Chapter 345: Gatekeeper (fifth update)
When Ye Jingyan heard the first half of the sentence, a hint of coldness appeared on his handsome and gentle face, and it quickly dissipated. But when he heard the second half of the sentence, he reacted for a moment: "Where do you want me to go, sister?"

Ye Chutang explained concisely and concisely: "She said that I forced the second aunt to hang herself. The crime is serious, so I want to ask people from Shuntian Mansion to find out."

These words coming out of her mouth were really weird.

Especially Ye Shixian, she knew very well that if she didn't answer the call, what happened today would definitely happen!

So, before Ye Jingyan could get ahead of her, she suddenly said: "Why bother! Shaoyao! You go right away!"

Shaoyao's heart trembled: "Xiao, Miss..."

But seeing Ye Shixian's determined expression, she didn't ask any more questions. She just responded in a low voice and walked towards the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion.

Ye Jingyan frowned, but she didn't feel there was anything wrong with what her sister said or did.

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes lingering on the blood-stained silk held in Ye Shixian's hand for a moment, and he said solemnly: "Since the second aunt even wrote the blood letter, I naturally want to get to the bottom of it."

Everyone finally realized that not only Ye Chutang was difficult to mess with, but her seemingly delicate and reserved brother was also not a good person!

Ye Shixian's heart thumped, and she subconsciously wanted to hide the blood book, but as soon as she moved her wrist, she felt the countless eyes on her, and she couldn't hold it back.

She pursed her lips.

Nothing to worry about!
This blood letter was indeed written in her mother’s blood! Even if people from the government came to investigate, they would only get this result!
Ye Chutang glanced behind Ye Jingyan: "Where's Ah Feng? He didn't come back with you?"

Ye Jingyan paused and said, "After school, he went to ask Mr. Si Ye for advice, so he was delayed for a while. However, before I came, I asked Qiao Zimo to inform him."

That's how it should be.

That boy actually couldn't help himself and went to find Feng Zhang today, earlier than she thought.

It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Ye Chutang thought of the eldest princess's words before and silently prayed for Ye Yunfeng in his heart for three seconds.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Jingyan raised her eyes.

The next moment, Ye Chutang was seen getting on the carriage again, and at the same time he ordered the groom:


She paused and asked Ye Shixian, "Where do you live now?"

Ye Shixian was stunned for a moment, and when she realized what she was doing, she felt huge humiliation in her heart!

——Ye Chutang actually wanted to go to her residence! ?

Ye Chutang also seemed a little surprised by her reaction: "The matter of the second aunt has not been found out yet, so naturally we can't go home like this. If we leave, can you rest assured?"

Ye Shixian no longer knew what to say.

Before she came, she had made sufficient preparations, which could be described as flawless. She was determined to take advantage of this opportunity to completely plunge Ye Chutang into the quagmire and not be able to stand up!

But for some reason, the development of things gradually got out of her control, and everything started to become strange.

But now that she is riding a tiger, how can she say "no"?

After holding it in for a long time, Ye Shixian finally said through gritted teeth: "Of course I won't let you go easily! But I will never allow you to step into my mother's home! You don't deserve it!"

Ye Chutang didn't argue with her words, and nodded in agreement.

"Don't say she is my second aunt. She is related to me. She is an ordinary person. We have lived together under the same roof and will also give her a ride. How can I bear to see her traveling alone."

Ye Shixian stumbled suddenly for some reason.

Severe pain came from her ankle, but she seemed not to feel the pain. She stared blankly at the ground and then looked at the blood book in her hand.

Her hands trembled slightly unconsciously.

Ye Chutang's eyes passed over her lightly, as if he had not noticed anything unusual about her.

“Let’s go.”…

Ye Shixian naturally refused to ride in the same carriage with them. She insisted on walking back, and the carriage followed slowly.

In the carriage, Ye Chutang leaned there and closed his eyes lightly.

People who didn't know better thought she was traveling leisurely.

However, Ye Jingyan knew very well that there was a tough battle ahead.

Before coming, he had already made a guess in his mind. After meeting Sister A, he was even more convinced that his idea was right.

——The death of Gao is probably related to Ye Shixian!
It's just that it was too chilling and terrifying to say, so he didn't say much.

Sister obviously has her own plans.

Xiao Wu cuddled up next to him, looking a little sad.

Remembering that Ye Chutang said she was scared just now, Ye Jingyan suppressed the anger surging in her heart and carefully took Xiao Wu into her arms to make her lean more comfortably.

"Xiao Wu is hungry?"

Xiao Wu shook his head.

Ye Jingyan's eyes turned colder. Xiao Wu had gotten much better before and was almost no longer afraid of riding in a carriage, but today——

After a long time, the carriage finally stopped.

Ye Jingyan lifted the curtain: "Sister, we are here."

He was about to carry Xiao Wu down, but suddenly stopped.

Ye Chutang slowly opened his eyes: "What's wrong?"

Ye Jingyan didn't know what to say for a moment, so she turned sideways with a subtle expression.

Ye Chutang finally saw the scene outside and was stunned for a moment.

"A Feng?!"


Ye Shixian walked all the way and was already exhausted physically and mentally.

After finally seeing the familiar streets, I thought I could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but when I saw the young man sitting in front of the gate, I was shocked!
She couldn't help but close her eyes, rubbed them hard, and opened her eyes again, only to find that the person had not disappeared!

"Ye Yunfeng!?"

Ye Shixian never dreamed of this person! this moment! Will appear in this place!

Ye Yunfeng moved a chair from somewhere and sat in the middle of the door with a majestic look. The two doormen stood cowering behind him, with blue and purple suspicious marks on their faces.

Even a fool can see what's going on here!
Ye Shixian was going crazy - Ye Yunfeng was so bold and bullied her right to her doorstep!

Hearing this sound, Ye Yunfeng looked intently, meeting Ye Shixian's splendid expression, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ye Shixian stepped forward quickly and said in a sharp voice: "Why are you here! What are you doing!?"

Ye Yunfeng then stood up with an innocent look on his face: "Of course I'm helping my cousin!"

He raised his hand and pointed towards the rear door.

"As soon as I heard that something happened to my second aunt, I rushed here immediately. After my second uncle was exiled, I knew that many people in the capital were secretly trying to make trouble for you. If they knew the news, I'm afraid they would be even worse. Who would Knowing what terrible things they would do, so I came -"

"As long as I'm guarding it, anyone who wants to play tricks is not allowed to enter or exit this gate!"

Ye Yunfeng smiled, revealing a small tiger tooth, so sincerely.

"Is this possible?"

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