Chapter 323 Relationship (first update)
The man was furious when he heard this: "Seeking death!"

He immediately rushed towards Shen Yanchuan. Seeing this, the others immediately followed suit, attacking from both sides!

This man is really arrogant, but no matter how powerful he is, it is difficult for him to defeat four people with just two fists. He is bound to be defeated today!

Shen Yanchuan's steps stumbled slightly, his eyelids were slightly raised, and his eyes were cold.

"Since Your Excellency refuses to lend it, I have no choice but to get it myself."


Ye Chutang headed towards the city gate. Before he arrived, he saw from a distance that the number of people guarding the city gate had increased significantly.

She narrowed her eyes slightly.

Being able to affect such a large formation in a short period of time shows that the entire Shiluan City is already under the opponent's control.

She moved slightly and turned into the alley next to her.

The rain gradually stopped, and then, a woman with plain clothes and ordinary appearance appeared at the end of the alley.

She made her way to the city gate and was stopped by soldiers as expected.


Ye Chutang lowered his head slightly, as if an ordinary woman was frightened, with a timid look on her face.

A man stared at her twice, looking at the dull and pale face, and became even more impatient: "Let's go, let's go! Don't stand here and get in the way!"

Ye Chutang shuddered, stammered a thank you, and then headed out of the city.

After walking some distance, she looked back.

Those people believed that the person who broke into the mine last night was a man, so they didn't pay much attention to her, which saved her a lot of effort.

Later, as agreed, Ye Chutang came to a location twenty miles outside the city and waited for Shen Yanchuan.

An hour later, just when Ye Chutang was wondering if something had happened to Shen Yanchuan, that familiar figure finally came into view.

She breathed out softly and then stepped forward: "Why-"

Suddenly, her voice stopped.

The road that had rained was slippery and muddy, and the corners of Shen Yanchuan's clothes were splashed with mud. A hint of scarlet, almost imperceptible.

If she hadn't had a keen sense of smell and smelled the blood on his body immediately, she might not have been able to detect it!

She frowned: "Are you injured?"

Shen Yanchuan's eyes fell on her face. Although she was dressed up, her black starry eyes were unmistakable no matter what.

He glanced down along Ye Chutang's line of sight and accidentally said, "It's not my blood."

That means he wasn't injured?

Ye Chutang's expression relaxed.

Those people deliberately set up a trap and waited for them to fall into the trap. The ones they sent were by no means useless. I don’t know how Shen Yanchuan dealt with them and how he got out of the city.

Shen Yanchuan did not miss any subtle changes in expression on her face, and curled her thin lips very lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

He said, handing over a wooden sign.

"What you want."

Ye Chutang's eyelids twitched - the pattern on it was exactly the same as what he had seen before!
Countless images flashed through her mind quickly again and again.

She clenched her hands silently, her nails digging into her palms.

A warm touch suddenly came from the back of the hand.

Ye Chutang was stunned.

Shen Yanchuan took her hand and put the wooden sign into her palm without any refusal.

Ye Chutang came back to his senses, was silent for a moment, and then said:
"Thank you very much."

She knew very well that it would not be easy to get this thing and escape safely.

This time she owed Shen Yanchuan a favor.

As if he saw what she was thinking, Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows:
"With our relationship, it seems like there's no need to be so polite, right?"

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