Chapter 335 Master (st update)
The other courtyard in the west of the city.

Ye Shixian was combing her hair carefully when she heard movement outside the door.

"Let me go! You are deaf! I tell you to let me go!"

The sharp sound hurt people's eardrums, and Ye Shixian felt irritated. She randomly selected a red jade hairpin and inserted it into her temple, then stood up and opened the door.

However, the next moment, the expression on her face froze.

She naturally recognized that it was Mr. Gao's voice, but the people who sent her back were not the maids who accompanied her out in the morning, but two burly boys.

She quickly recognized that this was the person next to Murong Ye.

"Why is it you?" Ye Shixian asked in shock.

The two men glanced at her and bowed perfunctorily.

"I have met Miss Ye. We were ordered by the young master to send Mrs. Ye back. She went to Yunlai Wine Shop today and struggled a lot there. She seemed to be unconscious——"

"Nonsense!" Mr. Gao couldn't hear what he said. He became even more excited and yelled angrily, "It's fine if he doesn't help me, but he dares to slander me like this! He still has an elder like me in his eyes!"

The boy smiled mockingly.

"Oh, I don't dare to do that. Who in this huge capital can afford to offend you?"

The sarcasm in the words was obvious, it was like pointing at the nose and scolding.

Ye Shixian's face also darkened, but she still had sense after all. After thinking about it for a while, she guessed that to make Murong Ye so rude, Gao must have done something excessive.

How could he fall out with Murong Ye at this time?
Ye Shixian took a deep breath, her face changed into an apologetic look, and she hurried forward.

"My mother has been in poor spirits recently, please send her back. If she offends anyone -"

"What are you offending!?"

Gao was still in the mood to scold him. "They are all bullies and afraid of the strong! And that Murong Ye! I clearly said what I said before, but in front of everyone -"

"Mom!" Ye Shixian was afraid that she would say something unpleasant, so she immediately raised her voice and stopped, winking at Shaoyao, "Hurry up and help Madam back!"


Shaoyao quickly stepped forward and took Gao away half-pushed and half-tugged.

But after entering the house, the curses were still heard.

Ye Shixian felt embarrassed, but she had to put on a gentle face: "You two, why didn't Mr. Murong come?"

For Murong Ye to be so rude, it shows that something has really happened, but I don't know what the situation is?
But the two people just looked at each other and cupped their hands.

"Young Master has something important to do and won't be coming in the near future. Now that Mrs. Ye has been delivered, let's take our leave."

After that, she really ignored Ye Shixian and turned around to leave.


Ye Shixian took a step to catch up, but stopped again, feeling increasingly uneasy.

The people under Murong Ye had always been polite and courteous to her, but this was the first time that they dared to look down on her!

Apart from the fact that my mother really annoyed Murong Ye, it was also because she was living under someone else's roof and was inferior to them after all!
Ye Shixian was furious and wanted to ask Mr. Gao personally what happened, but when she heard the extremely unpleasant curse, she gave up the idea.

However, she soon found out the whole story - Ye Chutang was back.


Thanks to Gao's trouble, the news of Ye Chutang's return to Beijing spread quickly as if it had wings.

Everyone already knows that she is the real owner of Yunlai Wine Shop.

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