Chapter 363 Kill! (first update)
Ye Shixian's mind went blank for an instant!
The last trace of blood on her face faded, her lips trembled slightly, and she looked like a ghost.

Everyone else present was also shocked.

"I-did I hear it correctly? He just said that Ye Shixian... killed Gao? She killed her own mother!?"

The news was so explosive that many people thought they were confused.

However, if one person can make a mistake, can so many people make a mistake together?
"I heard it too! It's clear! That adult was talking about Ye Shixian killing Gao!"

After a brief silence, the crowd was in an uproar!
Gao's death has caused a lot of uproar in the past few days, and many people are complaining about Ye Shixian, but who would have thought that such a shocking turn would happen in the end!

"How is that possible? Who in this world could be so cruel that he could even kill his own mother?!"

In shock, the first reaction of many people was disbelief.

Ye Shixian looks slender and weak, how could she do such a thing?
What's more, since Ye Heng's accident, she and Gao have been dependent on each other. No matter how she thinks about it, she has no reason to do this!

At the moment when everyone was stunned, the officers and soldiers quickly rushed forward and surrounded Ye Shixian.

At this moment, Ye Shixian finally came to her senses.

Seeing that the officer and soldier were about to take action, she immediately shouted: "Who dares to touch me!"

Hongtao was also stunned by this sudden scene, and her ears kept thinking about Zhang Qian's words just now, which made her heart skip a beat.

In desperation, she hurriedly stepped forward: "Sir! Did you arrest the wrong person? Gao is Miss Ye's biological mother, how could she have killed someone!?"

Zhang Qian gave her a cold look: "She is the only one who knows best whether she did it or not!"

Hong Tao became anxious. She was not worried about Ye Shixian, but - if something happened to Ye Shixian, the young master would definitely be involved!
Moreover, she had been with Ye Shixian these past few days, and even she would have to be interrogated carefully.

Ye Shixian's heart beat rapidly.

She forced herself to calm down: "Mr. Zhang, you said that I killed my mother, do you have any evidence? Otherwise, if you arrest someone for no reason, where is the law?"

Zhang Qian looked at her and narrowed his eyes.

Ye Shixian today is completely different from the one she saw before.

That timid and pitiful girl finally tore through the deceptive appearance at this moment, revealing the viciousness in her bones.

He said coldly: "Not to mention physical evidence, there are also human witnesses!"

If he was not sure, how could he come to arrest people with such fanfare at this time?

Ye Shixian's heart sank, and a ridiculous guess suddenly appeared in her mind.

Zhang Qian's attitude is so tough, he must have found something. Could it be... peony! ?
As soon as this thought passed through her mind, she heard Zhang Qian scold him coldly: "Your personal maid Shaoyao personally reported that it was you who strangled Mr. Gao to death that day!"

His voice was so powerful that everyone present could hear it clearly.

Ye Shixian swayed a little, almost unsteady on her feet.

It turns out to be turns out to be her!
Ye Shixian had never felt so regretful for a moment - she never thought that that wretched maid sneaked out and went directly to Shuntian Mansion!

If she could have thought of this earlier, if she could have stopped Shaoyao in time, she wouldn't have——

Suddenly, Ye Shixian opened her eyes wide and suddenly turned back to look at Ye Chutang!
She wasted too much time here. If Ye Chutang hadn't been delayed and made her mistakenly think that peony was hidden here, how could she have delayed it until now! ?
Meeting her shocked gaze, Ye Chutang's eyes slightly curved.

——It seems that we have caught up.

Ye Shixian's breathing stopped suddenly. At this moment, her mind went blank, leaving only a voice echoing sharply in her ears.

She did it on purpose...Ye Chutang clearly did it on purpose!

She had known what Shaoyao was going to do for a long time, and she deliberately made such a gesture to give Shaoyao time and opportunity, and went to Shuntian Mansion to report!
But Shaoyao has never been out in the past few days, so there is no chance of colluding with Ye Chutang. Then... Ye Chutang had already guessed that it was her who did it! ?
Ye Shixian felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her limbs were cold and the blood in her body seemed to have solidified.

No wonder after the incident, there were a lot of rumors from the outside world, but Ye Chutang remained unmoved.

No wonder Ye Chutang was willing to make such a poisonous oath.

No wonder...

She already knew it!
All the previous events were finally connected by an invisible rope at this moment.

Unspeakable fear welled up from the depths of her heart. Ye Shixian had never felt like this before, as if every thought she had was easily seen through. All her nastiness and filthiness were exposed to the blazing sun, making her She has no place to hide.

Every step she takes, there are deeper traps waiting for her!
Hearts are going crazy.

"Sir, although that Shaoyao is the young lady's maid, you can't believe her words at all! You don't know something. She has been lazy and disobedient recently. The young lady couldn't bear to blame her too much. She wanted to send her back to her hometown. It would be a good idea. After we got together, she heard it and ran away! My Lord, this must be revenge on purpose by that girl!"

Zhang Qian glanced at her: "It seems that you have only been to Ye's house for a few days. How come you know these things so well? Who knows how true or false your words are?"

"I -" Hong Tao was dumbfounded. She couldn't think of anything to say in response, so she had to turn around anxiously, "Miss, how can you swallow this breath after being slandered like this!?"

Zhang Qian chuckled with unknown meaning.

"If it's a false accusation, why hasn't it taken so long to clarify or respond?"

Everyone can see that Ye Shixian's reaction is indeed very problematic.

The word "guilty" was written on her face!
"If you are really wronged, I will clear your name. But if there is no... the principle of murder to pay for life, you should understand, right?"

There was a roar in Ye Shixian's ears, and she fainted without taking a breath.

Zhang Qian waved his hand,

"take away!"


After a period of chaos, Liuwan Lane finally regained its tranquility.

The onlookers gradually dispersed, leaving the streets empty.

But I also know that what happened here today will definitely spread throughout the capital quickly.


Prince Qi's Mansion.

The dark cloud that had shrouded everyone for more than a month finally dissipated, and the whole house was rejoicing, just like the Chinese New Year.

To them, the Second Highness's release from the ban meant that he had not completely lost his Sacred Heart.

After all, His Majesty still loves the extremely talented son that the imperial concubine gave him.

Even Xiao Chengxuan has swept away the gloom of the past and is in a good mood.

I also drank several more drinks.

After shaking the empty wine jar, Xiao Chengxuan immediately called someone over: "Get more——"

A slender white hand stretched out from the side and gently covered the rim of the cup.

"Drinking is harmful to your health. Brother Huang has drunk enough today, why don't you stop drinking?"

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