Chapter 337 Meeting (st update)
This is really difficult to do.

Everyone knows that in the battle of Tongtian Pass, Huo Yucheng led 80,000 elite soldiers, but they were all killed in the end. It was an extremely tragic battle.

He had spent his entire life in the military and had made great achievements in battle. Even he could not break the deadlock, but now he had to end it with a boy who was no more than thirteen years old. It was simply bizarre.

However, when Ye Yunfeng heard this, he just frowned, quickly nodded, and responded loudly:
"it is good!"

He stood in front of the sand table and began to think seriously.

Ye Chutang got up at some point and came to his side. Her eyes did not fall on the sand table. After all, she already knew all this.

Her mind wandered a little.

About Huo Yucheng, about dad.

Finally, Ye Yunfeng raised his hand.

Ye Chutang took back his thoughts.

"let's start."


It's night in Changzhou.

Xu Jie left the yamen and as soon as he returned to his residence, he saw Qin Mo, his chief follower, coming up to him with a nervous and apprehensive look on his face.

"grown ups."

He frowned, having a bad feeling in his heart.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Mo hesitated for a moment and whispered: "There is no news about Liu Zhou or the others."

Liu Zhou was the leader of the group of people sent by Xu Jie to intercept Shen Yanchuan in Shiluan City.

Xu Jie understood instantly, his face darkened, and he entered the room without saying a word.

Qin Mo followed him, carefully closed the door, turned around and carefully looked at Xu Jie's face, and then asked in a low voice: "Sir, do you want to send someone else -"

"No need."

Xu Jie interrupted coldly,

"Since it doesn't work, Shen Yanchuan must have been alert, and I'm afraid he will arrive here soon. If he makes any further moves, it will be troublesome."

The prince of Dingbei Hou Mansion was much more difficult to deal with than he expected.

He had carefully selected Liu Zhou and his group, but he still failed to get rid of them. Now he has alerted the enemy and must be extremely careful.

Qin Mo was still very worried: "But sir, he is obviously coming with bad intentions. If he finds out something..."

"What can he find out?"

Xu Jie snorted coldly,

"When I was the governor, I fulfilled my duties! If he comes to check, just come! Could it be that I'm still afraid of him!"

Qin Mo hesitated to speak.

My lord is talking about things that happened in the past two years, but who knows if Shen Yanchuan will settle old scores!
But...since the Lord has said so, I must have already sorted it out?
He suppressed the worries in his heart and nodded: "That's what your Excellency said."

Xu Jie thought of something again, frowned and asked, "Is there any news from His Highness?"

Liu Zhou said hurriedly: "There have been no letters recently."

This is true. His Majesty has recently ordered His Majesty to shut himself up and reflect on his past mistakes. At this time, it is best to stay calm. Xu Jie went through it in his mind again and made sure that there were no flaws or traces left, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me to go down and hold a banquet in honor of the prince when he comes to the city!"


On the day we arrived in Changzhou, the weather was gloomy.

As soon as the people from the Xu Mansion got the news, they immediately led their people to greet him.

Shen Yanchuan scanned the crowd and did not see Xu Jie.

Ordinarily, Xu Jie was a high-ranking official in the border area, so there was really no need to come in person. However, everyone who knew the inside story knew that Shen Yanchuan came here with a request. Although he was not an imperial envoy, it was almost the same.

Not to mention that he was born in Dingbeihou Mansion and has a noble status.

Xu Jie has been in the officialdom for many years, and he usually doesn't miss such opportunities to be flattered, so it is strange that he is absent today.

As if guessing Shen Yanchuan's thoughts, an official below explained: "Your Majesty, the governor originally planned to come in person, but the Li River burst its banks a few days ago and flooded a lot of farmland. The governor has been working day and night these days, I have been busy with this matter, so——"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I see. Mr. Xu cares about the people and is a blessing to the people. He dare not delay Mr. Xu's government affairs with such trivial matters."

It's really interesting. As far as he knows, Xu Jie had a party with several subordinates last night, but today he loves the people like a son?

But Shen Yanchuan naturally would not say these words.

"Yes, yes!" Several subordinate officials were relieved when they heard this and secretly exchanged glances.

It is said that the prince from the capital is decisive and merciless, but when he saw it today, he was gentle and gentle, which was very different from the rumors.

After all, he is only a twenty-year-old young man. How much can he know about Changzhou from afar?

It was just because he had a good background and was relied upon by His Majesty that he gained his reputation.

After a simple conversation, everyone lowered their vigilance towards Shen Yanchuan - he was just a fledgling kid from an aristocratic family. After fooling him for a few days, they would just send him back to the capital!

Shen Yanchuan declined everyone's invitations on the grounds that he was tired from traveling and traveling, and stayed in a villa specially prepared for him by Xu Jie.

After everyone retreated, Lian Zhou immediately began to search the house, fearing that something was wrong.

Shen Yanchuan half leaned back in his chair and said lazily: "Don't look at it, he doesn't dare to play any tricks here."

Lian Zhou was still angry when he thought about what happened before: "Xu Jie has a sinister mind and is so guilty about your arrival. What else will he do if we don't protect him!"

"Now that he wants to establish an image of being diligent and honest in front of me, just let him do it." Shen Yanchuan chuckled, "It doesn't matter if I die outside, but if I die on his territory, then it won't matter. He can’t clean it up no matter what.”

So there were many dangers before, but the moment he stepped into Changzhou, it was the safest.

Lian Zhou knew that his master was right, but out of habit, he still checked the entire room.

By the time everything was packed, it was already dark.

It was quiet in the courtyard.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Yanchuan suddenly stopped flipping through the book and glanced outside: "Here he comes."

Sure enough, soon a servant came to announce that Master Xu had arrived.

Shen Yanchuan stood up.

As soon as he arrived at the courtyard, a man dressed in official uniform came striding over.

Tall and thin, with a long beard, he is none other than the current governor of Suinan—Xu Jie!
"The prince has traveled thousands of miles to come, but the ministers are not welcome from afar, and they are disrespectful and disrespectful!"

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