Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 354: Life and Death on the Snowy Night

Chapter 354: Life and Death on the Snowy Night (th update)
Ye Heng's breathing stopped suddenly, and all the blood in his body froze at this moment!
At this moment, his mind went blank, leaving only one thought - this person was going to kill him!
Ye Heng didn't know where his blade came from, and how it escaped the eyes of those officials, but now he could clearly feel the cold sharpness.

As long as he makes the slightest move, the opponent can kill him at any time!

Ye Heng swallowed hard, his palms trembling slightly unconsciously.

Just as he was about to turn his head, he felt the blade getting even closer!
Ye Heng stopped moving immediately when the stinging pain came!

His mind was spinning wildly, and he began to think about who wanted his life!
He has nothing left and has been exiled to Tongbei. Why is there still someone not letting him go?
Not only did he come all the way, but he chose to do so just before arriving in Tongbei!
The more Ye Heng thought about it, the more something was wrong, and finally a name flashed in his mind.

At this moment, the man came up and whispered: "Master Ye, this is enough."

Ye Heng suddenly opened his eyes wide!
He has heard this voice!

——Right in the second prince’s house!

He still remembered that he was forced by Han Yao to intercede for Han Tong, because he didn't care about Han Tong's life and death, and even hoped that he could die directly and be done with it. After being rejected by the second prince, he did not Say more.

But he clearly remembered that when he stood up to say goodbye, he bumped into someone.

The man lowered his head slightly, so he couldn't see the specific face, but the moment he stepped out of the door, he heard the man's voice: "Your Highness, please."

Han Tong has a good memory, so although he didn't pay attention to that person at the time, he still remembered the other person's voice.

But he never expected that when he heard this voice again, it would be here!
What else don’t you understand now?
It is His Highness who wants to kill him!
Ye Heng didn't know how this person got into this group of prisoners, but he knew that the other party had tolerated it for so long just to completely let him stay here!

It was already nighttime, the snow was falling heavily, and everyone was cold and hungry. No one would notice what happened between the two of them.

Ye Heng's eyes began to turn black, and his hands and feet became weak and weak.

Ye Heng was filled with hatred and wanted to open his mouth to call someone, but found that his tongue was numb and he could no longer speak.

Not only is the blade poisonous, it is also extremely poisonous that can kill someone in minutes!
His vision gradually blurred, and Ye Heng's mind gradually became groggy.

But he was unwilling to do so!
He has done so much for His Highness the Second Highness before, and he is still waiting to return to the capital to resume his official duties!
If you die here today, you will be a lonely ghost!

Ye Heng almost bit out a mouthful of blood and rushed forward with his last bit of strength!

With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground!

This movement immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked over.

"What's going on?" An official came up with a bad attitude and kicked Ye Heng's leg.

Ye Heng didn't move.

The fall just now had used up the little strength he had left, and with this solid fall, stars appeared in front of his eyes, and he almost fainted.

"This one won't work anymore?" the official scolded, "It's worthless!"

The officer who had just checked the man's breath looked over and narrowed his eyes when he found Ye Heng lying on the ground.

He walked over again: "This one doesn't seem to be dead yet, it's probably frozen. Hey, can you still walk?"

Ye Heng wanted to speak, but he only let out a dull and weak whimper.

"Forget it, leave him alone. Look at this, he will die soon. Let's leave quickly! Otherwise, the wind and snow will get worse later and it will be difficult to move. It's easy to lose your way in the snow. If we can't make it in time tonight When we get to the inn, even we will be finished!"

The officer's nose twitched slightly, his eyes rested on Ye Heng's waist for a moment, and then quickly moved away.

He nodded and stood up.

"Listen to you."

He ignored Ye Heng and urged everyone to speed up: "Hurry up!"

The group of people was not surprised by this result. In this environment, if you can't leave by yourself, then no one can help you. In the end, there is only one result: keep your life! Ye Heng also heard it. He realized that he had been abandoned. He suddenly panicked, his breathing became rapid, and he struggled to stand up.

But he couldn't use his hands and feet and couldn't get up.

Finally, the footsteps of those people gradually faded away - they were really gone!

Half of Ye Heng's body was buried in the snow, and he gradually lost his temperature.

It was so cold that he couldn't help but curl up into a ball.

This seemed to be of some use. He seemed to feel a little warm, and there was a warm current flowing through his limbs.

Ye Heng closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

He hasn't felt this comfortable for a long time, and it's hard not to indulge.

Half-conscious, he felt as if someone was coming again.

He wanted to open his eyes and take a look, but he couldn't. He could only vaguely hear unfamiliar whispers.

"He's here, still alive."

"There are injuries on the body, and it looks like he was poisoned."

"Fortunately, the master told us to follow closely. If it were a little later, this guy would really freeze to death here. Carry him away!"

Ye Heng listened intermittently, and thought slowly that there seemed to be more than one person here, and it seemed that they were not the official officials just now, but... they seemed to know him?

There was no time to think more, Ye Heng completely lost consciousness.


Ye Shixian, who was thousands of miles away, naturally knew nothing about what happened on this snowy night.

She slept deeply all night, but had nightmares all night, so that when she woke up in the morning, her face was particularly haggard and her eyes were red and bloodshot.

Shaoyao got up early and waited on the side carefully, being extremely cautious in every move, for fear that Ye Shixian would mention what she said last night about sending her back to her hometown again.

Ye Shixian slowly combed her hair in front of the mirror.

"How's it going outside?"

Shaoyao was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood what she was asking, and said hurriedly: "The news has spread. Now in the streets and alleys, everyone is saying that Ye Chutang forced his aunt to death. I heard that there were people sneaking into Yunlai in the morning Rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown in front of the wine shop, making it very unsightly.”

A long-lost smile finally appeared on Ye Shixian's face.

But the smile on her thin and dull face looked particularly weird.

"She should also know what it feels like to have a bad reputation."

Ye Shixian felt very satisfied. The pain she had experienced during this period would one day be returned to Ye Chutang tenfold and a hundredfold!

Shaoyao wanted to speak but stopped.

Ye Shixian saw her expression in the mirror, and her smile gradually disappeared.

"What do you want to say?"

Shaoyao looked at her quickly and said hesitantly: "Miss, besides these, there is one more thing... I don't know who spread the news, saying that Madam's death is suspected to be related to the scented tea given by Master Murong before. What do you think? If Mr. Murong hears this..."


The boy came running all the way,
"Master Murong is here!"

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