Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 319 Begonia is stunning

Chapter 319 Begonia is stunning (first update)
Shen Yanchuan, who had not spoken a word from beginning to end: "..."

He tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Just when Ye Chutang felt inexplicably guilty at the sight of him, he finally spoke, half-smiling but not smiling: "I'm really sorry, please forgive Miss Ye Er."

Ye Chutang: "..."

She looked away, glanced at the misty sky, and thought to herself: She was probably tired these past few days, so she said such nonsense.

It's time to go back and catch up on some sleep.

"I'm almost there." She raised her chin to indicate that it was time to separate.

Shen Yanchuan stopped and said, "Okay."

He didn't ask Ye Chutang where he was going. Su Peier, whom he met on the street the day before, was the answer.

Ye Chutang took two steps and noticed that it was very quiet behind him, so he looked back.

"Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

Shen Yanchuan looked into her eyes and shook his head: "It's okay. It's just that there won't be peace in Shiluan City for a while. You -"

Ye Chutang's lips curled up slightly: "Thank you for reminding me, Prince, I will leave soon. A Yan and A Feng still have to go back to the Imperial College for classes."

Hearing her words, Shen Yanchuan knew that she had made plans and would not stay here for too long, so he felt at ease.

"it is good."


Ye Chutang returned to the small courtyard. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Su Peier sitting on the bedside, looking nervously and looking outside.

Ye Chutang smiled when he saw it, and tapped the corner of the table with his fingers: "Why don't you sleep?"

Su Pei'er was startled. She turned around and saw Ye Chutang coming back. She was surprised and happy: "Ye——"

She stood up and stepped forward quickly, lowering her voice and looking nervously at Ye Chutang up and down.

"Miss Ye Er, you are finally back! Did your trip go well? Were you injured?"

She really couldn't imagine how Ye Chutang entered the strictly guarded mine alone, and how he came back safe and sound.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Ye Chutang casually took the handkerchief next to him and wiped his face, looking unconcerned, as if he had just gone out to buy pastries and not returned from the dangerous mine.

Su Pei'er saw that her expression was normal, and indeed she didn't look injured, so her heart that had been hanging for a long time finally relaxed a little.

"That's good, that's good!"

However, Ye Chutang's next words immediately shocked her.

"It's just that something happened at the mine." Ye Chutang stretched his aching muscles, lifted the quilt and lay down casually on the couch, "There will probably be chaos in the city tomorrow."

"What?" Su Peier covered her lips in surprise.

Ye Chutang explained: "The mine collapsed."

Judging from the events at the time, several lives would have to be lost.

Mine operations have always been very dangerous, and accidents can happen if you are not careful, not to mention that this mine is -

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly.

She had already made some guesses about the situation in the mine. Although she had not been able to go into the depths to investigate carefully, she was pretty close to the truth based on what she had learned so far.

Shen Yanchuan should have guessed it.

However, I just don’t know what he plans to do...

"The mine collapsed?!" Su Peier's heart, which had just calmed down, began to beat rapidly and uneasily.

Yes, it's been raining in Shiluan City for several days, so it's normal for this to happen.

But - doesn't this mean that Miss Ye Er was almost buried under there! ? If she's just a bit unlucky, if something unexpected happens, then...

Su Pei'er didn't know what to say for a moment. She raised her eyes to look at Ye Chutang, but saw that her expression was calm and calm, as if she didn't even feel the danger she had just experienced!

After taking several deep breaths, Su Pei'er calmed herself down, but her look at Ye Chutang became more complicated.

I really don't know what she has experienced before, but she can deal with it so calmly when faced with such a situation.

Ye Chutang felt tired and yawned slightly.

Su Peier swallowed the rest of her words and returned to her bed quietly.

Forget it, Miss Ye Er has her own plan.


Sure enough, not long after falling asleep, the little maid knocked on the door outside.

Outside the courtyard wall, you can still vaguely hear the sound of neat and hasty footsteps, mixed with the occasional scolding, which is quite noisy.

Su Pei'er was woken up and subconsciously looked at the couch.

Ye Chutang's eyes were lightly closed and he was still sleeping.

Su Pei'er stood up and went over to open the door half way. She used her body to block the little maid's sight of looking into the house, and asked softly: "What's going on outside? It's so noisy?"

"Girl, something happened in the mine outside the city!" The little maid opened her eyes wide, with shock still on her still green face, "I heard they said the mine collapsed! Several people were buried underneath. Woolen cloth!"

Such an accident is indeed a big deal for the little maid who is not very experienced in the world.

Su Pei'er had heard Ye Chutang say it before, so she was not shocked at this time, but she still looked astonished: "Collapsed? How could it be like this?"

"I don't know. They all said it was because it rained a few days ago... But for some reason, the people from the mine entered the city early in the morning, divided into several groups, and ran around in the city. On the surface, they said they were looking for that person. There are several families of the dead miners, but the battle looks huge, and no one knows what the situation is!"

The little maid is still frightened.
"I just took a peek through the crack in the door, and they looked really fierce!"

If we really wanted to find the families of the victims, there would be no need for such a big fanfare, let alone such a situation.

Su Peier restrained her urge to look back and thought to herself.

Could it be that...those people are looking for Miss Ye Er?
As soon as this thought emerged, Su Peier's heart trembled.

She tried her best to look calm: "If they want to investigate, just let them go. It has nothing to do with us, so don't pay attention."

The little maid nodded obediently, then thought of something and asked: "Then...girl, are we still going out today?"

Su Peier shook her head: "No."


After the little maid left, Su Peier closed the door, thought about it, and walked to the small couch.

"Miss Ye Er?" she shouted softly.

Ye Chutang's eyelashes trembled and he opened his eyes, with a hint of laziness and fatigue between his brows and eyes.


Su Pei'er met those watery eyes that seemed to be passing by, and listening to the slightly hoarse voice, her heart beat much faster unconsciously.

She clutched her chest.

Begonia sleeps, the beauty is so charming!

She was a woman, and she was almost possessed. If she were a man... she wouldn't know how to be moved when she saw this scene!

I don’t know who will be so lucky to win her favor in the future...

Su Peier shook her head, tried her best to suppress the messy thoughts in her mind, and asked anxiously:
"Miss Ye Er, people from the mine have come to the city to investigate! Do you think you can hide for a while?"

After hearing this, Ye Chutang seemed to react for a few seconds before he asked with a slight smile.


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