Chapter 355 Scheming (first update)
As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Shixian saw a figure approaching quickly.

She quickened her movements and looked at herself in the mirror. She paused for a moment with her hand that was originally going to pick up the carnelian. Finally, she picked up the white jade hairpin on the side and inserted it diagonally into her temple.

No makeup was applied, but I felt pity for him when I saw him.

Ye Shixian took a deep breath: "Please quickly——"

Before he finished speaking, Murong Ye had already arrived.

He stood in front of the door with a cold expression.

This was different from what Ye Shixian expected. She stood up and asked softly: "Mr. Murong?"

The low pressure on Murong Ye's body was felt by everyone.

Thinking of what Shaoyao said just now, Ye Shixian's heart sank slightly.

Murong Ye said coldly: "You all get out."

Shaoyao subconsciously looked at Ye Shixian, and Ye Shixian said: "You all go and do your work first. No one is allowed to come in without my permission."


Shaoyao and the boy quickly left, not forgetting to close the door again.

Only Ye Shixian and Murong Ye were left in the room.

Ye Shixian took a few steps forward and bowed: "I don't know if Master Murong came here today. It's really rude."

Murong Ye stared at her closely, but he did not take advantage of her as before. Instead, he suppressed his anger.

"What's going on with the flower tea?!"

Ye Shixian was stunned.

She thought that Murong Ye might have come here for this reason, but she didn't expect that Murong Ye would react so strongly.

The two have known each other for such a long time, and this was the first time she saw Murong Ye coming up to question him so unceremoniously.

She endured the discomfort in her heart and explained softly.

"...That's it. It was just because of that little maid's greedy talk that she got into such trouble. But Master Murong, don't worry, the rumors outside are all false and will never affect you -"

"Is this how you discipline your servants? You can't even control a little maid!?" Murong Ye was extremely irritated, "Do you know that the scented tea has been taken to Shuntian Mansion and several people have been inspected! My You’ve lost all face!”

He actually knew the news about Gao's accident early on, but he didn't have time to come, and he didn't want to come.

He originally hated Gao, but now that he is dead, he only feels relieved.

But he didn't expect that he would be involved!
Thinking of his father's angry and disappointed look when he found him this morning, Murong Ye felt aggrieved.

He liked Ye Shixian, but he never wanted to match his reputation!

Ye Shixian was confused for a moment: "But, but that's just a bag of scented tea, and it has nothing to do with my mother's affairs. The government will definitely find out soon -"

"But I'm in trouble now!"

Murong Ye interrupted her impatiently, and immediately saw tears in Ye Shixian's eyes, she was about to cry, and she just looked at him speechlessly.

In the past, he must have been extremely distressed, but now he just feels annoyed! "And this courtyard. I chose a lot to find such a quiet and spacious place for you. I was afraid that you would be wronged. But what about now? People die here!"

Ye Shixian finally couldn't help it anymore: "But that's my mother! Mr. Murong, how could you say such a thing?"

Seeing that she seemed to have been greatly wronged, Murong Ye remained indifferent.

He twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly.

"You don't have to act like a loving mother and daughter in front of me. Wasn't it your idea that she found Yunlai Liquor to cause trouble that day?"

Ye Shixian suddenly became flustered.

She took a half step back, covering her chest in disbelief: "So... this is how Mr. Murong views me? Am I such a despicable person in your eyes!?"

Murong Ye's patience ran out and he was no longer even bothering to pretend.

"You know exactly what's going on with your mother's body. Her mind has long been confused and she can't bear any stimulation! Besides, I specially allocated extra manpower to you earlier and asked them to help you take care of your mother. I’m afraid that if she’s not awake for a while, she’ll cause trouble for you again.”

He secretly clenched his fists and his voice became more severe,
"Do you think I really don't know that you deliberately pushed away everyone around her that day and went into the house to talk to her for a long time? Not long after you went out, she went to Yunlai Wine Shop!"

Ye Shixian's face suddenly turned pale.

"You, you spy on me!?"

She always thought that Murong Ye was sincere to her. He held her in the palm of his hand and regarded her as a goddess. As long as she was willing to bow her head, he would do anything for him.

So even though she had no feelings for Murong Ye at all, she still suppressed her temper and coaxed him, acting gentle and timid.

Just because she was sure that as long as she did this, she would definitely get what she wanted from Murong Ye!
Those people below would secretly reveal her affairs to him, and she was not completely unaware of it, but she didn't expect that Murong Ye would even know such minute details!
Ye Shixian was filled with disappointment and anger, so why was Murong Ye the same?

He was not a fool. He had always turned a blind eye just because he liked Ye Shixian.

He knew that Ye Shixian was extremely resentful of Ye Chutang, so he acquiesced in these secret revenges, just thinking about letting her vent his resentment.

But who knew that even he would be dragged into the water!

Now he has become a joke in the whole capital!

Murong Ye seemed to have heard a joke: "What nonsense are you talking about? You live in my house, use my people, food and clothing, everything is not spent on my money? This can be said. Is this surveillance?"

Ye Shixian was so angry that her face turned red and white, so wonderful.

Countless words rushed to her throat, but she finally swallowed them alive.

She took a few quick breaths, the resentment in her eyes gradually disappeared, and tears filled her eyes again.

She smiled bitterly and said softly: "Mr. Murong is right, I owe you this."

The moment Murong Ye said those words, he actually regretted a little, feeling that he had gone too far.

Hearing Ye Shixian say this, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He paced back and forth, clenching and loosening his fists, and finally softened his tone: "That's not what I meant. I just feel that you are entangled in everything now and can't stand any more troubles! You are easy to deal with as a member of Shuntian Mansion. Even if there’s nothing wrong with the scented tea, if they take it back, I’ll have to check it inside and out!”

Ye Shixian looked at him, and the next moment, she knelt down straight and straight!
"I didn't know that this would bring such big trouble to Master Murong. Everything is my fault. Don't worry, Master Murong. I will go to Shuntian Mansion right away and make it clear to them no matter what, they may want to lock me up." , no matter what punishment is imposed on me, as long as the young master can be cleared as soon as possible, I am willing to bear it!"

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