Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 342 Something happened to your sister!

The shrill and resentful voice cut through the hustle and bustle of the long street, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

After a brief silence, someone recognized her.

"Isn't that Ye Shixian? What is she doing?"

"She seemed to be talking about her mother... By the way! I heard that her mother hanged herself last night!"

"Really?! But if she doesn't attend to her mother's funeral, what is she doing here?"

"Didn't you see that it was the Ye family's carriage? The person inside is Miss Ye Er!"

Everyone was talking a lot, and gradually became suspicious as they looked at the scene in front of them.

"This...could it be that the death of Ye Shixian's mother has something to do with Ye Chutang?"

Everyone knew that the two families had broken up before and the quarrel was very ugly, but they never imagined that now it would lead to lives!
This is not easy to deal with!
Ye Chutang turned a deaf ear to the various looks around her. The moment she saw Ye Shixian, she knew that the person coming was evil. The uneasiness she had felt after hearing that Gao had hanged herself finally got the answer.

——There is something fishy about Gao's death, and it was because of her!
Ye Chutang frowned slightly and said solemnly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Ye Shixian stared at her with resentment: "If you hadn't gone too far in bullying me, how could my mother be so unbearable and hang herself to death!"

She suddenly raised her hand, pointed at Ye Chutang, and shouted sharply: "You have caused our family to be separated, and you have to destroy our family to be satisfied!"

As soon as the words fell, hot tears fell down, making people look at him and feel more pitiful.

At that moment, someone recalled what happened before and whispered: "I remembered that half a month ago, Mrs. Gao was indeed publicly humiliated by Ye Chutang. At that time, Ye Chutang happened to return to Beijing and was in front of the Yunlai Restaurant, but when he arrived... Mrs. Gao was so rude that she even had her dragged away in the end——"

Some people couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help but said: "It was clearly Mr. Gao who went to make trouble in front of his shop first! How can he say that he deliberately humiliated him? Besides, it was Murong Ye's servant who took Mr. Gao away later. What does it have to do with Miss Ye Er? "

The person who spoke before felt guilty for a moment, and then changed his words: "How can we outsiders know who is right and who is wrong? But no matter what, Gao is dead now! This is a life-threatening incident!"

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly:
"I just learned that my second aunt has gone. I was planning to come to ask what happened, but you stopped me here, saying that I harmed her? I would like to ask, does this have anything to do with me?"

Ye Shixian laughed angrily: "You actually have the nerve to ask this? You clearly know that my mother has been hit and is mentally unstable, yet you still want to verbally stimulate her in front of everyone. Aren't you just trying to drive her to a dead end!? "

Ye Heng was exiled and Ye Mingze died violently, leaving only the Gao family to depend on her. Now that something like this happened, it would be unbearable for anyone.

Many people looked at Ye Shixian with pity and sympathy, but they felt disgusted with Ye Chutang.

——After all, they are relatives with the same blood flowing in their bones. Why push people to such a desperate situation and kill them all!
Ye Chutang's expression remained unchanged.

Ye Shixian dared to make trouble in public and throw dirty water on her, so she must be well prepared.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ye Shixian took out a piece of blood-stained silk from her sleeve.

"This is a blood letter written by my mother before she died. Every word is clear! It was you, Ye Chutang, who forced her to die!"

Ye Shixian held up the bloody letter, her face full of tears, and she complained sadly,
"Ye Chutang! You dare to do it, but you don't dare to admit it!"

As soon as this bloody letter came out, the scene was instantly in an uproar!

Gao actually left such an accusation!
Even if Ye Chutang jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clean himself!
Ye Chutang naturally realized this.

But she was not afraid, she just looked at Ye Shixian intently and asked word by word:
"Is this blood letter really written by the second aunt herself?"

Ye Shixian only felt that those eyes were quiet and cold, like a whirlpool, capable of swallowing up everything.

Her heart beat rapidly twice, the hand holding the bloody book trembled slightly, and cold sweat broke out on her back. "This is natural!" Ye Shixian secretly gritted her teeth, "My mother wrote it with her life, how could she do it so fakely?"

There is actually no logic in this statement. After all, there are only a few words on the blood book. The blood is so bloody that you can't see the shape of the handwriting at all. It doesn't matter who wrote it.

But Ye Shixian's accusation in the street involved her mother's life, so naturally no one would question whether it was true or false.

After all, where in the world are there children so heartless that they sacrifice their own parents?
So no matter what Ye Shixian says now, everyone will think that what she says is true.

What's more, Gao and Ye Chutang have indeed been at odds for a long time!

Ye Shixian seemed to be so emotional that she swayed. Shaoyao on the side quickly supported her and cried: "Miss! Miss! You must hold on! My wife has gone, and now you are the only one left." I can get justice for her!"

His words were sincere, but he acted like a loyal servant.

Ye Shixian was half leaning on her shoulder, shaky and haggard, as if she was extremely sad.

"Ye Chutang, it doesn't matter if you bully me, but you can't kill my mother!"

Between words, it seemed that Ye Chutang was the culprit who took her mother's life.

More and more people gathered around, blocking the long street.

The carriage seemed to be trapped in an invisible cage, in a dilemma.

Just when Ye Shixian seemed to be about to faint from excessive grief, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted:
"Kill for life!"


Outside the Imperial College gate, Ye Jingyan said goodbye to Qiao Zimo.

"Brother Zimo, please go first. I'll wait here for Ah Feng."

Qiao Zimo waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's okay! I'm free anyway, so I'll wait with you!"

When he went back, he was urged to do his homework, so he might as well stay with the two brothers. Not to mention Ye Yunfeng, just the fact that he asked Ye Jingyan for advice would make his parents happy!

Ye Jingyan ignored him and nodded.

Qiao Zimo couldn't help but turn around and asked strangely: "But what problem did he go to Mr. Si Ye to ask for advice? It took him so long?"

Ye Jingyan smiled: "He has always had a lot of weird ideas."


Qiao Zimo thought about the Qiu Hunt again and said excitedly: "I heard my father say that the Qiu Hunt formation is very big! If you can go this time, that's -"

"Brother Jingyan!"

A hurried voice suddenly came, and the two of them turned their heads and saw that a classmate who had just finished school before them was hurried back.

"Brother Jingyan! It's not good!"

Ye Jingyan's heart sank: "What's wrong?"

The man put his hands on his knees and panted:
"You, go and have a look! Something happened to your sister!" (End of Chapter)

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