Chapter 317 Collapse (first update)
He only let out a very short shout, and then suddenly lost his voice.

Immediately, his eyes gradually lost focus, and finally he fell limply to the ground.

Beside him, a tall and straight figure stood quietly.

It’s Shen Yanchuan!
His movements were extremely fast, and before the man could react, he had already taken action!

Everything lasted only a moment, and the movement here did not attract anyone's attention.

Ye Chutang, who had a panoramic view of all this not far away, also took a deep breath.

This is not the first time she has seen Shen Yanchuan take action, but this is definitely the first time he has shown his true strength in front of her.

Looking at the tall figure walking towards this side again, only one thought flashed through Ye Chutang's mind - he was really wronged when he deliberately acted like he fell off the cliff with her in Wulan Mountain.

"What are you thinking about?"

Shen Yanchuan returned successfully and saw Ye Chutang lowering his eyes slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

Hearing the sound, Ye Chutang raised his eyes and gave a faint thumbs up.

"Your Majesty, you are so fast."

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

He didn't know why, but when he heard Ye Chutang's unstinting praise, he felt no joy or relief in his heart. He just felt that something was strange.

She raised her head slightly and looked at him, her dark eyes clear and clear, which was indeed a rare compliment.

But he actually said these words sincerely.

Shen Yanchuan choked, and the rest of his words were stuck in his throat.

Ye Chutang didn't seem to feel anything was wrong with him, and raised his chin in that direction: "Have you ever seen what's going on inside the door?"

Shen Yanchuan gathered his thoughts, shook his head, and said: "There was a knocking sound from behind the door. It sounded empty, but it seemed like... it was dug underground."

Ye Chutang frowned.

The door was not wide, but hearing what Shen Yanchuan meant, there was something else.

She looked at Shen Yanchuan: "Go and take a look?"


Arriving in front of the door, Ye Chutang glanced at the person lying on the ground. Judging from her experience, this man's force level was pretty good. She thought that Shen Yanchuan would take some time to deal with him, but she didn't expect that the result would be revealed in just one face-to-face encounter.

It’s really...

No wonder he dared to come here alone at night.

At this time, Ye Chutang obviously forgot that he came alone.

As usual, she took out the bottle and shook it at the man's nose. Shen Yanchuan stood sideways and put one hand on the door. He seemed to have anticipated her action and waited very naturally.

"All right."

Ye Chutang straightened up, and Shen Yanchuan nodded gently, using his wrist to push the door open slightly——

The gap slowly widened, and the light of a candle could be vaguely seen.

But looking further inside, it was dark and deep, with no end in sight.

——There is a long corridor hidden behind this door!

What followed was a clearer tinkling sound.

It's a bit familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere...

Suddenly, Ye Chutang felt blessed, and a guess came to her mind, which made her slightly widen her eyes in shock.

"This is at--"

Before Ye Chutang finished speaking, a huge sound suddenly sounded behind him!
The ground is shaking!

Ye Chutang felt bad and immediately looked back and saw that the ground on the right front suddenly collapsed!
I don’t know who exclaimed——

"It's bad! The mine collapsed!"

Such a big movement immediately shocked the entire mine!

The originally quiet mine quickly became noisy, and people from all walks of life rushed towards the collapsed location!
Ye Chutang suddenly felt a tightness on his wrist.

Shen Yanchuan's eyebrows were clear and he did not hesitate:


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