Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 334 Chapter 334: General his army

Chapter 334 Chapter 334: General his army (first update)
Hearing this sentence, Ye Jingyan's eyes became fixed, and Ye Yunfeng was stunned for a moment.


Xue Ran obviously didn't expect Ye Chutang to guess the identity of the visitor at once, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yes. Second Miss already knows?"

It shouldn't be. King Lie only brought one attendant and was extremely low-key. If he hadn't met King Lie once before, he probably wouldn't have recognized him so quickly.

Who would have thought that the second young lady would have guessed this before she even saw anyone when she came back?
Ye Chutang took a sip of tea and said, "At this time, there are only a few people who can be called honored guests and ask you to come and ask for instructions."

With Xue Ran's demeanor, the person coming here must be extraordinary. The identity of Princess Qinyang is displayed there. There are only a handful of people in the entire capital who are more noble than her. And the second prince just got into trouble not long ago, so naturally he will not be in this place. It's time to show up again.

However, His Highness the Lie King who triumphed a month ago is the most likely.

Xue Ran was impressed, feeling that he had underestimated this seemingly gentle and gentle girl before.

When Yunlai Tavern opened, she was outside the capital, and later left Beijing directly for Qingzhou. After such a long time, when she stepped into here for the first time, she seemed to know everything.

Xue Ran lowered his head slightly and became more respectful: "The second lady said it is true. Then you must go..."

Ye Chutang shook his head: "No need to bother me."


Xue Ran agreed, turned around and retreated.

As soon as he left, Ye Yunfeng immediately looked at Ye Chutang: "Sister, you really don't want to meet the Lie King?"

There are only four princes in the Holy Emperor today, and the eldest son died young. The second prince, King Qi, is both civil and military, and his mother and concubine are also of high birth, so they have always been the most likely to be appointed heir apparent.

In the past two years, King Lie continued to make military exploits, and his prestige in the army became increasingly high, and he began to have the potential to fight against each other.

They have never seen this person since they returned to Beijing.

Ye Chutang glanced at him: "What, you want to go?"

"That's not true." Ye Yunfeng chuckled, "I'm just a little curious." Ye Jingyan directly exposed him: "If you want to join the army, just say so. I won't stop you."

Ye Yunfeng has been fond of wielding swords and guns since he was a child. It would kill him to sit down and read for half an hour, but when it comes to marching and fighting, he is always full of interest.

He is very familiar with the famous ministers and generals since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and is very familiar with their battles, large and small.

Every time he mentioned it, he would also imagine how to plan and fight better if he were in that situation at that time.

The blood surging in his bones was always boiling.

Ye Yunfeng was not embarrassed to have his thoughts revealed. Anyway, his sister and third brother both knew his thoughts.


"That's not possible. I haven't given the things that sister promised me yet. How can I leave at this time?"

Ever since his elder sister promised to return to Beijing and give him the military book that his elder brother had read back then, he had been thinking about this matter.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is not yet fourteen years old this year. Even if my sister agrees to let him go, no one will want him.

Ye Chutang wiped the pastry crumbs around Xiao Wu's mouth with a handkerchief, and then said calmly: "Since I'm back, I'll see you sooner or later."


Another private room on the second floor.

A young man in indigo brocade clothes sat alone by the window, turned the white porcelain wine glass in his hand, and looked away from the window.

He thought for a long time and then smiled.

"It's rare for someone to defeat Murong Ye's army."

"Yes, even that old fox Ye Heng suffered a big loss at her hands, let alone others."

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