Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 358: Accept the wind and wash away the dust

Chapter 358: Accept the wind and wash away the dust (second update)
Xiao Chengxuan knew that he could get no benefit from Shen Yanchuan, so he endured it again and again, and finally swallowed back all the words in his throat.

He pointed at Shen Yanchuan with a warning tone, then turned around and left.

Shen Yanchuan had just returned from investigating a case and was highly valued by his father. If he went looking for Shen Yanchuan at this time, he would be the only one in trouble.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Eunuch Li said in a low voice: "My lord, please don't argue with His Majesty the King of Qi. He has been grounded recently and has suffered a lot of humiliation in front of His Majesty."

Naturally, Shen Yanchuan and Xiao Chengxuan would not waste energy on such trivial matters.

He glanced back, recalling the envelope that had not been opened by His Majesty, his eyes darkened slightly.


Xiao Chengxuan was released from the ban, and when he left the palace, he was much more energetic than when he came in.

Although he had been embarrassed these past few days, his mother-in-law was right, and his father still had a soft spot for him.


The entire Prince Qi's Mansion soon learned the news, and the whole Mansion was delighted.

However, when Xiao Chengxuan returned home, he heard better news.

"Are you serious?"

Xiao Chengxuan was just about to change his clothes when he heard his subordinates coming to report. He stopped washing his hands and kept asking: "Then Ye Heng is really dead!?"

The subordinate knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Highness, it's absolutely true! He died three miles away from the nearest post station in Tongbei. As long as he persisted and arrived at the inn to rest, he could successfully reach Tongbei in a few days. . But it suddenly snowed heavily that night, and everyone was hungry and cold. Ye Heng couldn't hold on and fell in the snow. "

Xiao Chengxuan narrowed his eyes: "Are you sure he has really died?"

The subordinate's face showed a look of affirmation: "Master Lu has taken action."

Then Ye Heng will definitely die!

Xiao Chengxuan finally felt relieved: "Okay, okay!"

He walked a few steps excitedly and suddenly asked: "By the way, no one noticed this, right?"

"Don't worry, it's normal for an exiled prisoner to die on the way. It's beyond expectation that he can last so long. You know Mr. Lu's ability and you can't make mistakes. I think he chose this on purpose. Hands moving on a snowy day.”

Thousands of miles away, inaccessible, even if someone dies, the heavy snow will bury everything.

Xiao Chengxuan folded his arms and pondered for a while: "Let's put this matter aside and talk about it later."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, he is just an exiled prisoner. Delivering the news from Tongbei to the capital originally requires many checkpoints and takes a long time. Besides, he has made His Majesty angry. No one without foresight will bring this matter to light." Your Majesty."

These officials, both high and low, are very understanding of human nature.

People like Ye Heng would never be mentioned by anyone for months and years. If His Majesty remembered and asked one day, he might have been dead for who knows how long.

Xiao Chengxuan finally felt at ease now.

Ye Heng knew too much. Now that he is dead, he can sleep peacefully.

He thought for a while and ordered: "Ask the people over there to take care of Luda, and tell him to stay there peacefully for the time being. After a while, we will let him return to Beijing smoothly."



Lian Zhou moved quickly and found out everything clearly without spending much time.

Then he immediately reported it to Shen Yanchuan.

"...That's what happened. There are two theories about Gao's death, but most people think it is related to Miss Ye Er."

As Lian Zhou spoke, he took a careful look at his master's face.

He was very angry when he heard about it, not to mention his master?

Anyone who thinks about such a blatant and false accusation knows there is something wrong with it, but most people don't have the ability to identify it, so they just go with the flow and believe the rumors. "Shuntian Mansion took away Mrs. Gao's body, and also took away her maid who took care of her for interrogation, but it is estimated that... there will not be much progress."

The person died in the middle of the night, and even the pot of scented tea that was the only suspect was poured out and washed, leaving no trace.

Just based on the traces of struggle on Gao's body, it is not possible to determine who did it.

This is almost a dead end.

After listening to this, Shen Yanchuan thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "How is she these days?"

Lian Zhou looked a little confused: "Miss Ye Er has been staying at home and has not gone out."

Anyone involved in such a bad thing would be annoyed to death.

But there is no way to continue like this. There is no way she will never come out, right?

If this matter is not clarified for one day, her future life will not be easy.

"Only Princess Qinyang went to Ye Mansion two days ago and stayed there for a long time before leaving at night. I heard that she still smelled of alcohol when she came out."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes slightly: "What?"

Lian Zhou complained secretly in his heart, but his master asked him to find out everything about recent events. How could he dare to slack off?
Naturally, I didn’t dare to hide even a single word, and told everything truthfully.

Lian Zhou coughed: "Um... maybe Princess Qinyang also feels sorry for Miss Ye Er? But having said that, at this time, she is still willing to enter and leave the Ye Mansion openly. She is not afraid of rumors and is supporting Miss Ye Er! "

Shen Yanchuan was expressionless: "There are not many rumors about her. Who else can implicate her?"

Lian Zhou: "..."

Hey, what the master said seems to be quite right?

That one is a demon king. With her around, those people will be more restrained.

Suddenly, Yun Cheng's voice came from outside.

"Master, guests are arriving."

Lian Zhou was stunned and looked back: "Who would come to the door at this time?"

When they returned to the capital during the day, everyone in the city saw them and knew that Shen Yanchuan had returned.

But how could anyone come to the door at this hour?
Even if you want to visit the master, you should at least wait until tomorrow to submit the post, right?
Lian Zhou said: "Hey, Yuncheng, the master has just come back, please let them go back first, and we will talk about it tomorrow -"

Yun Cheng paused, but did not retreat.

"Master, these people are from the Ye Mansion. They say... they are here to give you a gift."

Shen Yanchuan's eyebrows moved slightly, and he finally raised his eyes.

Even Zhou was stunned.

Ye Mansion?

Who else could make Yuncheng so polite besides Ye Mansion?
While thinking about it, Shen Yanchuan had already spoken: "Let them come in."


After a while, Yuncheng came in with five young boys with nimble hands and feet.

In the arms of the five people, they all held black wine jars.

You can tell from the look that the weight is not light.

"You guys have met the Crown Prince."

The five people saluted respectfully. The man in the middle took a step forward and said respectfully:
"When I heard that the Crown Prince returned to the capital, the second lady specially asked the young ones to deliver wine. These five jars are the five best-selling wines in Yunlai Wine Shop. The second lady said that she was grateful for the Crown Prince's kindness in the past, but she has been busy with things recently. I would like to come here in person and prepare a small gift for you to bring as a token of my gratitude to His Royal Highness."

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