Chapter 322 Borrowing (st update)
The sky was dark, and the man opposite him was tall and tall, his bamboo hat tilted slightly, and all he could see was his clear and deep phoenix eyes.

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows.

"What a coincidence."

I thought we would never see each other again after leaving the mine, but I didn't expect that we would bump into each other again just one night later.

She raised her chin: "Together?"

But Shen Yanchuan shook his head: "It's dangerous, don't go."

Ye Chutang was startled.

Is this... specifically to stop her?
Shen Yanchuan's words were concise and concise: "There are people in Nanwan Lane who are supporting them, and their skills are not weak."

Ye Chutang immediately understood - those people were deliberately trying to catch people!

It is estimated that the previous investigation did not go well, so this method was used again, a two-pronged approach.

She narrowed her eyes slightly: "...So, it really is him?"

Shen Yanchuan nodded imperceptibly.

Although neither of them clearly stated who that "he" was, both parties knew who they were referring to.

Ye Chutang slowly clenched his palms, with no emotion in his tone:
"But they have something in them that I want."

She wanted to see if the pattern engraved on the wooden sign was the same as what she saw when the accident happened!
Today, she must find out this matter!

After saying that, she raised her legs to move forward.

Shen Yanchuan moved slightly and stopped in front of her.

Ye Chutang raised his eyes, and the next second, he heard him say: "If it's dangerous, I'll go."

Ye Chutang was stunned for a moment, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.


"The next interrogation will only get stricter. It's time to leave this morning." Shen Yanchuan interrupted her, "Twenty miles east of the city, wait for me."

After leaving these words, Shen Yanchuan turned around before Ye Chutang could react, and his figure quickly disappeared into the rain. "..."

The fingers in Ye Chutang's sleeves moved slightly.

In fact... she originally wanted to say that even if the other party was outnumbered, she would still be able to get the things and escape unscathed.

She blinked, put away the things in her hands, and curved the corners of her lips very slightly.

"it is good."


The rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, and Shen Yanchuan walked silently through the rain curtain.

Turning the corner, the few people in front entered a narrow path.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes slightly and glanced, then followed him calmly.

When he reached the middle of the alley, he suddenly stopped.

Three men in black suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way. They were staring at him with eager eyes, and their menacing aura could hardly be concealed.

"Your Excellency, you are so brave!" The man in the middle sneered, "You stole into the mine last night and allowed you to escape by chance. You dare to show up today. You are really going to die!"

Shen Yanchuan stood still and tilted his head slightly.

Several more figures suddenly appeared behind him, each holding a knife and showing murderous intent!
Attacked from both sides, trapped in this narrow alley, it is really difficult to escape!
However, Shen Yanchuan didn't seem to pay much attention. His eyes swept over those people and finally fell on the person in the middle in front.

——The wooden plaque was hanging on his waist.

"Misunderstanding." Shen Yanchuan said, but his voice was completely different from his usual, slightly hoarse and deep, "I came here this time with no intention of offending, but I just wanted to borrow something."

The man in the middle frowned: "Borrow something? What do you want to borrow!?"

He didn't recognize this man's face, and he had never seen him in Shiluan City before. But seeing how light his steps were, he obviously had good skills. In addition, he was able to leave the mine with his beard and tail intact, and he was even more dismayed. Dare to underestimate the enemy.

The most important thing is - you have to find out the details of the other party before you can give an explanation to the superiors!
While thinking about it, he looked at the person opposite and smiled.

"No one, I'll lend you my life."

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