Chapter 36 Offended her?

Shen Yanchuan withdrew his gaze, his expression was calm and indifferent, he didn't seem to care, and made it clear that he didn't intend to make this deal with Xie Anbai.

He was already investigating Ye Chutang, and he would know what he wanted to know, so why waste time and energy fighting with Xie Anbai.

Seeing his reaction, Xie Anbai quit.

"Hey, no, you're really not curious at all?" He still hoped to get some money from Shen Yanchuan with this news!Who knew that Shen Yanchuan had no such plan at all!

Unwilling to be reconciled, Xie Anbai leaned forward: "Really! Exclusive news! I guarantee that you won't lose money if you buy it! For the sake of our many years of friendship, I'll give you a cheap price: 1000 taels!"

Shen Yanchuan picked up his teacup and sipped lightly, without a single wink.

Xie Anbai gritted his teeth: "Then... 800 taels?"

Shen Yanchuan remained silent.

Xie Anbai took a deep breath: "500 taels! It can't be lowered!"

Shen Yanchuan remained calm.

Xie Anbai couldn't take it anymore: "300 taels! Let me know if you can succeed!"

Shen Yanchuan finally glanced sideways: "100 taels. If you want to talk, just say it, don't talk and leave."

"..." Xie Anbai was in pain, it was all because he was too anxious to go out and forgot to bring a bag, otherwise he wouldn't have to bargain with this man so lowly!

He stretched out his hand.

Shen Yanchuan winked at Lianzhou, and Lianzhou immediately stepped forward and handed over a bank note.

Xie Anbai checked it twice, carefully put the banknote into his arms, and then snorted: "I said you like her, but you still don't admit it. If it was another woman, you wouldn't even take a second look at her." Yes, why are you still willing to spend money to inquire about the other party's news?"

Shen Yanchuan was too lazy to explain to him: "Say."

Xie Anbai didn't talk nonsense, put away the folding fan with a "shua", and said mysteriously: "I have inquired, this Doctor Ye came from the north with her brothers and sisters three years ago. You must also understand this." I already know, but—do you know where her origin is?"

Shen Yanchuan's eyes moved slightly.

"you know?"

Ye Chutang and the others have been in Jiangling for three years, but no one knows where they came from, but Xie Anbai's tone is very firm.

Xie Anbai's eyes showed a bit of satisfaction.

He chuckled, lowered his voice, and said, "You never would have guessed that they——come from the capital!"

Shen Yanchuan's fingers holding the teacup tightened instantly, but his expression remained calm.



The appearance of Mrs. Cao completely disrupted Cao Deping's plan.

After she yelled out, after a brief silence around her, there was a sudden commotion!
"What did she say? The three people who died in Cao Chengwen's yard before had something to do with the Cao family?"

"Hiss——according to this, Cao Deping deliberately asked Cao Chengwen to find those people to do things! But in the end, it probably didn't work out, and they died in Cao's house instead..."

"I've long suspected that there was something wrong with that case, and sure enough! What did those people want to go to Cao's house in the middle of the night? And three against one, it was Cao Chengwen who survived in the end! No one thinks this is normal!"

"But what do they want to do? Didn't Liu Si plead guilty at the very beginning?"

Cao Deping was in a cold sweat when he heard it, and flustered like never before.

He was holding on to Mrs. Cao tightly, and was about to force her to leave, but just as he took a step, he was stopped by an officer.

Yang Zhen asked in a deep voice: "Cao Deping! What she said just now is true!?"

When Cao Deping turned his head, he was angry, anxious and panicked, but there were many things he couldn't say in public.

Seeing his expression, Yang Zhen thought he still wanted to deny it, so he patted the table suddenly.

"Tell me! Did you find those three people from the casino! What is the purpose!"

Cao Deping's lips turned white, trembling and unable to speak.

At this moment, Cao Chengwen's sneer suddenly came from the side.

"We were the ones looking for it. The casino has a close relationship with our Cao family. Isn't it easy to find a few people to handle things?"

Cao Deping looked at him suddenly, the veins on his forehead popped out: "Bastard! What are you talking about!"

The joy of revenge appeared on Cao Chengwen's face, and his facial features were distorted.

When he pushed him out with his own hands just now, he should have thought of this moment!
Cao Chengwen suddenly turned his head to look at Yang Zhen, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yang Zhen's heart skipped a beat twice, and for some reason, there was a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The next moment, he finally knew where the anxiety came from.

Cao Chengwen said in a strange tone: "If there is no cousin, those people in the casino may not be willing to give this face. Speaking of it, I would like to thank the county magistrate."

The whole place was silent.

Yang Zhen's expression changed instantly.


The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curled up, very satisfied with today's big show.

From Cao Chengwen to Cao Deping to Liu Yiyi, they all have to pay for what they have done.

In full view, Yang Zhen has only two choices: the first is to give up his official career, openly cover up, and let this matter go away again.The second type is to kill relatives righteously, throwing away this blocking stone in front of you.

In his heart, is the woman he likes more important, or——

"Come on!"

Yang Zhen yelled violently with a livid face, every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth,
"Bring Liu Yiyi!"

Ye Chutang nodded slightly.

Oh, he's already made a choice.

She didn't have any interest in watching the rest of the drama, so she turned around and planned to leave.

Hastily footsteps came from the side, she glanced casually, it was Mrs Zhou who came.

At first, I thought it would be too late to send Liu Si, but when we arrived at the execution ground, Mrs. Zhou discovered that Liu Si hadn't been executed yet!
She stood there in a daze, listening to the growing discussion among the people around her, she could hardly believe it.

Afterwards, she finally found Ye Chutang's figure, and the moment her eyes met, she saw the woman smiling at her.

Zhou's tears welled up instantly.

The next moment, the woman turned around and left, and the breeze came, blowing her skirt.

Her face was calm, her black eyes were warm, and her whole body was filled with a peaceful and peaceful temperament, which was incompatible with this noisy and violent environment.

Like a spring crabapple swaying gently in the wind.

Ye Chutang went out for a while, and when he passed the teahouse, he seemed to look up unintentionally.

A man in a moon-white brocade robe sat by the window, looking down from a height.

——Have you seen enough excitement?
Shen Yanchuan's thin lips curled up, and he nodded slightly as a gesture.

——It was wonderful.

Ye Chutang didn't want to argue with him, so he looked away and continued to walk forward.

It's late, Ah Feng should have cooked the meal, she has to go back early, otherwise those few have been waiting for her, and the meal will be cold.

Thinking of this, she speeded up her pace quietly.

Shen Yanchuan looked at her leaving back, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

She actually... is from the capital?

Then she and Xu Fengchi——

"Hey, I said—" Xie Anbai asked gloatingly, "Why does the girl run away when she sees you? This is the first time you are so disliked by others, right? What did you do to offend him?"

(End of this chapter)

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