Chapter 327 Is it fun (first update)
Ye Chutang didn't believe that Ye Laosi would wake up so early.

If it's serious business, why don't you even dare to go through the door, but you want to climb over the wall?
According to his previous experience, he must have been thinking too much when he did this.

Ye Yunfeng cast a look of help at his third brother.

Ye Jingyan coughed lightly: "Ah Feng..."

"Let him speak for himself."

Ye Chutang interrupted him without hesitation.

Ye Jingyan choked: "...Oh."

Ye Yunfeng felt bad, so he had to put his last hope on Xiao Wu. As long as she could help, then Sister——


Xiao Wu took a bite of the peanut cake.

——The third brother said he shouldn’t eat too much every day, but he bought everything he could. It would be a waste if he didn’t finish it as soon as possible!
Ye Yunfeng: "..."

I knew this little girl was unreliable!

He thought for a while, smiled, and came to Ye Chutang's side: "Actually, I didn't go to do anything. Sister, don't you know me yet? Now that I'm back, I don't know how much more comfortable I am than in the capital. Naturally, I want to go out and see more. "

Most of the rules in the capital were true, and there were countless pairs of eyes staring at them overtly or covertly. Especially after entering the Imperial College, Ye Yunfeng felt more like a bird in captivity, very uncomfortable.

But that was never his real reason for going out so early in the morning.

Ye Chutang raised his eyelids and glanced at him indifferently.

Ye Yunfeng's heart thumped, and after hesitating for a while, he finally rubbed his face and admitted it.

"Forget it, I can't hide anything from my sister, I'll just tell the truth! I went to the houses of those selling grain!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "Oh?" Ye Yunfeng was like pouring beans from a bamboo tube: "When my sister asked them about buying and selling grain, I was a little curious. I went to their house these days to see them. They have already followed my sister's previous instructions. Tell me to rebuild and repair the grain storage cellar."

There was a look of disappointment on his face: "I originally thought that I might be able to find some useful clues from those people's homes, but after a few days, I found nothing."

Ye Chutang put down the tea cup, and there was no look of surprise on his face. He just said: "They are all hardworking people, but they live on such a small amount of food. It is normal that no evidence can be found."

Those people don't even know where their food is being sold, let alone others?
Ye Yunfeng was stunned and understood what she meant, and he understood instantly.

He leaned back in his chair, feeling a little slumped: "Sister, you're right, I'm not thinking well."

Ye Chutang's lips curled up slightly, seeming to smile: "Then where did you go today?"

Ye Yunfeng raised his head suddenly!
Ye Chutang's fair and slender fingers gently rubbed the tea cup:

"You smell like Chun Xin in the Snow, and you didn't even notice?"

Ye Yunfeng opened his eyes wide.

Ye Chutang raised his chin: "This thing is not something ordinary people can afford."

Ye Yunfeng immediately raised his arm and smelled vigorously from left to right, as if he smelled a faint smell.

But if sister hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed at all!
After a long moment of silence, Ye Yunfeng finally sighed.

Sure enough, I can't hide anything from my sister...

He coughed and said with a guilty conscience: "Today, I went to the magistrate's office today."

Ye Jingyan looked at him immediately. A small piece of Xiao Wu's half-eaten peanut cake fell off, but she didn't even notice. She looked up at Ye Yunfeng with a surprised look on her face.

——Fourth brother actually went to that place! ?
Ye Chutang seemed to be more interested: "Oh? So - is it fun?"

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