Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 359 is really good

Chapter 359 is really good (first update)
Lian Zhou instantly understood why Yuncheng didn't let a few people go.

Is this not just for giving gifts?
This is obviously to bring them blessings!
Let’s not talk about having good wine to drink. When Miss Ye Er gave it away, my master was——

Lian Zhou took a quick peek and saw that Shen Yanchuan's originally sparse and cold brows were melting like snow.

In fact, Shen Yanchuan did not expect that these people would bring the wine tonight.

His eyes swept over several people: "Are you from Yunlai Wine Shop?"

The man in the middle smiled and said: "Your Majesty has a keen eye, and the young one is the second shopkeeper of Yunlai Wine Shop, Zhuo Fu."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although he has not been to Yunlai Wine Shop, judging from these people, they are obviously well-trained.

The second shopkeeper is neither humble nor overbearing, he advances and retreats appropriately, and even the few boys next to him are neat and well-behaved.

Not to mention other shops, Ye Chutang has been personally in charge of Yunlai Winery from the very beginning. She must have looked past these people.

Her eye for seeing people is as good as ever.

Shen Yanchuan raised his thin lips slightly.

"In that case, I will accept the wine and thank Miss Ye Er for me."

After speaking, he glanced at Yuncheng.

Yun Cheng immediately stepped forward with a smile: "This gift is really rare, thank you for your hard work."

As he spoke, he handed over a heavy purse.

Zhuo Fu immediately clasped his fists and declined: "You guys are just following orders, you don't dare-"

"Just take it." Shen Yanchuan's lips curved, "She won't talk about you."

He had spoken in person, so these people naturally did not dare to refuse. After hearing the second half of the sentence, several people looked at each other and finally accepted.

"Thank you, my dear prince!"

Seeing them put away their bags, Yuncheng's smile deepened, and then he personally sent a few of them out.

Zhuo Fu knew Yuncheng, and he knew in his heart that although this gentleman was not a prominent figure, he was definitely worthy of his reputation in Dingbei Hou Mansion.

At this time, Yuncheng treated them politely, which really surprised them.

"Master Yuncheng, you don't have to give it away." Zhuo Fu still felt that it was not quite real as he held the purse.

Who would have thought that when they came to the Dingbei Hou Mansion, they not only met the Crown Prince, but also received such a generous reward?

Although Zhuo Fu has a calm mind, he never expected to receive such treatment.

Yuncheng smiled and said: "You guys don't have to be restrained. The wine is precious, but Miss Ye Er's friendship is even more priceless. Don't be nervous if you come again in the future."

Zhuofu and others were stunned for a moment.


Come again?

Yuncheng's idea is actually very simple - we are all one family sooner or later, and it is always right to have a good relationship.

He said a few more words, his attitude was polite and gentle, and made people feel very friendly.

Several people finally left happily.

On the other side, Lian Zhou looked at the five jars of wine lined up in the room and was amazed.

"This wine jar! It's much bigger than what they sell in the restaurant! Even the jug of wine in the snow that Princess Qinyang got is incomparable!"

He could even smell the faint scent of wine.

"Master, tell me, Miss Ye Er brought this directly from the winery, right?" Lian Zhou smacked his lips.

Shen Yanchuan looked at the five jars of wine and raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Maybe." Lian Zhou was so greedy that he was filled with envy.

"Miss Ye Er is so generous! She really gave it away as she said she would! And there are so many more!"

As he spoke, he peeked at his master.

If the master is happy, maybe he can reward him——

"I heard that the winery of Yunlai Winery was built by Miss Ye Er herself, and there are still a few jars of wine she brewed herself."

Yuncheng, who had just returned, added at the right moment,
"Master, could it be that these five altars were made by Miss Ye Er?"

Lian Zhou turned around in disbelief.

——You piece of shit! The flattery even got on my head! ?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the corners of my master's lips twitching.

Not to be outdone, Lian Zhou said boldly: "Master, Miss Ye Er has not left the door these past few days, but as soon as she knew you were back, she immediately sent someone to deliver wine. It shows that she cares about you very much - she cares about you!"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at him with a half-smile.

Naturally, he was happy not only because of the wine, but also because of the deep meaning hidden in the wine.

That woman was born with a delicate heart. She must have known that after he returned to Beijing, he would know that she was involved in the trouble of Gao's death.

Sending this wine at this time means that she has her own way of dealing with it, so there is no need to worry.


She never puts herself in danger easily and never does anything she's not sure about.

"You all should step back. You should have a good rest after running back day and night. Besides, if you want anything, you can go to the warehouse and get it yourself."

Lian Zhou's eyes suddenly lit up - this is more than a jar of wine!
As far as the master's warehouse is concerned, just one piece would be worth a fortune, making a lot of money!
"Yes! Thank you, Master!"

Yuncheng glanced at him, shook his head and smiled.

What are you thinking? These five jars of wine are not theirs at all!

In the eyes of the master, I'm afraid there is no treasure that can compare with it.

"Subordinates retire."


Murong Ye sent four maids, all of them looked smart.

Ye Shixian chose the oldest one named Hongtao as her personal maid, and returned the remaining three.

At a glance, Hong Tao knew that she was trained in a wealthy family. Every move she made was filled with indescribable arrogance, unlike any ordinary girl.

And she was very organized in her work. After only three days here, she had everything sorted out.

Because everyone knew that she was sent by Murong Ye, they were extra polite and respectful to her. Soon, Hongtao became the person in the house who spoke with the most weight except Ye Shixian.

Even Shaoyao, who had been with Ye Shixian for several years and was extremely popular, was suppressed.

In addition, Ye Shixian was also very indifferent to Shaoyao, and everyone acted according to the prevailing situation, making Shaoyao's life even more difficult.

At noon that day, Shaoyao came to Ye Shixian's door carrying chicken soup that had been stewed for an hour. He wanted to replenish her body, but to his surprise, he heard someone talking inside.

"Miss, do you really plan to send her back?"

Shaoyao froze.

The person who spoke was Hong Tao, whom she had a very difficult time dealing with!
Then, Ye Shixian's voice came from inside the house.

"She grew up with me. Originally, I thought that when she gets older, I can find a good marriage for her so that I can live up to her hard work over the years. But..."

She sighed,
"Since something happened at home, this girl's temperament has become increasingly surly. She doesn't do things as she used to, and she doesn't say what she means. I know I'm not what I used to be, but she really disappoints me. Compared to you, she's really far behind. Far. Instead of doing this, let her go earlier."

Like a basin of cold water pouring down the head, a cold chill swept through the body, making Shaoyao couldn't help but tremble all over.

Hongtao asked with a smile: "Do you want your slave to go talk to her for you?"

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