Chapter 326 Asking (st update)
This person is not Ye Chutang who has been away for a few days, so who is it!
As Ye Jingyan took a step forward, he felt something running past him like the wind.

The meaty little ball rushed out quickly and threw itself directly into Ye Chutang's arms.

Ye Chutang looked at the small breasts with unwiped drops of water on his face and laughed: "I'm back now, why are you in such a hurry?"

How could Xiao Wu care about this? He hugged Ye Chutang tightly with his two small arms, buried his face in the crook of her neck, and rubbed her affectionately and lovingly.

Ye Chutang's heart softened, and he held her little buttocks and held her in his arms.

Xiaowu has rarely been separated from her since he was a child, but every time she goes out to do errands, Xiaowu is obedient and never cries.

But after coming back, Xiaowu would be particularly attached to her, full of longing and reluctance, and only then would it overflow.

Ye Jingyan stepped forward and took a closer look at Ye Chutang first. She felt relieved when she saw that she did not seem to be injured. Although she was dusty, she still looked energetic.

After swallowing the worried words in his throat, a smile spread on his handsome face: "Sister, it's been a hard journey."

Sister A came back a little earlier than he expected. It seemed that this time it went smoothly.

Ye Chutang hugged Xiao Wu and looked around: "A Feng isn't there?"

Ye Jingyan paused and nodded: "He just went out."

Ye Chutang raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was still early, so that boy had already gone out?

"What did he do?"

Ye Jingyan's lips moved slightly, but before she could speak, she heard another movement outside the courtyard wall.

Ye Chutang looked along the direction of the sound and raised his eyebrows.

It was still dark, and you could vaguely see the young man leaping over the courtyard wall with agility. He landed almost silently, and his figure disappeared into the shadows of the corridor in a flash.

It was clear that this was definitely not the first time he had done this.

I have a headache every day with my schoolwork, but I have learned all this messy stuff.

Ye Chutang raised his voice: "Where are you going?"

Ye Yunfeng, who was about to quietly go back to his room to catch up on some sleep, said: "..."

He was stunned for a moment, then realized something and turned around suddenly. "Sister!?"

No, how could he be caught like this——

No, no! The point is that Sister A is back!
Ye Yunfeng took three steps in succession and came quickly: "Sister!"

The joy on his face was not concealed: "When did you come back?"

Ye Chutang: "Oh, just when you are not at home."

Ye Yunfeng: "..."

Knowing that he was in the wrong, he coughed hard: "Well, I, I just went out for a walk..."

When Sister A left, she specifically told them to be careful in their words and deeds during her absence.

He ran out before dawn, and it really didn't look like he was doing anything good.

Ye Chutang's eyes lingered on the corners of his clothes that were wet with morning dew for a moment, and he was already thinking about it.

"Go back to the house first."


Ye Chutang simply washed up and changed some clothes. When he came out, Ye Jingyan had already poured a cup of hot tea. Ye Yunfeng was a little distracted and didn't know what he was thinking.

"How are you at home these days while I'm away?"

As soon as Ye Chutang sat down, Ye Yunfeng immediately came back to his senses and served the tea eagerly.

"Sister, you must be very tired after rushing back at night. Please drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat!"

Ye Chutang took it, flipped the tea leaves with the tea lid, took a sip, and then raised his eyes to look at the two brothers.

Ye Jingyan nodded: "Sister, don't worry, everything is as usual."


Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows.
"Then why did Ah Feng go out so early?"

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