Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 316 Hiding deeply

Chapter 316: Hiding deeply (first update)
The night is getting darker.

The figures of Ye Chutang and Shen Yanchuan were hidden in the shadows, seeming to blend in with everything here.

Although this is a small mine, layers of rock formations are dug out, stones are piled up, and the road is not easy to walk.

Fortunately, there was a furnace at regular intervals, which obscured the view, which was also convenient for Ye Chutang and his wife.

Finally, the two came to about a hundred meters in front of the door.

When you get here, you can clearly see that there are more scrap metal and debris on the ground.

The overseer in charge of the gate held a whip in his hand and looked fierce.

Ye Chutang stared at him for a few seconds and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This man...

"This is a practicing master."

Shen Yanchuan's voice was extremely low, falling on Ye Chutang's ears.

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him.

It seems they have thought of something.

The man's aura was calm and his steps were relaxed. He obviously had some hard work in his body.

Most of those hard workers were just stronger and stronger, but this man was much stronger than them.

No wonder those people didn't dare to resist when he taught him a lesson. I guess he knew that he could endure the pain for a while, but if he dared to show any signs of disobedience, he would probably die!
But...how could an ordinary mine hire such a person?
"Wait for me here for a moment." Shen Yanchuan said.

Ye Chutang nodded lightly and didn't ask him a single word, as if she believed and felt relieved no matter what he did.

Shen Yanchuan took half a step and looked back at her.

After a pause, he said: "Be careful."

Ye Chutang blinked.

He was the one who was going to take risks, and he was the one who should be careful. Why was it he who said this to her instead?
However, she still nodded and silently opened her mouth:
"You too."

She had no internal strength and could not compete with Shen Yanchuan. It was better to be cautious when she was so close to the door. It would be bad if someone heard the movement.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes moved slightly, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind - compared to the tense situation when the two met late at night, this was really a big improvement.

His mood suddenly improved subtly, and it seemed that he didn't want to worry about the wine at this moment.

Ye Chutang watched Shen Yanchuan turn around, step forward with his long legs, and the next second, he saw his figure quietly disappearing from the place.

Ye Chutang's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Is this... Shen Yanchuan's true strength?

Although he had already guessed that this man was definitely not human, from the time they first met in Jiangling to the time they reunited in the capital, this noble Prince Dingbei had always been gentle and elegant.

Like a sheathed sword, gentle and restrained, without any edge.

Only then did Ye Chutang feel that he finally saw his sharpness.

He always seems to be careless and lazy in his bones, and nothing can arouse his emotions.

But only moments like this would be shocking - he just didn't want to.

If he wants it, there's probably nothing he can't get.


Shen Yanchuan approached the door again and again, while recalling the scene just now, his eyes narrowed slightly.

——Ye Chutang does not have any martial arts skills. There is no internal strength in her body, and there is no trace of any training.

But... following him all the way, she never fell behind!
How did a seventeen-year-old girl from a boudoir achieve such a light body?
A dull knocking sound came from behind the door!

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes and saw that the man standing in front of the door also looked back habitually.

The door was open a crack, deep inside.

Shen Yanchuan raised his legs and stepped forward.

The man seemed to realize something, and suddenly looked back!

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