Chapter 328 Return to Beijing (st update)
Ye Yunfeng was stunned: "Sister...aren't you angry?"

Ye Chutang said nothing, just lowered his head and sipped his tea.

Seeing her attitude, Ye Yunfeng finally felt more at ease.

He stepped forward and said: "It's really interesting to talk about the county magistrate's office! On the surface, it doesn't look like anything special, but the servants in the house are all walking briskly and breathing long. I look at it, and they clearly have some skills. General!"

Ye Jingyan thought thoughtfully: "After all, it is the magistrate's house, so it seems not surprising to recruit a few people with good fists and kicks."

"If it were that simple, I wouldn't have come back so early!"

Ye Yunfeng narrowed his eyes,
"Others aside, the personal attendant guarding the door of the magistrate's room seemed unremarkable, but he was very vigilant. It was precisely because of him that I gave up my plan to continue investigating and came back. "

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "Has he noticed you?"

Ye Yunfeng shook his head: "That's not true, but if I get closer, I won't be sure."


Ye Chutang became interested now.

Ah Feng is extremely talented in martial arts, and she has been teaching him personally in the past few years, so it is impossible for ordinary people to notice his movements.

For him to be so cautious shows that the other party is indeed not simple.

A county magistrate... specially invited such a person by his side, what is his intention?
Ye Jingyan suddenly said: "If I guess correctly, that person should be named Gao Yi."

Ye Yunfeng turned his head in surprise: "Third brother, do you know this person?"

Ye Jingyan shook her head: "I just heard Pan Ying mention it before."

Although Pan Ying cannot compare with Ye Xiting, he is actually quite skilled among these people.

He originally thought that he would be very important, but he didn't expect that such a person would appear out of nowhere and steal all his limelight.

It is said that Gaoyi saved the life of the magistrate.

Pan Ying disliked this person very much, so he later took the initiative to apply and be transferred to guard the city gate.

Ye Yunfeng touched his chin: "With this person's ability, it is really unfair to stay in a small magistrate's office. Moreover, the magistrate's office looks very simple from top to bottom, without a trace of oil or water. It's really unreasonable." Do you know what Gaoyi wants?"

Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "Simple?"

This letter of spring in the snow is not cheap.

Seeing her expression, Ye Yunfeng quickly understood: "What sister there something wrong with the county government?"

Ye Chutang smiled: "Do they really not know that you are selling grain?"

Ye Yunfeng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized——

"That's right! Isn't it Pan Ying who helped with this matter?"

Is there anything in this small Qingzhou that can be hidden from those in power?
Ye Jing said: "No wonder my sister made me take Xiao Wu to play around in the courtyard every day during this secret trip."

I'm afraid there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them secretly!

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly rose up on Ye Jingyan's back.

——I thought I could finally rest peacefully for a while after going home this time. Who would have thought that this place would no longer be a pure place!

Ye Chutang pinched Xiao Wu's cheek and saw that her face, which had lost some weight due to illness, was now rounder again, and smiled slightly:
"They do their thing and we do ours, no need to bother or worry."

Since she dared to come back, she had made all preparations.

Ye Jingyan couldn't settle down in her heart, she frowned and fell into deep thought.

Ye Yunfeng couldn't help but ask: "What's Sister A's next plan?"

"Go back to Beijing."

"Back to Beijing?" Ye Yunfeng was very surprised, "Sister, don't you plan to continue investigating here?"

Everyone can see that there must be something wrong here, especially when it involves Ye Heng, so we need to be cautious.

"Who said we can't investigate if we leave here?" Ye Chutang asked back.

They came back this time just to bury their parents and brother. Now that the time has come, if they delay returning to Beijing, they will arouse suspicion. Ye Jingyan thought thoughtfully: "It's a pity that he has been exiled to Tongbei. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to investigate next."

I also knew that the reason why the so-called "grain merchant" never came was because something happened at Ye Heng's side.

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "In this case, it is even more necessary to return to Beijing first to avoid disturbing the situation."

Ye Jingyan's eyes lit up and she suddenly realized.

Ye Yunfeng also understood and slapped his palm: "Sister, you are right! Let's go back first. As long as we wait patiently, we are not afraid that those people will not show up!"

Ye Chutang glanced at him with a smile.

"It seems that you have made a lot of progress during your time back in Beijing."

Now I have so much more patience.

Ye Yunfeng was rarely praised by his sister, and his eyebrows were filled with pride: "Of course!"

Ye Chutang nodded and looked outside again: "In that case, let's set off tomorrow."

The two brothers responded in unison. Xiao Wu raised his face, blinked his eyes, and pinched another piece of peanut cake.

——My sister rushed back at night, still hungry!
Ye Chutang took a bite of a piece with her little hand, and when the sweet taste melted between her lips and teeth, she said, "Xiaowu is giving tomorrow's share to sister, thank you."

Ye Chutang said and ate the remaining piece.

Xiaowu:? ? ?
Ye Chutang pretended not to see her dazzling look, and planned to go back to catch up on her sleep while holding her small breasts.

Ye Jingyan couldn't suppress the worry in her heart, and finally asked: "Sister!"

Ye Chutang turned around.

Ye Jingyan looked at her: "Sister, did you gain something from your trip this time?"

Hearing this, Ye Yunfeng immediately tightened his heart and looked at Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang thought for a while, then slightly raised the corners of his lips: "Yes."

Not too young yet.

Ye Yunfeng felt relieved when he heard this and said with a smile: "That's good. I knew it would be possible if Sister took action herself."

Ye Chutang turned around to leave, then thought of something, and turned around and said, "By the way, I will ask someone to keep a portion of all the brewed wine later."

Ye Yunfeng was curious: "Sister, do you want to drink?"

Ye Chutang shook his head: "Give it away."

Ye Jingyan looked at her instantly: "Who do you want to send to me?"

Someone's low and lazy words echoed in Ye Chutang's mind unconsciously, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.



On the second day, Ye Chutang and his party set off back to Beijing.

Pan Ying heard the news and came specially to say goodbye.

He stood beside the carriage and said with emotion: "Now that you are gone, we don't know when we will see each other again."

Ye Jingyan clasped her fists politely: "Thank you, Brother Pan, for taking care of me during this period. My father, mother, brother, and brother are here, and we will come back often in the future."

Pan Ying opened her mouth and looked at the face in front of her that was very similar to the high-spirited young man in her memory. She suppressed the sourness in her heart and raised her hand to pat Ye Jingyan on the shoulder.

"Don't worry! I will guard them for you!"

Ye Jingyan felt warm in her heart: "I can't thank you enough."

A gust of west wind blew, rolling the car curtains, and the ancient city gate was looming.

Ye Chutang took one last look, returned to the carriage, and closed his eyes lightly.

"Let's go."

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