is beautiful. When he slides up and down slightly, he also reveals a rare sense of abstinence.

It’s unbearable——

Hold it in.

Ye Chutang closed his eyes and took a gentle breath quietly.

How could she think about these things when she was busy with business? ? ?

They say men are seducing, and it’s true.

If I had known this, I shouldn’t have drank that bottle of wine at that time in the evening...

"you've been drinking?"

The man's low and undisciplined voice rang in his ears. Ye Chutang was so startled that he immediately raised his head, and for a moment he felt guilty for no apparent reason as they looked at each other:


Could this man know what she was thinking? ?

Shen Yanchuan didn't expect her to react so strongly and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You smell of alcohol, can't you smell it?"

In fact, the smell was very light, but the distance between the two people and his familiarity with each other made him feel that it was very strong when he smelled it.

The tip of Ye Chutang's nose wrinkled.

"well enough……"

She made a point of going to a place that smelled of alcohol before she came. She could only blame this person for being Shen Yanchuan, who was too perceptive.

"Drink a little. What, can't I drink?"

Why does his eyes look so strange?
Shen Yanchuan seemed to smile: "Of course. I'm just surprised that Miss Ye Er is willing to drink these ordinary drinks outside."

Ye Chutang was slightly stunned.

She seems to have never been picky about this, right? Why did Shen Yanchuan say something like this inexplicably——

"Rather than drink the many fine wines from the Yunlai Wine Shop in the capital, you come to this small town to sip the nameless yellow soup. Miss Ye Er is so excited."

Ye Chutang: "..."

She was silent for a long time, and finally spoke in disbelief:
"Shen Yanchuan." "I just didn't give you a drink. Are you so vindictive?"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at her and said calmly: "It's hard for Miss Ye Er to still remember this."

Ye Chutang: "..."

It would have been fine if Shen Yanchuan denied it, but he admitted it directly! ?
The dignified Prince Dingbei is not short of that jug of wine!

Ye Chutang's lips moved slightly, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a noise in the distance and immediately looked away quietly.

Several figures seemed to be carrying something.

Because they were far apart and the lighting was not good, the figures overlapped and it was difficult to see clearly what they were.

But the next moment, Ye Chutang saw them throwing that "thing" out.

It's actually a person!

"Bah! What bad luck!" One of them spat on the ground, "Is this the third person to die this month?"

Another person echoed: "Isn't it true? If we die like this all the time, our work will never be finished!"

During the conversation, there was no regret for the death of the workers, only complaints.

"After all, it's still tiring! But who isn't? Fortunately, I thought he was in good shape before, but he turns out to be so irresistible!"

"It doesn't matter if he dies, but it's troublesome to have to recruit people to make up for it later."

"Shhh! Keep your voice down! Turn around and let people hear you. Do you want to risk your life?"

The man being said was even more angry.

"Then what's wrong? The money I gave you before was just too much. Recently, there has been no movement at all. It's been several days since I've seen any meat! Who can stand it if this keeps going on!?"

"Didn't Liu Gong say that the situation is special? Just wait until this period is over! Besides, what if you can't bear it? Now that you're here, why don't you think you can get out with your beard and tail intact?"

The speaker's tone lowered, and several people also fell silent.

"That's it! Let's go!"

Several people turned and left.

Ye Chutang frowned.

From what those people said, it seemed that death in this mine was a common occurrence, and no one from top to bottom took it seriously.

What are they doing?
"Would you like to go over and take a look?"

Suddenly a man's question came to his ears.

Ye Chutang turned his head and looked at him.

For a moment, she tapped her jaw.

"it is good."

There is only one overseer guarding the gate. As long as he is dealt with, you can enter.

Of course, you don’t need to think about it to know that there must be many levels inside.

Now that they're gone——

"It would be best if we could find out. If we can't find out, we have to leave within half an hour." Shen Yanchuan said.

They don't have much time left, as long as everything goes well.

Ye Chutang nodded in agreement.


Inside the city.

Su Peier lay on the bed, tossing and turning.

The small couch next to it was empty. Miss Ye Er had not come back since she left in the morning.

She must have gone to the iron mine outside the city, right?

Su Peier clasped her hands together and prayed silently in her heart.

I hope she can be safe...

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