Chapter 346 Where (st update)
Ye Shixian's energy and blood surged, and her vision turned black.

Countless curse words were stuck in his throat, but it seemed like he was blocked by something, and he couldn't say a word.

Even if she wanted to go to heaven, she never imagined that Ye Yunfeng was waiting for her here!
And what he said - the people in the entire capital who wanted to make trouble the most were their siblings! How dare he act so hypocritical!
Her nails dug into her flesh, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth: "This is my home! Why do you have to take care of it!"

Ye Yunfeng blinked and asked strangely: "Ah? Isn't this Murong Ye's house? Has he already given you the deed?"

There is nothing more heart-breaking than killing someone.

Everyone in the capital knew that Ye Heng's house had been ransacked, and that Ye Shixian and Gao had been kicked out and had nowhere to go. It was only with Murong Ye's help that they had a place to stay.

Even a fool knows what he is doing.

But I know, it's extremely unpleasant to say it in such a big way.

——What is it for Ye Shixian, who is about to get married, to accept Murong Ye's kindness like this, take his money, and live in his house?
It is no different from the outer room.

However, most people were wary of Murong Ye's family background and would not offend him just for gossiping. Even if there were many gossips behind his back, they would not mention them in person in person.

Ye Yunfeng's question simply lifted the fig leaf!

Hard ones are not enough, only soft ones.

Ye Shixian's tears burst out of her eyes as if they were moneyless, and her eyes were red: "This is indeed not my house, but I live here with my mother, and this is my home. Now that she is dead, do you want to force her like this? ?”

This is not a bad thing to say. Anyone with a softer heart will feel a lot of sympathy for her after hearing this.

It's a pity that Ye Yunfeng doesn't accept this trick. Sometimes his nerves are thicker than a hemp rope.

"How do you say this?" Ye Yunfeng spread his hands and said very innocently, "I only said that this house does not belong to you, and I did not say that you are not the second aunt's daughter!"

Someone among the crowd watching the fun laughed softly and disappeared quickly.

Ye Yunfeng pointed inside: "I'm thinking that you are the only relative next to my second aunt. If something happens to her, you will definitely be too busy alone, so I came here in a hurry."

What he said was extremely enthusiastic, and those who didn't know it thought he had a good relationship with Ye Shixian's family.

Ye Shixian couldn't help but want to take the knife: "You!"

"A Feng."

Ye Chutang got off the carriage and called him lightly,
"Shixian is sad. Please be careful what you say and don't offend me."

Ye Yunfeng saw her and quickly stepped forward to explain: "Sister, how can I be offensive? We all know the second aunt's temperament. She is so good. How could she suddenly seek death? I think there must be something wrong here. !”

He crossed his arms and thought thoughtfully: "Second Uncle's case implicated many people. Who knows if one of them was so angry that he committed such a murderous act!"

Ye Shixian really didn't know how he said this.

Looking at the entire capital, those who have the deepest hatred against them are not just the few people in front of them!
Ye Jingyan patted Ye Yunfeng on the shoulder: "You mean well, but if you do something wrong, it will be bad. But fortunately, sister has asked Shaoyao to report to the official, and the people from Shuntian Mansion should be here soon. ”

These words made Ye Yunfeng feel a lot more at ease, and he immediately nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry! I've been here for a while. During this period, the entire house is closed to everyone. I promise that no one with any intention will take advantage of it!"

Ye Chutang nodded: "Then we won't go in yet, just wait here."

The onlookers were stunned.

I have seen people looking for trouble, but I have never seen people looking for trouble in the opposite direction!
Wasn't it Ye Shixian who just now accused Ye Chutang of forcing her mother to death? Why did the situation change now, and Ye Chutang and the others were blocked in front of Ye Shixian's house?
Ye Shixian looked at the siblings and was extremely angry. She quickly reviewed it in her mind to make sure there were no loopholes, then she took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

In any case, her mother did hang herself, and she also left this blood letter. Even if the officials came to check, they couldn't find anything!
When the time comes, Ye Chutang will definitely not be able to escape this hat that drives his aunt to death!
This alone can completely destroy her!
From now on in this capital, not to mention that she opened the Yunlai Restaurant, not to mention that the Princess's Mansion and Dingbeihou's Mansion supported her, her reputation would be completely ruined!
Success or failure is today!
Ye Shixian closed her eyes, then turned to face the door, and knelt down straight.

"Mom! My daughter will definitely want an explanation for you today!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the hot tears slipped down and disappeared into her clothes silently.

This scene is really heartbreaking to watch.

Ye Yunfeng simply couldn't stand it: "Her mother is dead, and she doesn't take care of the funeral, but she still has the energy to act like this?"

Ye Chutang said: "After all, they are biological mother and daughter, how can they not be sad? It's right to cry."

Ye Yunfeng hummed.

He had seen many people who had lost their parents and relatives before. Some were crying in grief, and some were standing numb and frozen. Even during the famine, the victims fell one by one along the road. Some people did not react at all and just dug a hole. Just bury the person.

But the only thing he had never seen was Ye Shixian like this. After her own mother died, she did nothing. Instead, she went to make trouble with a blood letter and refused to report it to the official.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps came.

Everyone looked back, and someone shouted: "The people from Shuntian Mansion are here!"

A group of officers and soldiers came quickly, and there was also a man in official uniform with a hurried expression.

Ye Jingyan whispered: "The fifth-grade official uniform, this is Zhang Qian, the ruler of Shuntian Prefecture."

Ye Chutang nodded.

No one heard what he said, and naturally no one noticed that he was only a fourteen-year-old Imperial College student, but he was so familiar with the officials serving in various yamen in Beijing.

Even if you have never seen him before, you can already guess the identity of the person just by looking at his clothes.

The crowd quickly moved out of the way.

Zhang Qian glanced at the slim girl behind the crowd.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickened his pace again.

"Someone said a murder occurred here? What happened?"

Ye Chutang stepped forward and saluted: "My little daughter, Ye Chutang, has met your Excellency."

Zhang Qian's eyebrows twitched.

Of course he recognized the woman in front of him! It’s like thunder!
If it was an ordinary case, there would be no need for him to come out in person, but as soon as he heard that this person was involved, his head suddenly got big and he was in a hurry to bring someone.

Who doesn't know who is her backer?

Zhang Qian's lips were dry and he raised his hand: "I don't need these false courtesy. It's better to handle the case as soon as possible."

He searched around and finally saw Ye Shixian kneeling there.

"Is that you? You said Ye Chutang killed your mother, where is her body now?"

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