Chapter 325 (st update)
Lian Zhou: "..."

Forget it if it were anyone else, he had accompanied his master to Jiangling.

Ye Chutang can't stand blood? So everything in the beginning was all his illusion?
Lian Zhou endured it again and again, finally swallowing the words in his throat.

That's all, the master said she couldn't see it, so she couldn't see it!
Lian Zhou felt very complicated when he thought that his master, who was too lazy to take action himself when the enemy came to kill him, had now become Miss Ye Er's thug.

The key is to see the master's appearance, it is obvious that he took the initiative.

Lian Zhou felt even more complicated.

He could only change the topic: "What do you mean, Miss Ye Er went alone this time?"

Shen Yanchuan nodded.

Lian Zhou felt a little chilled in his heart and looked at Ye Chutang with even greater admiration.

It was a long journey from Qingzhou to Shiluan City, but she came here alone!

Such courage and courage are truly incomparable.

Lian Zhou didn't ask Ye Chutang why he came this time. He just remembered Shen Yanchuan's instructions just now and responded in a low voice: "Don't worry, I will urge the people below to strengthen their training. There won't be a second time!"

When Shen Yanchuan heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

He chuckled as he recalled that when he was in the mine last night, Ye Chutang had followed him from beginning to end, never falling behind even a step behind, and his movements were agile and cautious.

"Maybe it's not that easy."

Even he underestimated her, let alone others?
Lian Zhou was stunned: What happened in Shiluan City that made the master have such a big change in Miss Ye Er?
Listening to the master's words, who is so secretive?
Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes and looked forward, and the smile in the corner of his eyes faded away.

"Go to Changzhou."



As soon as a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, Ye Jingyan woke up.

He simply packed up and pushed out the door. When he passed Ye Yunfeng's room next to him, he suddenly stopped.

Ye Jingyan stared at the closed door, raised her hand and knocked: "A Feng?" No one answered.

Is this...sneaking out again last night?

There was no surprise on Ye Jingyan's face, and she turned around and walked towards another room.

Opening the door and walking around the screen, I saw that the little breast had woken up and was sitting there in a daze, hugging the quilt.

A strand of soft hair was raised, and the expression on the fleshy little face was confused, as if he was not yet fully awake.

"Little five?"

Ye Jingyan walked over and rubbed her little head.

"Why are you up so early again?"

Xiao Wu looked up at him and curled his lips.

——She can’t sleep well when sister is not here!

Ye Jingyan helped her get a set of goose-yellow jacket and skirt next to her, helped her put it on, then took her to wash up, twisted the handkerchief and wiped her face while saying, "Sister, I think she will be back soon."

Every time my sister left, she would come back on time and she never made a mistake.

Xiao Wu finally felt at ease and smiled brightly at him.

——When Sister A comes back, they should be returning to the capital, right?
Ye Jingyan scratched her nose: "Want to go to Lanyue Tower for dinner?"

Xiaowu didn't feel embarrassed when his little mind was exposed. He stuck out his tongue and smiled with his eyes bent.

Seeing her like this, Ye Jingyan also smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't miss you when I get back."

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the courtyard.

Ye Jingyan seemed to realize something. She looked back. When she saw the familiar figure walking into the courtyard, she immediately stood up and couldn't hide her joy.


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