Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 352: It’s better to ask for a sister-in-law than to ask for a brother

Chapter 352: It’s better to ask for a sister-in-law than to ask for a brother (third update)

Shaoyao's heart skipped a beat.

"If I go back to the eldest lady, it's been nine years."

She was sold into the Ye family since she was a child, and she grew up with Ye Shixian.

Ye Shixian seemed to be lost in memories: "It's been so long... I remember, you still have an uncle at home?"

Shaoyao broke into a cold sweat and her lips turned white: "Yes, yes..."

Ye Shixian paused and suddenly said: "You haven't been back for a long time. Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Shaoyao immediately panicked: "Miss! If I do something wrong, you can punish me, but don't drive me away!"

Her parents died young, and she was raised at her uncle's house as far back as she can remember.

Her aunt thought she was a burden and treated her extremely harshly. She was often beaten even at a young age, not only doing laundry and cooking.

She also cried to her uncle, but he turned a blind eye. Later, when she got older, he sold her directly.

She finally managed to get into the position of Ye Shixian's personal maid, and she thought she was living a good life, but who knew that the good times would not last long, and something happened to the Ye family again!
If you let her go back now, what will happen to her?

Ye Shixian frowned and said impatiently: "This is a good thing, why are you crying?"

Shaoyao bit her lip tightly, her tears bitter.

"This slave is yours, please don't let me go!"

Ye Shixian was annoyed by her troubles: "Okay!"

When the water temperature became more suitable, Ye Shixian picked up the white handkerchief in the water, twisted it, and wiped it on her face carefully.

Shaoyao knelt there, and it wasn't until Ye Shixian finished washing her face, changed her clothes and went into the back room to rest that she finally heard a voice: "Go down."

Shaoyao responded quickly, stood up and poured out the basin of water.

The water has become cold.

There was no more movement inside. Ye Shixian should have fallen asleep, but Peony stood outside the door, but her mood could not be calmed down for a long time.

The moonlight was shining, and the shadows of the trees in the courtyard were dancing like ghostly shadows. The chill spread from the soles of the feet up to the back of the head, making Shaoyao shiver.

She couldn't help but look to the left - that was where Mr. Gao lived during his lifetime.

Not knowing what he thought of, a deep fear flashed through Shaoyao's eyes.


On the second day, the farce of this dispute quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital.

Some people are skeptical, some are curious, and some are proud.

But Gao's death indeed pushed Ye Chutang to the forefront again.

Although Gao's reputation was not good during his lifetime, after his death, some people soon became dissatisfied with Ye Chutang, thinking that she had gone too far towards his aunt's family.

Princess Qinyang was so angry that she rushed directly to Ye Mansion.

"Chu Tang! What's going on with the rumors outside now! How can you still sit still!?"

Ye Chutang was drying herbs in the yard. She was too busy during this period and never paid attention to it.

Now that I was finally free, I didn't expect Princess Qinyang to come over again.

"I haven't done anything, what can those rumors do to me?"

Princess Qinyang stamped her feet anxiously: "No? Even if you and I know it's a rumor, they don't know!"

What an unpleasant thing those people are saying now!

Ye Chutang looked at her and couldn't help but smile: "Isn't Shuntian Mansion still investigating? Just wait for the truth to come out, and you can clear my name, so why bother?"

Princess Qinyang felt that she could not communicate with her at all. "The truth will come to light? It's simple! It's midnight, no witnesses, no physical evidence, what can we find out!"

With her status, it is easy to find out the facts of the case, so she knows very well how difficult it is to solve.

Ye Chutang paused: "The passing geese leave traces. There is something fishy about Gao's death, and the truth will not be buried."

Princess Qinyang wanted to say something else, but when she saw her calm and calm expression, she couldn't help but be startled.

She looked around and asked in a low voice: "What, are you sure?"

Ye Chutang smiled: "Anyway, there are still a few days, Princess, please wait a moment."

Hearing what she said, Princess Qinyang had no choice but to agree: "Hey, okay! I'll just listen to you!"

She kicked a stone away from her feet in boredom: "But having said that, their family is really as if they were possessed by an evil spirit. Things happen one after another. The only pity is that Ye Heng has been exiled. If he knew what happened here, , Tsk.”

I don’t know how exciting it will be.

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly: "Counting the time, he should be almost in Tongbei now, right?"

Princess Qinyang chuckled: "Tongbei is located on the border, desolate and cold. In previous years, it would snow and freeze. He was exiled after committing a serious crime, and he will probably suffer a lot."

She glanced at Ye Chutang.

In this way, it can be regarded as recovering some interest for the grievances suffered by their siblings back then.

Princess Qinyang rolled her eyes and changed the topic: "I don't know when my brother will come back. He will be in Changzhou for a long time this time."

Ye Chutang was still fiddling with the medicinal materials in his hand and said without raising his head: "It should be soon."

Princess Qinyang's eyes lit up: "How do you know! Do you miss him - cough! Do you also want him to come back early? Autumn hunting is coming soon, and my brother is very good at riding and shooting! But in the past few years He is not in the capital, and I don’t even have a chance to take a look. If he is willing to take action this time, we will be in luck! "

She said, and licked her lips: "Every year, His Majesty will reward the first place in hunting with many things! In particular, he will also give an extra reward of roast venison that he cut himself! It tastes amazing!"

Compared with the delicious food, the glory and grace symbolized after this are the most desirable.

Ye Chutang finally stopped what he was doing and was thoughtful.

Princess Qinyang came over and secretly said: "It's really delicious! My father won it once before, it's so delicious! How about you go and persuade my brother?"

Ye Chutang turned around: "Me?"


Princess Qinyang is confident and confident.

"He doesn't listen to me, but he definitely listens to you! You are his savior! As long as you say you want to eat, what else can he say?"

Ye Chutang nodded.

Princess Qinyang felt happy, but the next moment she heard Ye Chutang say: "He really doesn't listen to you very much."

Princess Qinyang: "..."

Is it necessary to repeat this a second time? If only she knew it in her heart!

However, Princess Qinyang endured the request. She blinked: "So, you agree?"

Ye Chutang always felt that the tone of her question was strange, and he couldn't explain why. After thinking for a moment, he agreed.

"If you want to eat, I'll try to ask later, but he may not agree."

Shen Yanchuan is probably too lazy to join in such fun.

Princess Qinyang’s eyes were bright: “It’s a deal!”

She had begged her brother several times, but he never ignored her. This year was different, she found help!
She has realized it.

——It’s better to ask for a sister-in-law than to ask for a brother!

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