Chapter 362 Poison Oath (Second update)
The boy was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Y-that should be it...but why do you ask?"

Ye Chutang held Xiao Wu's hand and slightly curved his eyes.

"After being bored at home these days, it's time to go out and have some fun."


Time gradually passed, and Ye Shixian was filled with anxiety.

She knew that many people were looking at her at this moment, but she couldn't care less.

Right now, she only regrets one thing - not being able to detect Shaoyao's strange intentions earlier!

Seeing that the door was still closed, Ye Shixian finally couldn't hold back anymore and stepped forward.

"I must enter this gate today!"

The boy guarding the door was naturally not polite, and Hong Tao was also taken aback, and subconsciously stopped Ye Shixian.

"Miss Ye! What are you doing!"

If I had known that Ye Shixian was so difficult to take care of, she would never have come!
Hong Tao looked around and lowered her voice: "If the young master finds out about this later, I'm afraid he will be unhappy! Please listen to my advice, let's not..."

But how can Ye Shixian still listen?

She shook off Hong Tao's hand and tried to force her way in.

"She Ye Chutang harmed my mother, don't I even have the right to come to her and ask for an explanation!?"

Hong Tao was caught off guard and pushed away by her, staggering a few steps and almost falling to the ground.

Ye Shixian has already rushed forward.

However, at this moment, the door creaked and slowly opened to both sides.

Ye Chutang held Xiao Wu and stood quietly.

The crowd suddenly burst into an uproar——

"The door is open! Ye Chutang is out!"

"She is willing to show up. I thought she would hide in there for the rest of her life!"

"How is that possible? It has been several days since the incident happened, and it is the day when Shuntian Mansion will close the case soon. Even if she doesn't want to come out, she can't go against the government, right?"

"That's right. Although Ye Shixian is a bit extreme, it is not incomprehensible. Whose mother was killed and can still be calm?"

"That's right, if I were her, I couldn't bear it even these few days and would have come to her door a long time ago! Why can someone who hurts others live in peace and pretend that nothing happened?"

"Um... I remember that the death of Gao has not yet been concluded. The government has not released any results yet. Why are they all determined to be Ye Chutang? I heard that there were some traces at the scene. It didn't look like a suicide, but more like a suicide. He killed..."

"How could it be a homicide? The yard they live in is so remote and not very big. If someone sneaked in in the middle of the night to do something, how could no one notice it?"


People gathered around and said anything.

But it was obvious that most people were on Ye Shixian's side.

When they saw Ye Chutang appear, many people showed disgust.

Ye Chutang ignored it and just looked at Ye Shixian lightly.

"The seven-day period has not come yet. I wonder what kind of explanation you are asking for when you come to my place?"

Her tone was calm, but her body seemed to be enveloped by an invisible aura, making people unconsciously alienated and awe-stricken.

Especially when the pair of dark and quiet eyes looked over, it was like there was a whirlpool hidden under the calm lake surface, which could easily swallow up everything.

Ye Shixian's heart trembled, and for some reason she felt timid and took a step back.

But she quickly realized that if she was so cowardly and fell into the eyes of others, wouldn't she feel guilty! ?

What is she so guilty about?
Thinking of this, Ye Shixian plucked up her courage again, looking past Ye Chutang and looking behind her.

There is no sign of peony.

But this does not prove that peony is not hidden here. Ye Shixian gritted her teeth and said, "Ye Chutang, don't think you can hide it from the public. Sooner or later, people will know what you have done!"

Ye Chutang actually smiled, as if he heard some joke.

She asked, "I'm hiding something from the truth? What do you mean?"

"You——" Ye Shixian suddenly became speechless.

Of course she couldn't say in public that she came to see Peony.

She stared at Ye Chutang closely, carefully observing Ye Chutang's expression, trying to find out something from her face.
But Ye Chutang's face was calm and calm, he didn't dodge or evade, but he looked magnanimous.

She held it in for a while, not knowing how to respond to Ye Chutang's words, but Ye Chutang had already noticed the red peach behind her and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Second Aunt has just left and her body is still cold, but you still have time to find yourself a maid?"

Ye Shixian's heart skipped a beat.

Hongtao didn't expect that there was something of her own here, but she had to speak:
"Mr. Murong was worried that Miss Ye would be overly grieved after losing her mother suddenly, so he sent his servants to take care of her."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Everyone knows clearly what the relationship between Murong Ye and Ye Shixian is.

When a sweetheart encounters something like this, it is normal for him to be more concerned about it.

Ye Shixian's heart also felt a little calmer.

She stared at Ye Chutang resentfully: "You have no right to mention my mother!"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips were slightly raised, but there was a coldness in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

"I didn't harm her, why am I not qualified to mention it?"

Ye Shixian's voice was sharp: "You said you didn't do it, but you really didn't do it!? You -"

"I, Ye Chutang, have sacrificed my whole family's lives today: If I kill the Gao family, all of them will not end well!" Ye Chutang suddenly interrupted her words, speaking in a cold tone.

All the noisy sounds disappeared instantly, and countless people looked stunned.

Who would have thought that Ye Chutang would dare to make such a poisonous oath!
Even Ye Shixian was stunned. She forgot everything she had thought about and just stood there stiffly.

Ye Chutang looked at her who suddenly became mute with indifferent eyes, and continued: "At the same time, I also pray with all my heart: Those who murder the Gao family will be punished by breaking the car and Lingchi, and will not die a good death!"

"Ye Chutang!"

A sharp and shrill voice cut through the silence of the long street.

Ye Shixian's expression was distorted, she was panting violently, her chest was heaving, her whole body was shaking, and her face was as pale as a ghost.

Ye Chutang looked directly at her and asked slowly -

"Why, can't you hear this?"

Ye Shixian's mind was in a mess and she wanted to open her mouth to speak, but she couldn't spit out a word.

Everyone also noticed something was wrong and gradually became commotion.

"What's going on? Ye Chutang swore poison, but Ye Shixian was anxious?"

"Isn't there something wrong with this?"

"Why do I feel that Ye Chutang is so open and honest, but Ye Shixian is the one on the other side? There is something wrong..."

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they quickly take root.

Ye Chutang's words were so cruel and so frank that others were at a loss.

In contrast, Ye Shixian's reaction was very strange.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the distance.

Ye Shixian subconsciously looked back and saw Zhang Qian leading a group of officers and soldiers coming quickly!

Seeing Ye Shixian, he waved his hand solemnly.

"Ye Shixian is suspected of killing Gao. He will be arrested immediately and sent to a prison!"

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