Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 336 The Art of War

The disturbances from the outside world did not seem to affect Ye Chutang. After sitting at Yunlai Wine Shop for a while, she took a few people back to Ye Mansion.

This journey has been tiring, so we should rest early.

But Ye Yunfeng was still in high spirits and followed Ye Chutang all the way, hesitating to speak.

It wasn't until he came to the door that Ye Chutang looked back at him: "Is there anything else?"

Ye Yunfeng coughed hard and tried his best to hint: "Sister, look, we have all returned to Beijing. You promised me something before. Look..."

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Ah, you mean, that military book?"

Ye Yunfeng's eyes lit up instantly and he nodded repeatedly: "That's right!"

Sister A has already promised to give him the things when he returns to Beijing!

He knew that his sister liked to collect all kinds of books and read them, and the categories were very complicated, but he didn't know that his sister actually had military books hidden in her hands!

Not to mention how itchy he felt along the way!
Ye Chutang looked at him and thought for a moment.

Seeing that she didn't agree immediately, Ye Yunfeng felt a little panicked: "Sister, you have promised me before, and you keep your word!"

"I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you." Ye Chutang raised his chin in the direction of the study, "It's over there. Just follow me and get it."

However, before Ye Yunfeng could be happy, she said again: "But - I have a condition."

"What conditions?" Ye Yunfeng was stunned, but quickly responded, "No matter what the conditions are, I will agree to it!"

A warm and compassionate smile appeared on Ye Chutang's face.

"That's what you said."


A quarter of an hour later, Ye Yunfeng stared at the sand table in front of him and fell into a long silence.

This sand table is about five feet long and three feet wide. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is extremely exquisite!
Ye Chutang sat down leisurely next to him and watched him not moving for a long time before he said leisurely:
"What? Don't you know what this is?"

Ye Yunfeng turned his neck stiffly, his eyes filled with disbelief. "Sister, this, this...when did our family do such a thing?"

Ye Chutang thought for a while and said casually: "I asked someone to customize it some time ago. Oh, you and Ayan were both in the Imperial College at the time, so it's normal that you don't know."


Who would put this thing up for no reason!

"Of course I do!"

Ye Yunfeng finally came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and looked at the sand table again, his eyes shining.

"It's so delicately done, it's really impressive!"

Looking at the red and blue flags and labels on it, he could hardly restrain the blood boiling in his body.

He knows exactly what this means!
Ye Chutang was not surprised by his reaction, and reminded: "Look carefully, where is this place."

Ye Yunfeng was startled, and soon he realized that the terrain was very familiar, as if he had seen it before.


A white light flashed in his mind!
He turned his head suddenly and looked at Ye Chutang, stunned and lost his voice: "This, this is...Tongtian Pass!?"

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes with satisfaction and raised the corners of his lips.

"Not bad, I recognized him so quickly."

Of course you can recognize it!
For many reasons, Ye Yunfeng was very familiar with Huo Yucheng's defeat at Tongtianguan. Now that he sees the sand table terrain, there is nothing he doesn't understand!

How come my sister ordered such a sand table?
"If you were Huo Yucheng, how would you win this battle?"

Ye Chutang's lips curved into a smile, his tone was clear and gentle.

"If you win, I will give you the military strategy." (End of Chapter)

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