Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 318 Shen Yanchuan, you are so noisy

Chapter 318 Shen Yanchuan, you are so noisy (first update)
Days of rain have caused the mine to collapse. As a result, everyone will be alarmed!
If they can't leave as soon as possible, someone will definitely notice that something is wrong between the two of them.

Once a conflict breaks out, it will be difficult to leave safely!
Ye Chutang nodded immediately without any hesitation.

They headed directly towards the door, but as soon as they took a few steps, they saw someone running hurriedly from the side.

——The mine collapsed not far from them. To escape at this time would be tantamount to running away from the core location. They would inevitably encounter people running from all directions after hearing the noise!
Shen Yanchuan stretched out his long arms and half-hugged Ye Chutang in his arms. He moved his feet slightly and hid behind the pile of rocks nearby.

Ye Chutang also held his breath and tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.


The sound of panicked footsteps came, and more and more people appeared. Some of them didn't even wear clothes and shoes, and their faces were full of worry and anxiety.

"Hurry up and save people!"

The originally dimly lit mine also lit up with torches, illuminating the surrounding areas one after another.

Ye Chutang frowned slightly.

The more so, the less likely they are to escape successfully.

It must be resolved quickly!

Suddenly, she felt a slight itch in her palm, a slightly cool touch, and a slight numbness that was imperceptible.

Ye Chutang lowered her eyes and saw Shen Yanchuan drawing one word at a time in her palm.

--don’t worry.

The faint light came from a distance, and his handsome and elegant face could be vaguely seen. In the half-darkness, he became more and more cold, noble, and unattainable.

However, his long eyelashes were slightly drooped, and there was a reassuring calmness in his dark eyes. His brows were sparse, and he seemed to have a bit of rare gentleness and patience.

It's like the immortal has entered the mortal world and is within reach.

Shen Yanchuan seemed to notice her gaze and raised his eyes slightly.

Ye Chutang immediately looked away, and his heart seemed to beat uncontrollably.

But the next moment, she felt that her reaction was not right.

Why is she nervous?
Didn't it mean that the mine collapsed and everyone came out?

Even in a more dangerous situation than this, she can escape unscathed, let alone now?

Seeing groups of people heading towards the collapsed mine, Ye Chutang silently counted the time in his heart.

At a certain moment, she held Shen Yanchuan's hand tightly with her backhand.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows very lightly and looked down.

Her hands were slender and white, like fine white jade carved from mutton fat. However, her tiger's mouth and fingertips had extremely subtle different touches.

——Those are definitely hands that have touched swords and guns.

Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Before he could think about it, Ye Chutang pulled him and left quickly in another direction!
This was not the direction to the gate, but there were two abandoned bucket trucks where they settled. It happened that the moon was entering the dark clouds at this time, and the light was dim. It was in shadow, making it even harder for people to detect it.

Even the secret guards who are very good at tracking may not be able to plan the time and movement lines so perfectly.

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's lips curved.

——So, she relied on this ability to get rid of the people he sent?

The first time he saw Ye Chutang here, he knew that the people he sent to protect Ye Chutang had lost her, otherwise there would be no news.

The mine was very noisy, with shouts and curses a chaotic mess.

No one noticed that two figures appeared in this remote corner and then disappeared silently.


Ye Chutang and the two walked zigzag forward, and finally arrived at the gate again half an hour later.

The two people responsible for guarding were still lying on the ground.

Ye Chutang looked back and saw that half of the mine was brightly lit, and I was afraid it would not stop this night. She let out a breath and was about to make a move when she realized that she was still holding hands with Shen Yanchuan.

After running all the way just now, her palms were slightly sweaty, and the warm and dry touch that was completely different from hers became more and more clear.

Shen Yanchuan noticed her gaze, and seemed to have just noticed the two people's clasped hands, and immediately let go.

Ye Chutang blinked and smiled at him: "Thank you."

Shen Yanchuan believed that even without him, she would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

The escape seemed smooth, but in fact it was extremely dangerous and difficult. However, her breathing was not disturbed at all.

"It should be." Shen Yanchuan remained calm.

Ye Chutang said: "Then let's separate now. Time is tight and I have to go back quickly."

Shen Yanchuan asked: "Where are you going back to?"

Ye Chutang felt that his question was simply superfluous: "Of course I'm going back to the city."

Shen Yanchuan nodded.

Just when Ye Chutang turned around to leave, Shen Yanchuan said again: "What a coincidence, I'm also going back to the city. Since we're on the way, why not come together?"

Ye Chutang: "..."

She turned back and looked at Shen Yanchuan up and down. She couldn't hold it back and asked, "Aren't you going to Changzhou?"

Shen Yanchuan looked at her.

Ye Chutang was surprised: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Shen Yanchuan chuckled: "It's nothing. I just think Miss Ye Er is very well-informed."

He and she hadn't seen each other for a long time. Although his trip to Changzhou was not a secret, not many people knew about it.

However, Ye Chutang seemed to know all of this.

Obviously, after staying in Feiyun Temple for a while, she didn't even return to the city, so she set off for Qingzhou with others.

Ye Chutang was silent for a moment, thinking that when he was with this man, he had to be careful at all times.

He is really too smart.

However, since the two of them were now friends who had fought the same battle, Ye Chutang didn't mind too much.

She nodded: "I know some gossip, but I don't know much."

For example, Shen Yanchuan actually came to Shiluan City.

Shen Yanchuan glanced at the mine and said, "It won't take long for their people to find something fishy and leave here first."

Just the supervisor who fainted in front of the door was enough to arouse their vigilance!

When they discovered that the person guarding the gate had also passed out, it was not difficult to guess that someone had broken in.

By then, they will definitely investigate the entire Shiluan City!
Ye Chutang nodded in agreement and quickly followed Shen Yanchuan's pace.


The mine was not far from the city, but Ye Chutang and the two were very fast. When they came back, the news of what happened at the mine had not yet come back.

When the two entered the city, it was already close to dawn, and the dark blue sky in the distance was shimmering with light, casting a faint light over everything, outlining a static outline.

On the long street, there was no one around.

The two walked side by side, neither of them speaking.

Ye Chutang felt that something was not right about the atmosphere. He clearly did nothing and said nothing. Everything around him was strange and quiet, but the aura of the man next to him could not be ignored.

The sound of his footsteps, breathing, and the friction of clothes all fell into her ears.

Ye Chutang finally couldn't hold it any longer and said:
"You are noisy."

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