Chapter 338 Fatty (Second update)
The corner lamp under the eaves emitted a faint light, and you could vaguely see the tired and hurried look of the visitor, as well as the corners of his clothes stained with a little muddy water.

It really looked like he had just returned from the disaster front.

Shen Yanchuan remained calm and smiled faintly: "Mr. Xu's words really offended me. You are busy running around to deal with the disaster. It's my fault for delaying you, so I should say sorry."

Xu Jie met those deep and calm phoenix eyes. He wanted to find out something, but he felt that the person in front of him was deep in thought. Apart from sincere apology, there was no hint of displeasure at being slighted.

Unable to figure out Shen Yanchuan's true thoughts for the moment, Xu Jie suppressed his thoughts and showed nothing on his face.

"Don't dare!"

He looked very respectful and polite.

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's mouth curved: "We should have arrived a long time ago, but the heavy rain in Shiluan City a few days ago delayed us there for a while."

Xu Jie's heart skipped a beat!
He never expected that Shen Yanchuan would be so direct! Shiluan City was mentioned earlier!

Both of them knew exactly what happened there, but now that they met each other, no one was allowed to tell the truth.

Xu Jie sighed heavily: "Yes! Not only there, Suinan, including Changzhou, has also experienced heavy rains in the past half month. In the past two days, even the dam of the Lihe River collapsed!"

His brows were furrowed, as if he was heartbroken.

"Who could have imagined that such a disaster would happen now that it's September!"

Shen Yanchuan nodded to express his understanding: "It happened so suddenly that I can't blame you. You don't have to blame yourself too much."

Xu Jie felt a little relieved and briefly mentioned that he had been running around down there. He said a few words, showing the air of a hard-working and responsible governor.

"...This is really unlucky. When the prince arrives, he should be well entertained, but there have been a lot of things recently. Tomorrow, the minister will have to write a note to report the disaster. I'm afraid..."

As he spoke, he seemed to feel guilty for neglecting Shen Yanchuan.

Shen Yanchuan smiled faintly and didn't mind: "This matter is important. It's getting late today, Master Xu should go back and rest early."

Xu Jie, who was still talking nonstop, was instantly shocked: "What?"

Shen Yanchuan actually... let him go without asking anything! ?
He knew very well what Shen Yanchuan was here to do. Regarding Huo Yucheng and the case three years ago, he thought that Shen Yanchuan would definitely use all means to interrogate him, but in the end...that's it?
Shen Yanchuan was so loose, which made Xu Jie feel excited.

He opened his mouth, but finally spoke hesitantly: "...But the prince has a hard journey, and it would be too rude for me to leave right now..."

However, Shen Yanchuan seemed to really not intend to mention any relevant words, and only said: "The disaster situation is tense, so everything will naturally be based on Mr. Xu's arrangements."

Xu Jie was really stunned by him. He looked at Shen Yanchuan several times before finally nodding: "Yes, yes, although the rain stopped today, the breach of the embankment is not small. We must notify the river channel to deal with it as soon as possible."

Shen Yanchuan nodded lightly: "I remember that the dam of Lihe River was built many years ago. With the sudden heavy rain, it is time to repair it."

Xu Jie shook his head helplessly: "Isn't it right? I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money again this time!"

Shen Yanchuan seemed to say casually: "It is rare for Mr. Xu to serve the people wholeheartedly, but the more he does it, the more careful he must be. Repairing the river channel is a great achievement of Mr. Xu. It must never happen again like Zhouhe Please tell Sun Li'an about his corruption, so as not to implicate Mr. Xu's reputation."

Hearing that name, Xu Jie's eyelids twitched quickly, and he almost subconsciously looked up at Shen Yanchuan again!

Sun Li'an!
Did Shen Yanchuan know something? !

Shen Yanchuan met his gaze and seemed a little surprised: "Master Xu, what's wrong?"

Xu Jie quickly lowered his eyes, twitching the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, his face seemed to be frozen.

"No, it's nothing! Thank you, Your Majesty, for the heads up."

This kind of errand has always been the fattest job. Even a small river channel repair can fill the pockets of countless people from top to bottom.

And Sun Li'an is just a typical example being used as a tree.

Of course, it may not stand up. Shen Yanchuan did not continue chatting with him, and Xu Jie was in a mood to say no more at this time, and quickly turned around and left.

The door slowly closed.

Lian Zhou thought thoughtfully: "Master, do you think he is related to Sun Li'an's case?"

Otherwise, the master would not suddenly mention it at this time for no reason.

Shen Yanchuan frowned and said, "Don't forget, Xu Jie is not only the governor of Suinan, but also the minister of household affairs."

His job is to manage the money of the treasury!

Lian Zhou understood instantly: "Are you saying that Sun Li'an might have been wronged!? But, the evidence in this case is solid, and even Sun Li'an himself confessed, so why..."

"He was once Ye Zheng's student."

Shen Yanchuan only said this sentence.

Lian Zhou was stunned for a moment. He was about to ask so what, but after seeing his master's expression, he suppressed all the questions in his heart.

The master and Ye Zheng are not familiar with each other, not to mention that Ye Zheng and Sun Li'an have already broken off their relationship, so the master should not be suspicious of this...

Suddenly, Lian Zhou had a flash of inspiration and slapped his thigh suddenly:
"That's right! I almost forgot that when he was exiled, Miss Ye Er personally saw him off at the city gate!"

With that person's temper, if Sun Li'an had really done those things, she would never do it!
Lian Zhou couldn't help but asked excitedly: "Master, so Miss Ye Er has told you about this before?"

However, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt something was wrong and shook his head in denial.

"Impossible! If Miss Ye Er didn't even prepare wine for you, how could she talk to you about this? She is -"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at him lightly.

Lian Zhou felt a chill on the back of his head, and then he swallowed the rest of his words and closed his mouth tightly.

Shen Yanchuan turned around and went back to the house.

After taking a few steps, he stood still.

Lian Zhou's desire to survive reached its peak, so he hurriedly trotted forward and asked earnestly: "Master, do you have any more orders?"


Shen Yanchuan emphasized every word,

"She said that she didn't send it because I had not recovered from my previous injury and it was not suitable for me to drink. I will have it when I return to Beijing."

Lian Zhou reacted for a while before he understood what he meant. For a moment, he simply didn't know what expression to put on. The corners of his mouth twitched twice before he said: "Then, Miss Ye Er treats you really differently, huh?"

Shen Yanchuan nodded gently and respectfully, and finally left with satisfaction.

Not bad.

After all, she treated him differently from others.

Lian Zhou was in a very complicated mood. He took advantage of the night to go to the apricot tree in the courtyard, stood for a long time, and sighed.


The leaves moved, and Xi Su, who was dressed in night clothes, was very impatient: "What's the noise about?"

He had been working day and night for the past few days. He finally had some leisure time, but he couldn't even get a good night's sleep.

Lian Zhou raised his head, feeling very sad:
"Our master has to go to other people's houses when he wants a drink. If this spreads out, will we, the Black Riding Guards brothers, lose their dignity?"

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