Chapter 321 Token (st update)
The kneeling person replied hesitantly: "Wake up, wake up, I'm awake, but..."

Scarface frowned, very impatient: "But what?"

The man's voice trembled slightly: "But they all said they couldn't remember what happened before!"

Scarface's expression changed: "Don't remember? What does this mean?"

"It's, it's just...the memories of the past few days are all blurred!" The man was also very anxious and worried, "We asked for a long time and tried our best, but they all said the same thing, they just couldn't remember... Maybe it was poisoned!"

Scarface's face was cold, his eyes filled with anger, and he sneered immediately.

"Okay! Okay! Well prepared!"

Several people were kneeling on the ground, trembling all over, not daring to say another word.

It doesn't matter that the mine collapsed. The key point is - someone broke into their heavily guarded mine, and looking at the posture, it was clear that the person who came was evil! What's more important is that he escaped safely in the end!
Scarface clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, and the veins on his hand popped out, which showed the overwhelming anger in his heart at this time!
"Keep checking! I don't believe he can run away so fast!"


After several people responded in succession, they were about to go down when they remembered something again and turned around with expressions that could not hide their nervousness:

"Then, sir, if the higher ups come and ask, should we respond?"

As soon as the words fell, the courtyard suddenly became quiet and the atmosphere became condensed.

Even Scarface tensed his jaw.

After a while, he said: "The news of the mine collapse will be submitted first. As for the others... it will not be too late to report after the results are found."

Several people looked at each other.

Does this mean...that you have to hide it first?
"However, we must be able to hide it from our extensive search in the city today. In the future...will we be punished?"

Scarface gave him a cold look.

"Master has been annoyed enough lately, why bother bothering me about these things anymore?"

During this period of time, the higher-ups have been a little too lazy to deal with the situation here, so such a big thing happened. If the higher-ups find out, their lives will be in danger!

Several people heard the threat in his words and shuddered when they thought of the above methods.


In Shiluan City, there was a roar of wind and cranes.

Many people close their doors for fear of getting into trouble.

There were also fewer people walking on the street.

After noon, the sky quickly darkened, and soon it started to rain again.

There was a heavy dusk between heaven and earth, and the ground was covered with a layer of white mist.

A group of people passed quickly on the road.

On the second floor of a certain teahouse, Ye Chutang quietly watched those people leave and took the last sip of tea in his cup.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed!
When the man walking at the end turned the corner, a wooden sign was vaguely exposed in the belt around his waist.

The wooden sign was extremely dark in color, almost like black ink.

If you look carefully, you can see a vague pattern engraved on it.

That is--

Ye Chutang stood up quickly.


In the alleyway, Ye Chutang walked quietly alone.

She took a completely different path from those people, but within a quarter of an hour, she would meet those people.

When she was at Su Pei'er's place, she had already seen the map of the entire Shiluan City. With Su Pei'er's diligent departure after coming here, she was able to outline the map route that was not very clear at first.

Ye Chutang only took one glance and already had the entire road map of Shiluan City imprinted in his mind.

She didn't need to speak, just by meeting those people face to face, she could determine whether it was——

Suddenly, she paused and slowly raised her head.

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