Chapter 37 Old Accounts
Shen Yanchuan didn't answer his words, but asked another question.

"You said she was from the capital city, but I remember that there was a famine in the north three years ago, and the capital city was not included. Since she never encountered a great famine, how could she go all the way south and come to Jiangling?"

Xie Anbai scratched his head.

"I don't know, or—"

He chuckled: "Ask yourself?"

Since you like people, it is always good to know more about them!
Shen Yanchuan leaned back in the chair, gently stroking the teacup with his slender fingers like jade.

You don't need to think about it, you know, Ye Chutang will definitely not say it, and it is useless to ask.

She seemed to keep her family's past secret, otherwise she would not have been in Jiangling for three years, and everyone still didn't know much about their past.

If it's just a simple escape from famine, why is it so secretive?

Xie Anbai couldn't figure out what Shen Yanchuan was thinking, so he simply mentioned another matter: "By the way, when do you plan to return to the capital?"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes: "What?"

Xie Anbai chuckled: "Well, what I mean is, if you plan to go back one day, you must tell me in advance and leave me some money—"

Otherwise, he was penniless and floating outside, how hard life would be!

Shen Yanchuan pondered for a moment, and said: "I will leave when my injury is completely healed, but - by then, I probably won't have any extra money for you."

Lian Zhou nodded vigorously behind him with a sad face.

--That's right!With Ye Chutang's black heart, if they stayed for a while longer, they might not only spend all their money, but also owe a whole lot of debt!
No matter how rich the master is, he won't be able to withstand her goofing!

Xie Anbai: "..."

Outrageous, really outrageous!

Which good guy has used her as a shield before he can catch up with her girl!
He got up angrily: "You are noble! You use money to make Dr. Ye happy, but you don't care about your brother's life at all! You really have a daughter-in-law and forget about your brother! Just treat me as a blind man!"

He actually even helped to investigate Dr. Ye, and tried every means to match up for his brother, but he was the one who complained!


It was past noon when Ye Chutang returned home.

But Ah Yan, Ah Feng and Xiao Wu hadn't eaten yet, they sat at the table and waited for her together.

Originally, the two brothers wanted to go with Ye Chutang, but Ye Chutang refused.

It's not that I'm afraid of blood, but I don't think it's necessary.

You can already see the ending, why waste time and energy.

"Sister is back!"

Ah Feng's sharp eyes saw Ye Chutang first, and he immediately cried out in surprise.

Ah Yan immediately raised his head, and seeing her returning with ease, his hanging heart finally let go.

Xiao Wu didn't know the inside story, but felt that she hadn't seen Sister A for a long time, and missed her very much, so she ran over and threw herself into her arms.

Ye Chutang rubbed her little head: "Eat."

Ye Yunfeng endured and endured, but couldn't hold back: "Sister, what' is it outside?"

Ye Jingyan also looked over, obviously paying close attention to this matter.

"It's more troublesome." Ye Chutang said.

The two brothers immediately tensed up.

Ye Chutang tilted his head and said, "Jiangling may have to change to a county magistrate."

"What!?" Ye Jingyan was stunned, thinking that the best result today would be to make the Cao family and his son pay for what they did, but who knew that the county magistrate would be involved?

Ye Yunfeng didn't think too much about it, and immediately said happily: "That's a good thing! When those three lives were caused, he protected the Cao family. He doesn't deserve to be the county magistrate at all!"

After experiencing these things that happened during this period, he wanted to understand a lot of things.

"With such a parent officer, if he doesn't have any skills, he will be bullied to death!" Ye Yunfeng snorted, "If it weren't for Sister, how could we sit here and eat properly?"

Ye Yunfeng became more and more excited as he spoke, but when he turned his head, he saw that his elder sister was still indifferent and didn't care much.

He couldn't help asking: "Sister, aren't you happy? This is a good thing!"

Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. It’s not that there is no reward, the time has not yet come!
Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows lightly: "What's there to be happy about? Another one, must it be better than the current one?"

"This—" Ye Yunfeng choked suddenly.

He really hadn't thought about it this way before, but when Sister Ah said it, he realized that it wasn't impossible.

Ye Chutang continued to speak softly: "At any time, the only thing people can rely on is themselves. If you place all your hopes on others, you will lose everything in the end."

Ye Yunfeng's originally turbulent mood calmed down a lot in an instant.

He lowered his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "What sister said is true, I remember it!"

Ye Chutang shook his head: "It doesn't matter, what kind of county magistrate comes to Jiangling, it has nothing to do with us."

Ye Jingyan's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed something: "Sister, what do you mean—"

Ye Chutang's black eyes were quiet, and he said: "Pack up your things during this time, let's go back to the capital."


Ye Yunfeng was taken aback and reacted the most,
"But sister, we had a hard time..."

The rest of the words were not spoken, but they all understood the meaning.

They all thought that they would never set foot in the capital again in this life, but who would have thought that Sister would suddenly——

Ye Yunfeng pursed his lips tightly: "Sister, is someone bullying you? Tell me, and I will teach them a lesson for you!"

Ye Chutang shook his head.

"It has nothing to do with the recent events, but it's mainly for you. Ah Yan is already thirteen. If he stays in the academy here, he will be buried for the rest of his life. As for you, Ah Feng, didn't you like the capital the most before? You don't want to go back?"

"But—" Ye Yunfeng didn't know what to say, and his chest swelled inexplicably.

He likes the bustling and bustling capital city, but those things are far less than the significance of Ajie and the others to him.

He wanted to persuade him again, but met Ye Chutang's calm and gentle eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly understood——

"Sister, you, you have already planned to go back, haven't you?"

Ye Chutang smiled.

"The time has come, I have to go back and settle some old accounts."

Ye Jingyan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "I'll go wherever Sister is going."

Xiao Wu was confused, and looked left and right with his big black grape-like eyes.

She didn't have any impression of the capital, so naturally she didn't know what they were talking about, but - she was the same as the third brother!Wherever sister goes, she will go!
Ye Yunfeng tightened his fists: "I listen to my sister!"

No matter what he will face after returning home, he will protect Sister and the others to the end!

Ye Chutang nodded, thinking of something, and said, "It's only April, and it's not the time for the Imperial Academy to officially enroll students. I'll write a letter later, and when I get to the capital, you two can go directly, so as not to delay your studies."

(End of this chapter)

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