Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 320: Coming to the Door

Chapter 320: Coming to the door (first update)
Su Peier said worriedly: "Yes!"

Looking at the current battle, that group of people must be coming for Miss Ye Er. If they find out, then...

There was no trace of panic on Ye Chutang's face, and he yawned lightly.

"I didn't do anything, so why should I hide?"

Su Pei'er: "..."

She really didn't expect that Ye Chutang would say these words so confidently. If she hadn't been anxiously waiting for most of the night last night, she would have believed it.

"Then, then... they won't check it out, right?"

Miss Ye Er can be so calm, which shows that she has confidence in her heart. Maybe... it's because she didn't leave any traces last night?
Seeing her nervous expression, Ye Chutang chuckled and reassured: "Don't worry, you're not looking for me."

It was Shen Yanchuan who made the move, what does Ye Chutang have to do with her?

Su Pei'er naturally didn't know what she was thinking. After hearing what she said, her hanging heart finally let go.

"That's good, that's good!"

The sky is high here and the emperor is far away. If you really encounter those arrogant people, anything you can do is possible.

Seeing that Ye Chutang's eyebrows were still slightly tired, Su Pei'er whispered: "Then, you can continue to rest, and I won't disturb you. I'll make some food later -"

"No need." Ye Chutang shook his head and stood up.

Su Peier asked strangely: "What are you..."

"They're coming."


Su Peier's question was quickly answered.

Tuk Tuk!

A knock on the door came from outside, quite forceful.

"Is anyone here?"

Su Pei'er's heart skipped a beat, and she instantly understood - it was the people from the mine who came to the door!
She suddenly panicked and couldn't help but tighten her handkerchief: "Miss Ye Er, why don't you just hide it first?"

It would be terrible if they figured out something fishy!
Ye Chutang put on his boots without haste and glanced outside before smiling: "You have a strong style of conduct."

Although this Shiluan City is just a small place, the people in the mines should not be qualified to check door to door like this.

The fact that they can do this can only mean that the officials in Shiluan City already belong to them.

The little maid heard the sound and went to open the door.


When she saw several burly men standing outside the door, the little maid was startled and stammered, "Who are you looking for?"

The person in front of her looked at her and then looked towards the yard.

"Something happened in the mine last night. Several people were buried. We came here to find their families. Is there anyone in your family who was in the mine?"

The little maid shook her head like a rattle: "No, no! I, our family is just the girl and me, no one else!"

She was young and timid, and she really didn't look like she would be involved in this matter.

"Your girl?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Peier opened the door and walked out.

When several men saw her, their eyes flashed with surprise.

One of them suddenly thought of something, squinted his eyes and asked, "Look at your faces, are you just here?"

Su Pei'er stepped forward and bowed: "We have been here for more than a month, but we don't go out much. It's normal that we haven't seen each other."

Another person touched his chin: "I heard before that a beautiful woman came, I think it's her."

Su Pei'er's eyelids twitched slightly, and she was secretly shocked. Although Shiluan City is small, there are many people coming and going every day, but these people seem to be very aware of all the situations in the city.

How could this be an ordinary mine!

She smiled at a few people, a little reservedly.

"There was an accident at home and I no longer have any relatives. When I passed by here, I felt that the scenery here was beautiful, so I stayed."

This sounds reasonable.

Seeing that both the master and the servant were weak women, they did not continue to ask questions and turned around to leave.

The little maid covered her chest, still feeling scared: "These people are too tyrannical! Are they going to come directly to find someone like this?"

Su Peier pursed her lips and said, "That's all, these things have nothing to do with us, so don't pay attention to them."

She turned around and went back to the room. Just when she was about to tell Ye Chutang what happened just now, she saw her appearance changed again.

At first glance, he looks thin. An ordinary young man.

"Ms. Ye, Second Miss Ye?" Su Pei'er opened her eyes slightly. She really didn't know why she had just gone out for a while, but when she came back, Ye Chutang had completely changed her appearance.

At the same time, she also understood a little bit in her heart why Ye Chutang didn't panic at all when he heard those people coming to the door.

Even if Ye Chutang stood in front of that group of people now, they might not recognize him!
Ye Chutang took out a purse from his arms, and then took out a stack of banknotes and placed them on the table.

"This is one thousand taels. If you stay here, you will have to spend money. Please accept these."

Su Pei'er quickly refused: "How can this be done? You have already given us a lot before, how can we ask for more? Don't worry, I can play the pipa, and can also embroider handkerchiefs and other female workers. The money I earn enough--"

"Just take it."

Ye Chutang shook his head,

"In the future, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to stay here, so this money will be regarded as an advance payment."

Su Pei'er's life was saved by Ye Chutang. Not to mention just staying here, even if she had to pay with her life, she would never hesitate, so how could she accept the money?

"But it's too much, I-"

Ye Chutang tidied up and looked at the person in the bronze mirror. After making sure that he couldn't see any flaws, he turned around and said with a smile: "Think about it, exchange favors, nothing is free of charge? You just use it, I will come again after a while."

Su Pei'er was startled and finally understood what Ye Chutang meant.

It seems that Shiluan City really hides a lot of secrets, so that Miss Ye Er wants to take so much trouble to lay it out?

She knew she could no longer refuse, bit her lip, and finally knelt down to salute.

"Pei'er will definitely live up to Miss Ye Er's instructions."

Seeing that Ye Chutang was about to leave, she couldn't help but ask: "Are you going back? But those people must be still investigating at this moment. How about you wait a moment?"

Ye Chutang curled his lips and smiled.

“What you’re looking at is the excitement at this time, so naturally you can’t miss it.”

If you don't go and see with your own eyes, how do you know who the hand behind Shiluan City is?


In the south of the city, there is a house somewhere.

A man with a scar on his face looked fierce, staring coldly at the people kneeling in front of him, and spoke with sadness:
"Not found yet?"

Those people all had fearful expressions on their faces.

"Sir, spare your life! I, we are already searching the whole city! Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we will definitely find that person!"

"Yes, yes! Sir, please give us a little more time! That man has excellent martial arts and can break into our mine without anyone noticing. He must be well prepared! Our people have been arranged at every city gate. , we will definitely catch him!”

Scarface narrowed his eyes: "Are some of them awake?"

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