The eldest princess sighed: "He has had a hard time these past few years, and it is rare to meet a young man he likes."

For Feng Zhang and Ye Yunfeng, this is a good thing.

However, Ye Chutang seemed unmoved and only smiled slightly: "A Feng is naughty, I need Mr. Feng to forgive me."

The eldest princess only thought her words were polite and modest, and didn't take it to heart. She gently patted Lan Yi's hand that was squeezing her shoulder.

Lan Yi stopped at the right time and took half a step back.

"Recently, I feel that the bones in my body are much stronger than before, thanks to your help in conditioning."

The eldest princess smiled and looked at her. The more she looked at her, the more she liked her.
"My knees used to be so sore every time it was rainy, but these two times it has gradually eased, and my legs and feet are much sharper!"

Ye Chutang handed the prescription to Lan Yi and then said: "Even so, it's cold in autumn, so you still have to take good care of it."

The eldest princess nodded repeatedly and sighed with a smile: "Your good medical skills are really rare. Even those old guys from the Imperial Hospital may not be able to beat you!"

"The eldest princess is so complimentary that Chutang doesn't dare to take it seriously."

There are countless difficult and complicated diseases that I have seen in the past, but compared to them, the eldest princess’s condition is nothing.

The eldest princess suddenly remembered something and said with a smile: "By the way, this autumn hunt, Yu He will also return to the capital. She has been weak since she was a child, and she has seen countless famous doctors but has not improved. Now that I have you, maybe she will be better. !”

Ye Chutang searched in his mind for a moment, and finally remembered who she was talking about - Princess Yuhe, Xiao Lanxi.

There are three princesses today, and this is the least favored one.

It is said that her biological mother was just an ordinary palace maid. She got lucky this morning after being drunk, and she was very upset when she woke up. Unexpectedly, a month later, the palace maid was pregnant.

Now she had to be promoted to the throne and was named Jing Concubine.

Three years after giving birth to the third princess, Xiao Lanxi, Concubine Jing passed away. Concubine Ru took the initiative to ask her to bring Princess Yu and Princess to her to raise.

Because the concubine is favored, the treatment of Yu and the princess has been improved a lot, and they no longer have to work as hard as before.

But such days only lasted eight years.

Xiao Lanxi was born prematurely and was very weak when she was born. In addition, her biological mother was disgusted by the emperor, which made life even more difficult. When she was raised by Concubine Ru until she was eleven years old, she fell seriously ill. The imperial doctor said that the climate in the capital was dry. , it is better to send them to a humid and warm place in the south.

The third princess therefore returned to Guanling.

The reason why I say "back" is because this is the hometown of her biological mother.

It's been six years since I left.

"She happens to be seventeen this year, and she is about the same age as you." The eldest princess Xu thought of the past, and was quite emotional, "She was only so tall when she left the capital, and I don't know what she looks like now."

Ye Chutang had no impression of Princess Yuhe, purely because she really had no sense of existence.

There were many princes and princesses, but this one was sent away. Everyone could see that she had no mercy from the emperor.

Now that I'm back, I don't know what it will be like.

Ye Chutang nodded lightly: "Don't worry, eldest princess, Chutang will do his best."

The eldest princess smiled happily: "With your words, I feel relieved!"

It seems that Ye Chutang is regarded as an omnipotent miracle doctor.

At this moment, a hurried-looking little maid suddenly came outside and whispered into Zhu Xin's ear.

Zhu Xin's expression changed slightly and she glanced at Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang seemed to be aware of it and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The eldest princess also noticed something and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Xin hesitated for a moment and said, "Miss Ye Er, Mr. Gao committed suicide."


Gao hanged himself at night. When she got up early in the morning, the maid came to the door and called her several times, but no one answered. When she opened the door, she saw a tilted stool. Gao had hanged himself and had lost his breath.

The maid screamed, was so frightened that she lost her mind and ran out crawling on the ground.

Paper cannot contain the fire, let alone the death of a person, which cannot be made quietly no matter what.

The news should have been delivered to the Ye Mansion, but when Ye Chutang came to the eldest princess's mansion, it reached here.

The eldest princess frowned: "She is dead!?"

Zhu Xin nodded: "I didn't want to make it public over there. After all, it's not a glorious thing, but the neighbors hear Gao's hissing and cursing every day. It's suddenly so quiet that I can't help but feel strange. After a little inquiry, this Only then did I realize something was wrong.”

The eldest princess slowly leaned back on the chair.

A mere Gao family member is dead, so naturally he doesn't deserve to be taken to heart by her, but...

She looked at Ye Chutang and saw Ye Chutang frowning slightly.

The eldest princess comforted her and said, "Although she is your aunt, she bullied you too much in the past. If she dies today, you don't have to be sad."

Of course Ye Chutang was not sad, he just felt something was wrong.

She was very clear about Mr. Gao's temperament, and would never commit suicide. What's more, Mr. Gao had just suffered a loss from her a few days ago. He was filled with resentment and could not be dissipated. He must be planning many conspiracies to lose face. Back.

How could he die like this?

Ye Chutang's thoughts turned and he stood up and saluted: "Thank you, eldest princess, for your comfort, but after all, I used to call her second aunt, so I can't stay here any longer, so I left first."

The eldest princess didn't want to keep her, so she just said not to worry too much, and asked Zhu Xin to go to the inner room to wake up Xiao Wu from her nap, and send someone to send them back.

When Xiao Wu got on the carriage, he was still in a daze and didn't know what happened.

Ye Chutang held her in his arms, straightened her hair that was messed up by sleeping, and fell into deep thought.

Gao's death was strange.

It was really strange that he would die sooner or later, but it would be strange to die at this time.

Ye Chutang felt vaguely that something was not right, as if it was shrouded in a fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

Xiaowu didn't know what Sister A was thinking, so he lay on her neck and rubbed her neck lovingly.

Ye Chutang gently stroked her back.

Suddenly, the traveling carriage stopped suddenly, the horse raised its front hooves and neighed!

The carriage shook, and Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly filled with deep fear and anxiety. His little hands subconsciously grasped the corners of Ye Chutang's clothes, and his face turned pale.

Ye Chutang frowned, immediately hugged Xiao Wu tightly, stabilized his body, and comforted in a low voice: "Xiao Wu, don't be afraid, sister is here."

Xiaowu buried himself in her arms, not saying a word, but his little body was trembling slightly.

She hadn't been this scared in a long, long time.

Ye Chutang's eyes were cold, he opened the curtain and asked coldly: "What happened?"

What trouble could be caused on the street?

The groom also knew that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly said: "Miss Ye Er, atone for your sins! Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao didn't mean it! It's just that someone suddenly stopped in front of the car, and Xiao Xiao -"

There is no need to say the rest, because Ye Chutang has already seen the figure blocking the front of the carriage.

He is dressed in plain silk and looks skinny.

——Ye Shixian.

That familiar, young and pretty face was looking at him full of resentment and despair.

"Ye Chutang! Give my mother her life back!" (End of Chapter)

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