Chapter 339 Private Seal (st update)
Xi Su was silent for a while, and just when Lian Zhou thought he would ignore the matter, he finally spoke:
"I heard that the wine at Yunlai Winery is clear and fragrant, with a refreshing fragrance and a sweet aftertaste. It is indeed a rare product that cannot be bought even with money."

Lian Zhou: "...???"

He gradually came back to his senses, his expression became unpredictable, and he touched his chin.

"You're right. If the master wants more, maybe he can give us some?"

He clicked his tongue.

"It seems that the master still cares about us!"

He can't wait to return to Beijing now!

Shen Yanchuan stayed in Changzhou for half a month, and it was early October in the blink of an eye.

However, during this half-month period, he spent most of his time in the other courtyard, and rarely saw the officials below. It seemed that he came here just to steal some leisure time.

Xu Jie was skeptical at first, but as time passed, he gradually relaxed his vigilance.

He and Shen Yanchuan were not familiar with each other. Although the Second Prince had hinted to him before that he should be careful of Shen Yanchuan, after some time, he felt that the Second Prince was exaggerating.

This prince may be able to make waves in the capital, but this is Changzhou!
Xu Jie is very confident in himself.

So, when Shen Yanchuan proposed to take a look at the Lihe Dam, he readily agreed.

It started to rain lightly again that day. The weather in Changzhou in October has turned cold and the autumn rain is bleak.

When Shen Yanchuan and his party came to the embankment, they saw many soldiers carrying sandbags. Many of them were soaked in muddy water and were soaked to the skin.

"It took a lot of effort to close the gap before, but it started raining again today. As a precaution, I ordered people to reinforce the dam." Xu Jie raised his finger and pointed, "When the money for repairing the river channel comes in, we can Completely solve the problem!"

Shen Yanchuan's eyes stayed on the soldiers who were advancing one after another for a moment, then turned to the side and asked:
"Are those victims of the disaster?"

Xu Jie followed his gaze and saw a group of people in shabby clothes, standing or sitting, looking at the turbulent Li River in extreme embarrassment, despair and numbness.

He sighed and explained: "Yes, the Li River burst its banks, and these people's fields were flooded, and they had nowhere to go. But don't worry, Prince, I have ordered people to set up tents and open warehouses to provide porridge."

Shen Yanchuan looked calm and showed no emotion.

When another official saw this, he thought that the noble prince had never seen such a scene, so he flattered him:
"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Although the embankments have been breached and the fields have been flooded, it has not yet entered the winter months and there will be no major problems."

The implication is that they, as officials, have already fulfilled their duties.

Shen Yanchuan suddenly remembered that three years ago, it was snowing heavily in the capital and it was freezing cold.

Countless people froze to death on the roadside, sleeping silently covered only in layers of snow.

She was once like these people, homeless and with nowhere to go.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes turned cold, and there seemed to be a cold glimmer in his eyes, but the moment he raised his eyes again, those deep phoenix eyes returned to their usual calmness.

He nodded, his tone flat.

"Master Xu, thank you for your trouble."

Xu Jie said with emotion: "We experienced a famine when we were young. We know that the people are suffering. I can't bear to see this situation today."

Shen Yanchuan paused briefly, seeming to be recalling something.

After a moment, he tilted his head slightly and asked: "I have heard that it was because of the drought more than 20 years ago that Mr. Xu formed a deep friendship with General Huo."

Xu Jie's expression froze instantly.

The rest of the companions also fell silent when they heard this.

Huo Yucheng's name has almost become a taboo. Except for Shen Yanchuan, few people dare to mention it in front of Xu Jie! ——After all, no one wants to be related to a person who has his entire clan killed!
It was clearly raining, but Xu Jie felt his palms were sweating.

He was born into a poor family, but he was good at reading and already had a reputation for talent in his teens.

If Huo Yucheng, a fellow countryman, hadn't given him money that year, he wouldn't have even had the money to travel to Beijing to take the exam, let alone his subsequent rapid rise.

The relationship between him and Huo Yucheng is also talked about by many people.

Of course, that was three years ago.

Xu Jie looked away, and after a while, he whispered: "He is also confused... How can military pay be pocketed!?"

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's mouth seemed to raise slightly.

Everyone said that Huo Yucheng embezzled military pay, and there was irrefutable proof, but... the money was allocated from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Xu Jie, as the minister, naturally knew it best.

"It's a pity indeed."

Shen Yanchuan said calmly.

If you trust the wrong person, you will be in danger if you are not careful.

The Huo family is bleeding like a river, but Xu Jie has become a feudal official and governor of one side. It's a huge difference.

He collected his thoughts and changed the subject:
"After returning to Beijing, I will explain the disaster situation here to His Majesty, and the relief food should arrive soon."

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, but seeing that he didn't go into details, as if he just mentioned it casually, his hanging heart finally returned to his stomach.

And from what it sounds like, Shen Yanchuan will be leaving soon?
Yes, this place is not as prosperous and lively as the capital. It is windy and rainy all day long, so it is normal for him to want to leave early.

Xu Jie didn't expect to be able to ask for trouble so easily, and he bowed deeply excitedly:

"Then I will thank the prince on behalf of the people of Changzhou!"


"Master, do we have to leave so early?"

Lian Zhou was also quite surprised by this incident. As soon as he returned to his residence, he couldn't help but ask questions.

Shen Yanchuan nodded lightly: "I have got what I want, and staying here any longer is just a waste of time."

Lian Zhou naturally understood what his master meant.

As early as the day before they arrived in Changzhou, their people had secretly arrived first and checked the schedules of several officials, including Xu Jie.

I heard some things I shouldn't have heard, saw some things I shouldn't have seen, and more importantly, got some things I shouldn't have taken.

Shen Yanchuan took some papers from his sleeve.

He turned over them one by one. The first two were rubbings of excerpts written by Xu Jie. The last two, if you look closely, were flirting poems.

And the handwriting is completely different from the previous two.

Lian Zhou glanced at him and tutted: "I really didn't expect that Mr. Xu is a romantic person and has such a passion for writing poems for women with fireworks."

Shen Yanchuan's eyes fell to the end.

There is no signature there, just a seal.

——Xu Jie’s private seal.

It was exactly the same as the seal on the letter Huo Yucheng received before the war.

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