Chapter 364 Xiao Lanxi (second update)

The soft and soft voice is like a trickle of water, making people feel empty.

Xiao Chengxuan raised his eyes.

The sweet and innocent girl in front of her seemed to have just realized that she had overstepped her bounds, and immediately retracted her hand, with embarrassment appearing on her fair face.

"...Lan Xi has overstepped her bounds, please forgive me, brother."

Xiao Chengxuan laughed: "I haven't seen you for several years, but your temperament hasn't changed at all! This is Prince Qi's palace, don't be restrained!"

Xiao Lanxi was a little helpless: "Brother, please stop making fun of me."

Xiao Chengxuan was in a good mood, so he naturally didn't care about such trivial matters. He put down the wine jar in his hand and waved to the servant who had just come over with the wine.

"Go down! The third princess said that I am not allowed to drink too much today."

Xiao Lanxi blushed slightly.

But she has always had such a gentle temperament. It would take her a long time to argue with others, not to mention that the person in front of her now is Xiao Chengxuan.

"How can I dare to be the emperor's master..."

"Is it the mother-in-law who told you to come and look after this king?"

Xiao Lanxi wanted to deny it, but when she looked up and saw his eyes that had seen through everything, she gave up.

"...My mother-in-law is also thinking about your health, brother."

Xiao Chengxuan chuckled.

"You don't need to say these words to coax me. Don't I know what my mother-in-law is thinking about? She is just afraid that I will get into trouble if I drink!"

His father had just graciously lifted his grounding. If he said something he shouldn't say or did something he shouldn't do while drunk, he might get into trouble again.

Xiao Chengxuan himself knew this very well.

He tapped his temple: "Don't worry, I'm not drunk, my mind is clear!"

There was still a faint hint of worry in Xiao Lanxi's eyes.

"I know that the emperor wants to come to Congrui, and there are rules for everything. It's just that there are many people at this time, so it's always better to be careful."

Xiao Chengxuan nodded at her.

"That's the only bad thing about you: you're too cowardly!"

Xiao Lanxi pursed her lips and smiled: "With my mother-in-law and my brother here, why am I so timid?"

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you for being able to come out so quickly this time." Xiao Chengxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you hadn't donated such a treasure, I don't know when my father would have let go!"

The "treasure" Xiao Chengxuan mentioned was the white deer that Xiao Lanxi brought back to Beijing this time.

Xiao Lanxi smiled lightly: "That is the auspicious sign from heaven, which shows that my father's grace is great and has benefited all the people. He is naturally very happy."

The white deer was found accidentally in a deep mountain. It was very beautiful, so Xiao Lanxi specially presented it as a gift.

Emperor Muwu was so happy that he not only gave Xiao Lanxi, the daughter he disliked the most, a bunch of rewards, but he was also extra merciful and took advantage of the opportunity of the concubine's birthday to let Xiao Chengxuan out.

After Xiao Chengxuan found out about this, he specially invited Xiao Lanxi to his house.

Firstly, they had not seen each other for many years, but now they could finally get together, and secondly, they wanted to thank her.

Xiao Chengxuan slowly turned the wine glass, but was silent for a long time before saying:
"Haha, it's ridiculous to say that when I was in glory, they all came after me, but when I lost power, they all hid far away, not even willing to plead for me!"

In the end, he had to rely on his half-sister for help!

In the past, he had no feelings for this sister from a humble background. Although he had been raised by his mother and concubine for a few years, she had been too well-behaved since she was a child. She was later sent out of the palace to be raised. After not seeing her for a long time, she could not be said to be close to her.

But this time, she really helped him a lot.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to provide help when the time is right. Xiao Chengxuan has been going smoothly for many years, but this is the first time he has encountered such a severe reprimand. He suddenly felt that those people in the past were just mediocre, but this sister who had no sense of existence made him feel warm.

Apart from his mother-in-law and grandfather, she was one of the few people who was willing to share his worries. Xiao Lanxi shook her head slightly when she heard this: "They each have their own difficulties. Brother Emperor, please be considerate."

Xiao Chengxuan only thought it was ridiculous and sneered coldly:
"You are still too soft-hearted. You don't even know how you will be bullied to death by others in the future!"

He didn't bother to explain to her the dirty things in the court, and waved his hand: "That's it! Talking to you so much will only make you more troubled, so let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it!"

Xiao Lanxi didn't seem to be interested in any of this. She nodded slightly and smiled again at the corner of her mouth;
"The imperial brother has lifted the ban, and it coincides with the birthday of my mother and concubine. She must be particularly happy. I specially prepared a birthday gift for my mother and concubine this time-"

Before he finished speaking, a follower walked in quickly.

"Your Highness, I have something to report."

Xiao Lanxi paused and glanced sideways. Anyone who dared to barge in directly at this time must be a trusted person.

Sure enough, Xiao Chengxuan looked slightly calm and asked: "What's the matter?"

The attendant hesitated.

Xiao Lanxi was very sensible and stood up: "Brother Huang, since you have important matters, then I will first——"

"No need."

Xiao Chengxuan asked her to sit down, and then motioned to his entourage to speak frankly,

"The third princess is not an outsider, just say so."

Xiao Lanxi bit her lip, seemingly at a loss.

Hearing this, the attendant spoke directly: "Your Highness, something happened in Ye Mansion."

Xiao Chengxuan became annoyed when he heard these two words, and immediately frowned: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Lanxi's eyelashes trembled slightly.

The entourage said: "Your Highness should still remember that a few days ago, Ye Shixian accused Ye Chutang in the street, saying that she forced her mother to death."

Xiao Chengxuan had just returned to his home not long ago. The reason why he knew this was actually because this matter involved Ye Heng's family members.

Of course, it was also because of Ye Chutang.

"Remember, why, the case at Shuntian Mansion has been investigated?"

"No, and there has been a big reversal." The entourage truthfully reported the news received today, "It was the maid named Shaoyao beside Ye Shixian who ran to Shuntian Mansion and accused Ye Shixian of killing Gao. This Zhang Qian has already sent troops to escort the person back to the prison, saying that he will be tried again. "

"What did you say!?"

Even Xiao Chengxuan was shocked now.

"Then Gao is her own mother! How could she do such a thing?"

"Although it is ridiculous at this time, that Shaoyao and Ye Shixian have a close relationship. Moreover, with Master Zhang Qian's style, if he dares to take someone in the street like this, there should be evidence."

It took Xiao Chengxuan a while to gradually calm down the shock in his heart.

"...So, it was not Ye Chutang who killed Gao, but her biological daughter!?"

Sui never spoke.

He was only responsible for delivering the news, nothing else was his responsibility.

Xiao Chengxuan pondered for a long time and suddenly sneered.

"Everyone in the Ye family is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xiao Lanxi covering her mouth gently, with shock still in her eyes. Then he remembered that for a young girl like her who knew nothing about the world, it must have been a big shock for her to suddenly hear something like this.

"Ye Chutang?"

Xiao Lanxi opened her eyes slightly, her almond-shaped eyes were blank,
"Is it...the Ye Chutang who saved the eldest princess?"

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