Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 340 Cross-examination

Chapter 340 Cross-examination (second update)
Capital City, Imperial College.

"After school."

After Liu Hexuan said this, he walked out of Guangye Hall.

Many supervisors stood up and bowed to see each other off.

When the figure gradually moved away, a few younger ones began to make excited noises.

"It's already the holiday!"

Everyone was discussing going out to play, and many came up to Ye Yunfeng and asked him out.

Ye Jingyan did extremely well in homework and poetry, and everyone was envious and admired him. In addition, he was gentle and quiet, which unconsciously made people feel a slight sense of alienation, and no one dared to be presumptuous in front of him.

But Ye Yunfeng is different. He can get along with people wherever he goes, and everyone is more willing to come to him to join in the fun.

However, Ye Yunfeng, who was passionate about this, was sitting at his desk, staring at the book in a daze, as if he was in a trance.

It wasn't until Qiao Zimo patted him on the shoulder that he suddenly came back to his senses and said with a sad expression: "I won't go, you can go and have fun by yourselves."

The crowd booed with regret.

But seeing that Ye Yunfeng really didn't seem interested, he didn't continue to ask questions and went their separate ways.

Only Qiao Zimo was brave enough to come over and looked Ye Yunfeng up and down several times, wondering: "It's really strange. You have been so distracted since you returned to Beijing. What happened to you?"

He patted his chest: "If you have any trouble, just ask, buddy, I'll help you!"

Ye Yunfeng raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then lowered his eyes: "You can't help."

Qiao Zimo felt that he had been greatly humiliated.

He asked unconvinced: "Huh? Why can't you help? You haven't said anything yet, how do you know that I can't do it?"

After all, he is also the son of a minister. If he can't help, he can still go to his father!

Of course, whether his father will help is another matter.

However, Ye Yunfeng actually looked down upon his fisting spirit. It was too much!
Ye Yunfeng simply packed up his things and stood up. It seemed that he didn't want to say any more.

Qiao Zimo had no choice but to ask for help from Ye Jingyan who was standing beside him: "Brother Jingyan, what's wrong with him?"

Could it be that something happened at home?
After knowing each other for so long, he has never seen Ye Yunfeng so listless!
Ye Jingyan smiled: "It's nothing, it's just that sister recently gave him a difficult problem, but he didn't solve it."

"Ah? That's it?" Qiao Zimo didn't understand even more, "That's not it, right?"

Ye Yunfeng glanced at him resentfully.

He had no idea that the so-called problem was to break the Tongtian Pass for Huo Yucheng!
How come this is not the case? As for the big one!

It's just that it's hard to say these words. No matter how depressed Ye Yunfeng is, he can only swallow it by himself.

——Who made him promise Ajie that if he didn’t come up with a solution, he wouldn’t want the military book?

Ye Yunfeng held his breath and planned to go home and study the sand table again.

Unexpectedly, after taking a few steps, I saw Feng Zhang coming towards me.

Now even Qiao Zimo couldn't ask any more questions. He quickly stood up and saluted respectfully: "Master Si Ye."

Feng Zhang looked at Ye Yunfeng with a smile, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But after a month of not seeing each other, this kid seems to have changed a bit.

But I can't tell the specifics.

Xu Shi escorted his father and brother back to Qingzhou and became more mature.

He looked at Ye Yunfeng and said:

"I'm looking for you. In a few days, there will be autumn hunting. You guys go together."

"What?" Ye Yunfeng was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously pointed at himself, "Me, us?"

"That's right. This is what the eldest princess means. Your sister Xu already knows it."

Feng Zhang was not surprised by this. The eldest princess liked Miss Ye Er very much, and her two younger brothers were also very outstanding, so the eldest princess naturally valued her very much. I don't know how many people will be envious if I tell you that I can go to the Royal Autumn Hunting.

However, Feng Zhang was quite curious, wondering what Ye Yunfeng would do when the time came.

Hearing that it was the eldest princess who agreed, Ye Yunfeng understood instantly, but Ye Jingyan didn't seem surprised. She smiled and bowed her hands: "Thank you, Mr. Si Ye, for informing me specifically."

Feng Zhang laughed and pointed at Ye Yunfeng: "I remember that the prince gave you a good bow before. Don't lose my people then!"

Ye Yunfeng naturally agreed.

Seeing that Feng Zhang was about to leave, Ye Yunfeng suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Lord Si Ye!"

Feng Zhang turned around: "Why, is there anything else?"

Ye Yunfeng opened his mouth, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

Ye Jingyan glanced at him and said: "Ah Feng, if you have any homework and you want to ask Mr. Si Ye for help, I will leave with Zimo first."

Qiao Zimo:?

No, he didn't say he was leaving!
Who in the Imperial Academy doesn't know that Master Si Ye is very fond of Ye Yunfeng and has personally taught him the martial arts of riding and archery more than once. Although he is not as good as Ye Yunfeng, it is good to listen more!
However, before he could say anything he wanted to stay, he was taken away by Ye Jingyan.

Feng Zhang smiled: "What's the matter?"

Ye Yunfeng thought about it for a long time, then took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, raised his eyes to meet Feng Zhang's gaze, and said word by word:

"The student would like to ask: During the battle at Tongtian Pass, under what circumstances would you send troops to support in advance?"

Feng Zhang's smile instantly froze at the corner of his mouth.

Like gloomy dark clouds silently covering the sky, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and when he spoke again, he already had a stern expression.

"what are you saying?"

There were only a few people who dared to mention this past incident in front of him. He never expected that Ye Yunfeng, a young brat, would be so bold!

Ye Yunfeng didn't take the hidden general's anger to heart. In the past ten days, he had reviewed the battle of Tongtian Pass countless times and imagined countless possibilities, but all in vain.

With such terrain and such a huge gap between ourselves and the enemy, there is no other way to win except for the quick arrival of reinforcements!
Ye Yunfeng looked directly at him and said persistently: "If you can lead the reinforcements to surround Xiaogushan from the east and west, go around to the rear, form an encirclement, and attack General Huo from both inside and outside, you may not be able to -"

"Ye Yunfeng!"

Feng Zhang shouted sharply, interrupting him. The anger in his eyes could burn everything.

"Do you know what you are doing!? Who allowed you to talk to me like that!"

Ye Yunfeng stared at him, and a certain suspicion in his heart was finally confirmed.

He said: "It's the student's fault, he shouldn't ask this."

However, before Feng Zhang's anger subsided, he spoke again: "It's not that you didn't arrive early, but that you were late."

Feng Zhang's temples jumped sharply.

Ye Yunfeng said word by word: "In other words, General Huo did not march hastily. That was the agreed time to send troops."

As for whom to date?
Naturally, it was Feng Zhang, who was then the Chief of Staff of the Southwest Armed Forces!


The eldest princess's mansion.

Ye Chutang was summoned and came again to nurse the eldest princess back to health.

"Autumn hunting?"

Ye Chutang stopped writing the prescription in his hand and looked back.

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Yes! Feng Zhang likes your fourth brother, so he happened to invite them to join in the fun."

Ye Chutang didn't know what he thought of, and his red lips raised slightly.

"is it?"

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