Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 353 Letter from afar

Chapter 353 Letter from afar (fourth update)
Princess Qinyang stayed here until evening and went back after dinner.

——If her brother was in the capital, how could she dare to stay so long?
After having had enough wine and food, Princess Qinyang returned home contentedly, and also gave Ye Chutang two bottles of Snow Drink.

Ye Chutang saw her out and waited for them to leave before returning to his room.

As soon as she opened the door, she paused.

But this movement was extremely subtle, and the next moment, she entered the house with a normal expression.

Going around the screen, Xiao Wu was lying on the bed, having fallen asleep because it was too late.

Ye Chutang went over to help her tuck the quilt, and his eyes fell on the round table nearby.

A letter lay quietly on it.

She walked over and picked up the letter. There was no writing on it, only a black eagle with spread wings was drawn on the seal.

Its eyes are like lightning and its claws are like hooks.

Just by looking at it like this, you can seem to feel the fierce fighting spirit that almost breaks out of the paper!

Ye Chutang opened the letter.

There was only one line written on it: Ye Hengwei.

Ye Chutang stared at those words and raised his eyebrows lightly.

Can you finally bear it no longer?
She put the letter away, placed it on the candle beside her and lit it. The flames devoured it silently, leaving only a wisp of smoke.

Xiao Wu seemed to feel something, opened his eyes drowsily, and got up from the bed.

The letters in Ye Chutang's hand had already been completely burned.

She turned around, walked over and pinched Xiao Wu's fleshy little face.

"Wake you up?"

Xiao Wu shook his head and leaned into her arms.

Ye Chutang felt soft, smiled and touched her hair.

"Go to sleep."


Outside Tongbei City, it was desolate.

A group of men and horses moved forward slowly in the night. They were all skinny and ragged, with chains on their hands and feet.

This is an exiled felon.

After nearly two months, they had been tortured to the point where they were no longer human.

Among the crowd, Ye Heng was unshaven, numb and haggard.

The prison uniform he was wearing was stained with new or old bloodstains, and the boots on his feet had long gone. He was barely wearing a pair of worn-out straw sandals, and he looked extremely miserable.

Who would have thought that not long ago, he was a famous Dali Temple official?
At the beginning, he still had hope, but after only three days on the road, he was already beaten black and blue.

There was that smart man who gave people benefits when he was exiled, so that he would suffer less hardships on the way. But he was in a hurry and was dragged out of prison directly. He didn't even have time to meet his family. , let alone others?
His life was extremely difficult along the way.

Ye Heng felt that everything he had experienced in the past six months was like a ridiculous dream.

Although he did not come from a wealthy family, he had been protected by his elder brother since he was a child and had never been worried about trivial matters in life. Later, when he obtained a degree and gained fame, he benefited from his elder brother's influence and rose to prominence.

He has suffered more in the past six months than in the previous half of his life combined.

The further north you go, the more desolate you become. You often walk for days and nights without even a shelter from the wind and rain.

Now, there was only one thought that kept Ye Heng gritting his teeth and persisting - he was about to arrive in Tongbei!
As long as he reaches Tongbei, he will be saved. His Highness's people there will definitely take more care of him.

When you get into the city, you will be assigned an easy job, and you will just wait for the opportunity to make a comeback the next day!

Suddenly, Ye Heng's brows turned cold.

He raised his neck stiffly and saw pieces of white falling under the black night.

"It's snowing!" The first person to react was the officer escorting the prisoner. They looked at each other and their expressions turned ugly.

October in Tongbei is already cold, and when the cold wind blows, it's like a knife.

It's actually snowing now!
If you're not careful, someone might freeze to death here!
"Go faster!"

An officer raised his whip and hit the person walking at the end hard.

There was an inn in front of them. If they walked quickly, they could still catch up and rest there for a night. Otherwise, they would have to sleep here with the snow as their blanket!
Of course, in such a desolate frontier land, the inns are usually very dilapidated and can accommodate a few official servants. The rest of the people still have to sleep outside.

But that's not what they have to consider.

The person who was whipped must have been hungry for a long time and had no thick clothing to cover his body, so his body was frozen and stiff.

When the whip went down, his body shook a few times, and finally he couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.

"Trash! Get up quickly! I'm delaying the journey. I want you to look good!"

The official looked fierce and went up to give him two more whips.

But the man on the ground didn't react at all.

Everyone stopped.

Another official came over, kicked him, and then squatted down to check the man's breath.


He spoke expressionlessly.

The official who whipped the whip spat at the man's still warm body: "Bah! What a damn bad luck!"

Every pair of eyes was watching this scene, and everyone remained silent.

Because this is not the first time such a thing has happened. Being exiled from the capital to Tongbei, thousands of miles away, it is completely normal for him to die on the way.

A dead silence spread through the crowd, almost suffocating.


The officer ignored the dead man and urged everyone forward again.

Ye Heng moved forward numbly. After walking a certain distance, it was too cold. He pulled on his tattered clothes and crossed his arms, trying to keep himself warm.

It's all in vain.

Ye Heng felt that his limbs had lost all feeling. He was like a puppet. He was moving forward step by step. He didn't know when he would fall down like the person just now and many others before him.

Finally, he couldn't help but look back.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier, and the man's body was already covered with a thin layer of snow. Looking from a distance in the dark night, it was just an extremely inconspicuous small arc rising on the earth.

Before long, the arc will flatten out and everything will disappear.

Ye Heng suddenly felt an unprecedented panic in his heart - if he couldn't hold on to Tongbei, wouldn't he end up like this?

Ye Heng couldn't help but quicken his pace, as if he wanted to escape quickly.

In panic, he bumped into a man's shoulder.

The man turned his head and looked over with sinister eyes.

Ye Heng knew him. He had been among the exiled prisoners since the capital. He looked to be in his thirties and had a thin build. It was said that he had committed murder. However, he rarely spoke on weekdays. Ye Heng also didn't care about him. not very familiar with.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

Two months were enough to polish Ye Heng's temperament.

This person is not easy to mess with at first glance, so he should avoid causing trouble for himself.

After Ye Heng finished speaking, he was about to continue walking forward, but suddenly froze in the next moment, and the hairs all over his body stood on end!

At his lower back, the cold and sharp blade seemed about to cut through his thin clothes and pierce his flesh!

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