Chapter 360 There is only one death! (Second update)
Ye Shixian smiled and glanced at Hong Tao.

"Okay, I can rest assured that you are doing things safely."

Although she didn't like people staying around her and monitoring her every move at any time, Peony couldn't stay.

Weighing the two aspects, Ye Shixian knew exactly what she should choose.

Hongtao is also very satisfied with her decision.

"Don't worry, young lady, I'll spare you the trouble, slave."

She was reluctant to come at first. After all, she was also a well-known maid in Murong's house. She was sent to serve a down-and-out daughter for no reason. What was going on?
As the saying goes, a down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, Hong Tao actually despises Ye Shixian in her heart.

His father was exiled, his own brother died of illness, and his own mother also hanged herself. Who wouldn't say a word of bad luck?
However, the master promised her that as long as she finished the errands here, he would take her to the young master's room in the future.

Hong Tao couldn't resist such a big temptation, so she came.

After serving Ye Shixian, Hongtao withdrew.

After leaving the room, she ordered someone to call Shaoyao, but after waiting for a long time, the girl who went to deliver the message came back by herself.

"Sister Hongtao, Sister Shaoyao said that she doesn't feel very well. It may be due to the cold wind last night and she was infected with the wind-chill. She is afraid that she will be sick after the illness, so she dare not go out."

Hong Tao's face didn't look good, but she didn't get angry in front of him.

"In that case, please ask her to have a good rest first. Her health is important."

It's not like she has never seen such methods before. There are many reasons for people below to cheat and act sneaky.

It's just that she has only been here for three days, and that Shaoyao acted like this. He really didn't take her seriously!

Hong Tao naturally refused to swallow this breath and called the little girl back.

"Go and tell her that I'm done here and will go see her later."

Hongtao deliberately hung the peony and waited for her to come over and admit her mistake. Anyone with a brain would be restless after hearing her words.

But after waiting and waiting, until Hong Tao finished all the things at hand, Shaoyao still didn't come.

Now her eight points of anger became ten points.

Hongtao went directly to Shaoyao's room, intending to teach this lowly slave girl a lesson, but she called several times outside the door, but no one answered.

Hongtao frowned, opened the door and walked in.


The house was empty.

Hongtao realized something was wrong and searched the room carefully again, confirming that Shaoyao was indeed not there. Only the drawer at the head of the bed was half open, empty inside, with signs of having been rummaged through.

There was also a bowl of cold chicken soup on the small table. It was greasy and exuded an unpleasant fishy smell.

Hongtao's expression changed completely, and she turned around and walked quickly to Ye Shixian's room.

At this time, Ye Shixian was sitting at the table, holding a brush in hand, thinking about where to start this letter to Ye Heng.

Murong Ye said, calculating the time, he should have arrived in Tongbei by this time.

Murong Ye also promised her that he would help find someone to deliver her letter, and also send some money, warm clothes, etc.

Just sitting here for a long time, until the ink on the pen dripped onto the paper and smeared out a trace of ink, Ye Shixian still couldn't write a single word.

Her lips were pursed tightly, her face seemed to be very tangled and painful, and there was a hint of struggle in her eyes.


Hongtao walked in, interrupting Ye Shixian's thoughts. Ye Shixian was angry, but she still suppressed her temper and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hong Tao stepped forward with a subtle expression.

"Miss, Shaoyao seems to have escaped."


Ye Shixian didn't react for a moment.

"Yes. The slave just went to look for her, but no one answered after calling outside the door for a long time. Then the slave went in and found that the room was empty and Peony had disappeared—"

Ye Shixian stood up suddenly, her face looking very ugly.

"When did she run away? Where did she go?"

Hongtao was also startled by her reaction and opened her mouth: "This, this slave doesn't know..."

"Send someone out to look for it immediately!"

Ye Shixian's voice was sharp because of her anger, and even her facial features were slightly distorted. She looked really angry.

While Hong Tao responded, she was shocked and confused in her heart. Wasn't it just a maid who ran away? Why was Ye Shixian so angry?
In the past, it was rumored that Ye Shixian was gentle and virtuous. Even after Hong Tao came for a few days, they always thought that she was a soft-tempered rich lady.

But at this moment, Hongtao realized that she seemed to have thought wrong.

But she didn't have time to think so much. In Ye Shixian's rage, she quickly went out and called everyone in the house over.

Of course, there were no more than ten people serving in this small courtyard. They stood there sparsely, looking at each other, not knowing what was going on.

But soon, they found out what happened - Shaoyao took his own deed of betrayal and ran away secretly!
Of course, this is what Ye Shixian came up with to say it to the outside world.

Anyone who heard it for the first time would subconsciously think that Shaoyao did such a thing because she felt that life here was too hard and didn't want to stay any longer.

Hongtao asked everyone one by one, trying to find some clues, but after listening, she discovered that no one knew when Shaoyao ran away.

As for where she went, it's even less clear.

Ye Shixian's face turned blue with anger: "Go out and look for her! She was still waiting in the house at noon. Even if she ran away, she would not have had time to leave the city by now. Whoever finds her will be rewarded heavily!"

Everyone responded in unison and soon went out to search for each other.

The courtyard quickly became quiet, with only Hong Tao and Ye Shixian left.

Hongtao hesitated for a moment, then asked: "We still have too few people. The capital is so big, it is not easy to find someone. Where do you think...she is most likely to go?"

You know how difficult it would be to look for a maid who is determined to escape like a headless fly.

Ye Shixian almost gritted her teeth.

Of course she understands this!
But Shaoyao has nowhere to go in the capital. Who knows where she will go?
Ye Shixian turned around and headed towards Shaoyao's room, and Hongtao quickly followed.

The moment she saw the bowl of chicken soup on the table, Ye Shixian immediately understood - Shaoyao must have heard her conversation with Shaoyao!

Shaoyao saw her staring at the bowl of chicken soup and finally understood.

"Could it be that she happened to hear you saying that you wanted to send her back to your hometown? But even so, there is no need for her to run away, right?"

Ye Shixian said nothing.

Of course Hongtao wouldn't understand. Shaoyao's uncle's house was a fire pit. If she was driven back, she would definitely be beaten to death.

Of course, more importantly, she would never have the chance to return to her hometown.

Because both Shaoyao and her knew very well that this time, they were going to send Shaoyao on the road!
There is only one death waiting for Shaoyao!

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