Chapter 347 Your sin! (Second update)
Zhang Qian's question was really subtle, because Ye Shixian never said from the beginning to the end that it was Ye Chutang who killed Gao.

After all, Gao hanged himself.

But she didn't care much at this time and spoke with choked sobs: "Please make the decision for us mother and daughter! My mother couldn't bear the humiliation and hanged herself to death last night! After I found out in the morning, I ordered someone to put down my mother's body. Right now, in her house.”

She looked at Ye Chutang with resentment in her eyes, and suddenly raised the bloody letter in her hand: "It was all her fault! If she hadn't forced her to do it, how could my mother not think about it and do such a stupid thing! With only this bloody letter left, she would Leave me alone!"

Zhang Qian frowned: "Go and see the scene first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

As he spoke, he winked at the policeman beside him: "The blood book is an important piece of evidence, so it must be taken care of."


The policeman stepped forward to get the blood book.

Ye Shixian subconsciously tightened her grip.

The policeman reminded: "Miss Ye, you have to give this thing to us."

Ye Shixian reluctantly let go.

She really didn't intend to let people from the government get involved before, but now she can't help it.

The police officer presented the blood letter to Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian looked at it for a few times and then frowned.

"The blood seems to have dried not long ago. It should have been written last night. But the words on it..."

He put away the blood book: "Go in and take a look first."

Shaoyao hurriedly stepped forward to help Ye Shixian up, and shouted to the two boys standing at the door: "What are you doing standing still! Why don't you open the door for Mr. Zhang!"

Only then did the two people react and quickly opened the door.


In an instant, many people stretched their necks to get a closer look.

Ye Jingyan thought for a while and then covered Xiao Wu's eyes.

Xiao Wu actually didn't bother to look. He twisted his little body and lay on Ye Jingyan's shoulder.

Ye Chutang also raised his heels and stepped forward.

Ye Shixian subconsciously wanted to stop her: "You are not allowed in!"

Ye Chutang looked at her: "If it is really related to me, you have to let me know it, what do you think?"

Ye Shixian wanted to say something else, but Zhang Qian looked back and frowned: "Except for these few, no one else is allowed in!"

Ye Chutang is related to this case and is certainly not an idler.

Ye Shixian couldn't stop her anymore, so she had to put down her hand angrily, stared at Ye Chutang bitterly, and whispered:
"As long as you're not afraid of nightmares, just come and see!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "I'm not guilty, how could I have nightmares?"

She raised her eyes slightly and saw that Zhang Qian was already standing in front of a house, directing people to open the door.

Presumably that was the room where Gao hanged himself.

Ye Chutang walked over, but Ye Shixian had no choice but to follow, but her posture was full of precautions and vigilance.

The gate of the courtyard was closed, blocking out all kinds of eyes, and these were the only people left in the courtyard.

Ye Chutang came to the door of the room and heard a maid inside replying timidly.

"...My wife has not been in good health during this period, so she has been taken care of by me. In the past, she should have gotten up long ago, but today there was no movement. I felt strange, so I opened the door and went in. Unexpectedly, I saw - —" She seemed to remember that terrible scene and couldn't help sobbing: "I saw that the lady had stepped on the stool, took a piece of white silk, and committed suicide on the beam!"

A middle-aged man walked out of the back room and said respectfully: "Sir, Mr. Gao must have been dead for eight or nine hours. Calculating, it should have been around midnight last night."

Zhang Qian nodded: "There are no signs of fighting in the house, and the doors and windows are intact. It doesn't look like anyone has been here."

Ye Shixian smiled bitterly: "Ever since something happened at home, we moved here and there are so many people around us. Those people want to stay far away from us, so why do they come here?"

Zhang Qian asked again: "How are the injuries on Gao's body?"

"The younger one has checked that the marks on her neck and the various features of her body were indeed caused by hanging."

This rules out the possibility that Gao was strangled to death from behind - she was really hanged.

He paused and added: "In addition, there is a blood stain on her left index finger."

Zhang Qian was a little worried.

In fact, he has seen a lot of cases like this, so he doesn't have to spend too much effort after he comes here to make assumptions.

But that’s the problem!
Gao really committed suicide, and there is no way to prove that the blood letter was written by someone else. Then the case is basically clear, and Ye Shixian's accusations against Ye Chutang are also true. should Ye Chutang deal with it?

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't be in such a difficult situation, but it was Ye Chutang!

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Qian looked at Ye Chutang: "This... do you have anything to say?"

Ye Shixian sneered coldly: "The evidence is conclusive and indistinguishable, so naturally she has nothing to say!"

Ye Chutang didn't seem to hear her words at all, and only looked at the maid aside: "You mean, you have been taking care of Gao's daily life during this time?"

The little maid didn't expect her to ask a question suddenly. She raised her head subconsciously and lowered her head hurriedly: "Yes, yes... many people in the house left, and I, I had nowhere to go, so I stayed..."

Ye Chutang asked again: "True love is especially valuable in times of crisis. Shi Xian is willing to let you take care of the second aunt. I think it is because of your thoughtfulness and patience that she values ​​​​him."

The maid didn't know why Ye Chutang suddenly praised herself, but with so many people around her watching, she didn't dare not reply.

"Yes, I am trusted by the young lady. I dare not neglect you."

Ye Chutang stared at her, his tone suddenly turned cold, and asked:
"Since you don't dare to neglect, then last night the second aunt committed suicide in the house, and you were standing outside and didn't hear any sound!?"

The ending sound is cold and makes people feel nervous!
How could the maid withstand Ye Chutang's momentum? Her legs suddenly became weak and her face turned pale.

"I, I didn't-"

"When that solid wood stool was kicked to the ground, there must have been a sound. You said you did your duty and always looked after Mr. Gao, but why did you make such a big omission!?"

Ye Chutang's tone slowed down and his eyes narrowed: "Is it your negligence that prevented Gao from being rescued in time, or... did you deliberately pretend not to know what you heard and saw!?"

The maid instantly collapsed on the ground, panicking: "I didn't! I really didn't! I don't know anything!"

Ye Shixian was also panicked and immediately retorted sharply: "Ye Chutang! What nonsense are you talking about! This matter has nothing to do with others, don't talk nonsense -"

"I'm just asking as usual." Ye Chutang spoke calmly and looked at her sideways. "It's related to the death of the second aunt. Naturally, we have to be careful. No one can rule it out easily. It's just a maid. It's okay to cross-examine a few words. Right, why are you so nervous?"


Ye Shixian was angry, but it was hard to get angry, so she had to endure it.

"The causes and consequences of this matter are clear, and there is solid evidence! What else is there to cross-examine? There is no point in delaying it like this!"

"It's your fault, you have to admit it!"

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