Chapter 324 For Her (st update)
Ye Chutang's eyebrows moved slightly: "Our... relationship?"

Shen Yanchuan looked back and raised his eyebrows: "We live and die together, so we are naturally different from others. What do you think, Miss Ye Er?"

...It seems impossible to refute this, but it always feels like something is not right.

But Ye Chutang naturally had to admit his love.

She nodded lightly: "Indeed."

Although I don't know what Shen Yanchuan went through, it is not difficult to imagine that it must have been a fierce battle.

She put away the wooden sign and raised her eyebrows at Shen Yanchuan and smiled:
"Your Majesty, I have taken note of this kindness, and I will repay it someday."

Shen Yanchuan chuckled: "I wonder if it's enough to exchange for a bottle of wine?"

Ye Chutang: "..."

When did this man become so fussy?
She turned to leave, but as soon as she took a step, she stopped again.

"The prince was poisoned before. Although he has been cleaned up, it still hurt his liver and lungs. It is better to drink less of this drink."

Shen Yanchuan was slightly startled.

So...this is the reason why she deliberately didn't give it away?

Ye Chutang didn't look back, he just raised his hand and shook the wooden sign.

"After returning to Beijing, I will personally bring wine and come to your door to say thank you."


It was getting dark.

Lian Zhou and his party rested in the forest, occasionally raising their heads and looking toward the southeast.

We will arrive in Changzhou tomorrow, but the master has not come back yet.

Although they could find someone to pretend to be their master and hide it from the informants in Changzhou, it was not a long-term solution after all.

I don’t know what the master’s situation is like in Shiluan City…

Just as he was thinking about it, a tall and tall figure came into view.

The pale moonlight fell on him, outlining his deserted outline.

Lian Zhou was overjoyed and immediately stepped forward to greet him: "Master!"

The remaining people also knelt down and saluted: "Master!" Shen Yanchuan raised his hand to signal them to stand up.

Lian Zhou couldn't help but asked: "Master, Shiluan City——"

Suddenly, his expression changed: "Are you injured!?"

Shen Yanchuan carelessly said: "Someone threw themselves into a trap, so I took care of them."

Lian Zhou felt relieved.

Also, with the master's skill, ordinary people can't get close easily.


"Didn't you say you wanted to act in secret before? Why..."

For this reason, the master asked them to leave first, leaving him alone.

Is it possible to have such a fierce fight with someone——

Shen Yanchuan said: "Something unexpected happened."

His tone was calm, as if he didn't take those things to heart.

But Lian Zhou didn't think so. It must be an accident that the master could do it himself at this time! ?


"After we go back this time, let them practice hard." Shen Yanchuan remembered something and interrupted Lian Zhou, "It's really good to be able to lose a group of people to one person."

Lian Zhou was stunned for a moment: "What?"

It seems that the only people the master has sent people to follow recently are...

"Miss Ye Er!?"

Lian Zhou couldn't believe it.
"Could it be that—you met her in Shiluan City!?"

Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "From now on, send someone to keep an eye on Shiluan City at all times. If there is any movement, report it immediately."

Lian Zhou's mind was buzzing: It's true! My master really met Miss Ye Er there!
But, shouldn't she be in Qingzhou now? ? Why did he end up in Shiluan City! ?

Countless questions were lingering in his mind. Lian Zhou responded. He endured it again and again, but he still couldn't hold it back and asked one more question:
"Then...then this time you did it for her?"

Shen Yanchuan dusted off his clothes and said calmly:
"She doesn't want to see blood."

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