Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 329 The limelight is in full swing

After leaving Qingzhou, the continuous rain finally stopped.

The meaning of autumn is stronger, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

Ye Chutang and his party returned to the capital smoothly along the official road.

As the carriage slowly drove into the city, Ye Yunfeng looked back and said with a smile: "Those people are gone."

He had long discovered that someone was secretly following them, and he was very wary at first. However, later he discovered that those people were always keeping a close distance, and it seemed more like they were secretly protecting them, so he kept silent.

Ye Chutang was not surprised that he would notice it. If he didn't even have this ability, he would have died three years ago.

Xiao Wu, who was sleeping in his arms, woke up when he heard the noise and rubbed his eyes in a daze.

When she realized that she was still in the swaying carriage, nervousness suddenly welled up in her eyes and she unconsciously grabbed Ye Chutang's sleeve.

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes and gently smoothed her messy hair.

Smelling the familiar faint cold fragrance on her body, Xiao Wu gradually settled down and nuzzled Ye Chutang's neck lovingly.

Ye Yunfeng was slightly startled when he saw this, and then subconsciously looked at Ye Chutang.

Xiao Wu seems to be... less afraid of riding in a carriage than before?
In the past, even if Xiao Wu didn't cry, he would still be worried and frightened for a long time, and would have to be hugged and coaxed again and again.

but now……

Ye Chutang actually discovered this, not today, but earlier.

It seems... Xiao Wu has changed like this since they left Qingzhou.

Although it was subtle, she was just following Ye Chutang as a baby, so how could she not notice it?
At first, Ye Chutang thought it was because of the high fever that Xiao Wu had suffered a little bit, but now it seems...

But no matter what, it is always a good thing.

Ye Chutang pinched Xiao Wu's cheek and asked with a smile: "Xiao Wu, we are back in the capital. If we want to eat something, let your fourth brother buy it later."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up instantly.

Seeing her like this, Ye Yunfeng couldn't help but laugh: "Come out! Tell me, what do you want to eat? Fourth brother invited me!"

Xiaowu's eyes brightened even more. She stretched out her little hand, ready to take advantage of her fourth brother, but suddenly remembered something, turned her head and looked at Ye Chutang, and slightly bent her little hand, making a gesture of drinking water.

Ye Chutang understood instantly and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why, do you want to go to Yunlai Restaurant?"

Xiao Wu nodded hurriedly.

When the wine shop opened, Ajie had already gone to Feiyun Temple outside the city, so she and she also stayed at home.

Until now, she has not had a good look at it!

Hearing this, Ye Yunfeng also became energetic: "Yes! Why did you forget this? Sister, those shops have already started business. Do you want to go and see for yourself?"

Ye Chutang thought for a moment, raised the curtain and said to Ye Jing: "Ayan, change the road and go to Yunlai Wine Shop."


It was now early October, and the weather in the capital was obviously a little colder than when they left.

However, the streets are still lively with people coming and going.

After going around two bends, the road ahead suddenly opened up.

Ye Yunfeng said: "Sister, we are here!"

The carriage stopped, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

"Isn't that the Ye family's carriage?"

"Those are Ye Jia Sanlang and Ye Jia Si Lang! It seems that they have returned to Beijing?"

Because of the Yunlai Restaurant, the Ye family is now very famous, and the siblings are particularly eye-catching when they appear.

Ye Chutang moved his feet, but suddenly stopped and looked up to the other side.

——Lanyue Tower. (End of chapter)

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